Home Classified January 30, 2025

January 30, 2025

By multiple measures, the Birmingham area has seen dramatic declines in unemployment since the pandemic. (Adobe Stock)

















CASE NO. CV-2024-904561




TO:     VONCEIL SANDERS; ESTATE OF ALVIN STEELE; ESTATE OF CLARA STEELE; ESTATE OF ELVIN STEELE; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on November 12, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lot 3, Block 12, according to the map and survey of Druid Hills, being the Suddeth Realty Company’s 6th Addition to Birmingham, as the same is recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, in Map Book 14, Page 3.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Inst. No. 2017058306 as follows: LOT 3 BLK 12 DURID HILLS 6TH ADD


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-26-1-011-021.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for March 7, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.












CASE NO. CV-2024-904469



TO:     JOYCE ALEXANDER; CHANDRA HOUSE; MORCAP, INC.; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on November 6, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


East 33 1/3 feet of Lot 15, Block 145, according to the map and survey of North Birmingham, as recorded in Map Book 1, Page 111, in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2018031055 as follows: E 33 1/3 FT of Lot 15 BLK 145 NO BHAM


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-14-4-042-014.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for February 27, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 11:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.












CASE NO. CV-2024-904602




TO:     CLARA BROWN TAYLOR; ESTATE OF CLARA BROWN TAYLOR; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on November 14, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lot 6, in Block “B”, according to Gallagher’s Map and Survey of the SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 19, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, said map being a plat of “West Highland” Addition to Pratt City, Alabama, as recorded in Map Book 4, Page 74, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama.

It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2024057630 as follows: LOT 6 BLK B MARY E GALLAGHERS MAP OF WEST HIGHLAND ADD TO PRATT CITY


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-19-.3-008-006.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for February 27, 2024, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 11:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.











CASE NO. CV-2024-904578




TO:     LACOREY D. WILLIAMS; FIRST FEDERAL BANK; ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on November 13, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lot 9, Block 2, according to the Survey of Germania Place, as recorded in Map Book 5, Page 35, in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2023095595 as follows:  LOT 9 BLK 2 GERMANIA PLACE


and assigned Parcel ID No. 29-00-08-3-026-018.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for February 27, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 11:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.













CASE NO. CV-2024-904628




TO:     WILLIAM FOSTER; ALMA FOSTER; ESTATE OF JOHN OLIVER SMITH, SR.; ESTATE OF VIVIAN SMITH; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on November 15, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lot 4 in Block 8 of the J. R. Phillips Survey, as recorded in Map Book 5, at Page 7, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, and situated in Jefferson County, Alabama.

It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in 2021001951 as follows: LOT 4 BLK 8 J R PHILLIPS


and assigned Parcel ID No. 23-00-28-3-013-004.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for February 27, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 11:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.













CASE NO. CV-2024-904626




TO:     ESTATE OF TOMMIE CARGILL A/K/A TOMMY CARGILL; ESTATE OF NEBRASKA CARGILL; ESTATE OF GEORGE CARGILL; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on November 15, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lot 3, Block D, Mary Gallagher Survey, map of which is recorded Map Book 4 Page 74 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, and lying in Section 19, Township 17, Range 3 East, Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2024057635 as follows: LOT 3 BLK D MARY E GALLAGHERS MAP OF WEST HIGHLAND ADD TO PRATT CITY


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-19-3-001-097.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for March 7, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.











CASE NO. CV-2024-905112.00





TO:      LEONARD HUTCHINSON, individually and as heir of TERESA M. HUTCHINSON; REGIONS BANK, as successor to UNION PLANTERS BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,

TAKE NOTICE that on December 16, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint, and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Property Address:       7332 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35206


Tax Parcel ID No.:      01-23-00-15-1-025-008.000


Legal Description:      Lot 9, Block 54, map and survey of East Lake, Map Book 1, Page 217, in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama, situated in Jefferson County, Alabama (It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument No. 2020086391 as follows: LOT 9 BLK 54 EAST LAKE)


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for March 21, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 A.M. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Cherokee W. Wooley, Law Offices of Thomas J. Skinner, IV, LLC, at (205) 802-2545.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this cause before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.











CASE NO. CV-2024-905115.00






TAKE NOTICE that on December 16, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint, and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Property Address:       408 Gamma Street South, Birmingham, Alabama 35205


Tax Parcel ID No.:      01-29-00-02-3-020-017.000


Legal Description:      Lot 12, in Block 4, according to the survey of Elyton Highlands, as recorded in Map Book 8, Page 94, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, situated in Jefferson County, Alabama (It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument No. 2017095426 as follows: LOT 12 BLK 4 ELYTON HGLDS)


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for March 21, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 A.M. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Cherokee W. Wooley, Law Offices of Thomas J. Skinner, IV, LLC, at (205) 802-2545.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this cause before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.











