Home Lifestyle Health Preparing for a Storm is One Thing; How You Respond is Another

Preparing for a Storm is One Thing; How You Respond is Another


Spring and active weather go hand in hand. In fact, I look at it as a battle that’s underway that takes place in the atmosphere. And please know this is no meteorological explanation, it’s simply one way I look at it.

Winter has gotten comfortable…. But it’s now time for that season to be unseated. So that change can produces instability. And with all the instability, the atmosphere is ripe for- you guessed it- storms. Old man winter knows he has to go, but he doesn’t do so quietly.

And another personal observation, the difference in the type of weather produced by the different seasons helps me visualize that the battle for dominance is also greater.

Spring has to come…. And has to, at times, clash with the current atmospheric tenant to take its rightful place. Maybe someone will get my message here. When it’s time to move on from different places, spaces, attitudes, habits … even relationships  and jobs…. The transition will never be a cake walk.

No, there’s a battle that takes place on so many fronts and during this time, the proper attitude is your greatest weapon. It’s not really about emotion, it’s about the end result when it’s all said and done. Need to move on from a bad relationship? Yes, your emotions will take a beating. But – especially if you know it’s toxic – it’s something that must be done anyway.

Need to make a presentation for a promotion at work, but you’ve had the busiest and most stressful week at work and home ever? The project needs to get done anyway, so best to put your emotions aside and press through to get it done. Have an anger issue that has derailed relationships in the past? If you want to see success – or longevity – in that arena, then therapy and/or new coping skills have to be in order.

Listen, I am certainly not trying to be insensitive, but rather, help all of us walk through these tough seasons and understand the battle that ensues when we make choices to change.

Like the seasons battle it out, there will be a battle in your mind, will and emotions in order to see lasting change. Don’t run from that; instead, be prepared for it and see those better days you’re hoping for in every area of your life.

As always, I’m cheering for you and I’m just an email or phone call away.

Keisa Sharpe is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at keisasharpe@yahoo.com and visit http://www.allsheanaturals.com for natural hair and body products.