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One Act of Kindness


We love celebrating a victor.  We love cheering for the overcomer. And we adore those who triumph over their challenges. I dare say it’s because they made it through (the obstacle). But I want to step back and give a nod to those who are in the middle.

There are people who — right now — are battling a deadly disease. Some are coping with a separation or facing divorce, and it is the most devastating thing they’ve ever encountered. There are others who are facing homelessness and looking to land in their next house safely and securely. There are people who are hungry – desperate to secure their next meal or their next source of continual meals. And then others who are trying to conceive their first child and are having complications along the journey.

I’m talking about those who are in the middle of the battle; those in the throes of the challenge; our brothers and sisters who are enduring current crisis. I don’t know if we stop long enough to think about what that process looks like or how they feel as everything underneath and ahead appears unstable.

Have you ever been there? And have you ever thought about the battle they wage on a day-by-day basis until they get to the other side? Because whether we like it or not, there are some who don’t make it through. This may be an unpopular thought, but it is absolutely true.

So, I wanted to pause a moment and give a nod to those who are in the midst. If you are in the middle and you’re reading this today, we salute you. And we encourage you to keep moving forward. And remember, it’s not always in the large steps, but it could very well be that singular step in this moment that helps you keep hope alive.

If you know of someone facing something, pick up the phone. Perhaps they need you to listen patiently. Or maybe you can share a resource or an encouraging word. And if you’re a person of faith, remember them in prayer. It doesn’t take much, just a smidgeon of empathy.

You never know what your one act of kindness can do to help someone in the midst keep forging forward. If that is you, I encourage you. Another day means another opportunity and open door for you. And if you know someone, I encourage you too. Let’s be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers and show love in action. We need it now more than ever.

Remember, I’m cheering for you, and I believe in you. Don’t allow a temporary situation or challenge to cause you to give up hope. As the saying goes, “You got this!”

Keisa Sharpe is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at keisasharpe@yahoo.com and visit http://www.allsheanaturals.com for natural hair and body products.