CASE NO. CV-2024-905009



TO:     VINCENT WASHINGTON; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on December 9, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lot 18, in Block 2, according to the Resurvey of St. Marks Village, as recorded in Map Book 30, Page 30, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, being situated in Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2021124268 as follows: LOT 18 BLK 2 RESUBDIVISION OF BLKS 1 THRU 6 ST. MARK VILLAGE


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-27-4-010-015.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for March 21, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.











CASE NO. CV-2024-904175



TO:     MILTON SHARPE; LISA YOUNG-SHARPE; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on October 18, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lot 3, in Block C, according to Gallagher’s Map of West Highland-Addition to Pratt City, as recorded at Map Book 4, Page 74 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama (Birmingham Division).


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2024057629 as follows: LOT 3 BLK C MARY E GALLAGHERS MAP OF WEST HIGHLAND ADD TO PRATT CITY


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-19-3-001-100.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for March 21, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.











CASE NO. CV-2024-904655




TO:     ESTATE OF JAMES WALTON; REGINA B. WALTON; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on November 18, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lots 3, 4 and 5, in Block E, according to Gallagher’s Map of West Highland Addition to Pratt City, as recorded in Map Book 4, Page 74 in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2024057635 as follows: LOTS 3 & 4 & 5 BLK E MARY E GALLAGHERS MAP OF WEST HIGHLAND ADD TO PRATT CITY


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-19-3-001-092.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for March 21, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.










CASE NO. CV-2024-904563



TO:     WAYNE HAWKINS; WA PROPERTIES I, LLC; VELOCITY INVESTMENTS, LLC; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on November 12, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lots 22 and 23, in Block 1, according to the Map of Lucy E. Smith’s Resurvey of Block 7 of The Walker Land Company Addition as said map of said Resurvey is recorded in Map Book 10, at Page 117, in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2021106006 as follows: LOTS 22 & 23 BLK 1 LUCY E SMITH SUB OF BLK 7 WALKER LD CO


and assigned Parcel ID No. 29-00-03-4-026-001.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for March 21, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203.  The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
















In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that

Comfort Systems USA Mid South, Inc. has completed the Contract for

BCS HVAC Split Unit Upgrades – Minor ES, Barrett ES, Huffman MS, and Sun Valley ES for the State of Alabama and the City of Birmingham, Owners, and have made request for final settlement of said Contract.

All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Charles Williams & Associates, Inc., 3601 8th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL  35222, Architect.

Comfort Systems USA Mid South, Inc.

3100 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N

Birmingham, AL  35203









In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that

Comfort Systems USA Mid South, Inc. has completed the Contract for

BCS HVAC RTU Package I – Glen Iris Elementary, Green Acres Middle, Hudson K-8, Jones Valley Middle, West End Academy, Wilkerson Middle for the State of Alabama and the City of Birmingham, Owners, and have made request for final settlement of said Contract.

All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Charles Williams & Associates, Inc., 3601 8th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL  35222, Architect.

Comfort Systems USA Mid South, Inc.

3100 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N

Birmingham, AL  35203










In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that

Comfort Systems USA Mid South, Inc. has completed the Contract for

BCS HVAC RTU Package II – Huffman High, Inglenook K8, Parker High, Ramsay High, Washington K8, WJ Christian K8 for the State of Alabama and the City of Birmingham, Owners, and have made request for final settlement of said Contract.

All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Charles Williams & Associates, Inc., 3601 8th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL  35222, Architect.

Comfort Systems USA Mid South, Inc.

3100 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N

Birmingham, AL  35203













Project Number: P.03696 Capital Budget Number: BP-658-20





Sealed Bids for the construction of the Western Filter Plant Sodium Hypochlorite Conversion, Liquid Lime and Electrical Upgrades will be received by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham Engineering Department, Attn: Hattye McCarroll. P.E.; Chief Engineer, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama 35222 until 10:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday February 11, 2025. Bids received after said time will be rejected and returned unopened.


Construction of a new sodium hypochlorite

  1. New Bulk Sodium Hypochlorite Building
  2. Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Area with grated access platforms above containment area.
  3. Bulk sodium hypochlorite storage tanks, day tanks and access platforms.
  4. Removable skylight access panels for tank removal.
  5. Sodium Hypochlorite metering, transfer, and sump pumps.
  6. Chemical Piping and valves.
  7. Electrical Room.
  8. Mechanical Room with HVAC equipment for the building.
  9. New interior and exterior sodium hypochlorite piping and inject points. Containment piping with carrier tubing extends from new building to existing chemical injection points throughout the site. Chemical vaults are to be installed along piping runs to facilitate installation and replacement of chemical tubing.
  10. New Liquid Lime Storage and Feed system in new outdoor concrete containment area
  11. Liquid Lime storage tanks.
  12. Liquid Lime pump enclosure with transfer pumps, feed pumps, power and control panels, safety shower, and sump pumps.
  13. New Liquid Lime Truck Unloading Station with LCS, remote from new outdoor containment area.
  14. New interior and exterior liquid lime piping, tubing, injection points, and junction boxes. Containment piping with carrier tubing extends from new containment area to existing chemical injection points at the rapid mix and clearwells. Chemical junction boxes are to be installed along piping runs to facilitate installation and replacement of chemical tubing.
  15. New MCC equipment in the Electrical Room to replace existing MCC equipment in existing plant’s Chemical Building. New power feed from Filter Building to New Sodium

Hypochlorite Building.

  1. New potable water line feeding the new Sodium Hypochlorite Building and additional fire hydrant connections.
  2. Replacement of existing water heater beneath alum storage tank, installation of new tempered water valve, and new interior and exterior piping for hot and tempered water.
  3. Demolition of old chlorine feed equipment, piping, scales, and scrubber system.
  4. Demolition of old MCC’s in Chemical Building.
  5. Demolition of old lime storage and feed equipment in the Chemical Building. Repair of Chemical Building roof after removal of old lime silo.
  6. New DCS equipment in Sodium Hypochlorite Building and in Chemical Buildings.
  7. Temporary power requirements for Carbon Building and new permanent power.
  8. Modifications to electrical distribution at field motors, including disconnects, local control stations, and motor terminations.
  9. Electrical improvements including video cameras, back boxes, and access control system.
  10. Miscellaneous site improvements, electrical duct banks, conduits, and site piping as required.
  11. Other miscellaneous associated items as necessary to complete the work.


Bids shall be based on a lump sum plus additional unit price items as indicated in the Bid Form.


Bidding Documents may be examined at the office of the Chief Engineer of The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, AL; and the office of Arcadis U.S., Inc., 1143 1st Ave. South, Birmingham, AL.


Prime Contractor bidders may obtain one complete set of Bidding Documents on or after January 8, 2025, from the office of the Chief Engineer of The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham upon payment of $300.00 deposit by company check or by certified check and signing a nondisclosure statement. No personal checks or any other form of payment except as noted will be accepted. This deposit shall be refunded in full to each prime contractor bidder upon the return of the Bidding Documents in a reusable condition within 10 days after the bid opening. Additional sets of Bidding Documents for prime contractor bidders, subcontractors, vendors or dealers may be obtained upon payment of said $300.00 deposit and signing a nondisclosure statement. This deposit shall be refunded less the costs of printing, reproduction, handling, and distribution, upon return of the documents in reusable condition within 10 days after the bid opening. Company check or Certified check for documents shall be made payable to The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama, 35222 and mailed to the Attn: Hattye McCarroll P.E.; Chief Engineer. No additional charge will be made for delivery via UPS ground. Those requesting shipment of documents via carriers other than UPS ground will be made at the requesting firm’s expense. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available to any Bidder. Prime Contractor bidders who have paid for Contract Documents as described above may also request electronic copies (PDFs) of the Contract Documents by sending request to the Owner & the Engineer in writing. Neither the OWNER nor the ENGINEER will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including any addenda, obtained from other sources. No Bidder may withdraw or alter a bid within 60 calendar days after the actual date of the bid opening.


A mandatory pre-bid conference and site visit, will be held at 9:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at the OWNER’s Western Filter Plant, located at 1400 Bankhead Highway, Birmingham, Alabama 35214. All prospective Bidders and interested parties are required to attend the pre-bid conference and the pre-bid site visit. The purpose of the pre-bid conference and site visit is to raise questions pertaining to the Bidding and Contract documents and for the OWNER or its representatives to clarify any points. Bids will NOT BE ACCEPTED from any Prospective Bidder who does not attend the mandatory Pre-Bid Conference.


This project includes a Preconstruction Planning Period that begins when the Contract Times commence. Construction Work onsite will not be allowed until completion of the Preconstruction Planning Period. The Preconstruction Planning Period is the first five months of the Contract Times set forth in the Agreement.


Each bid shall be accompanied by a cashier’s check, drawn on an Alabama Bank, or bid Bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid not to exceed $50,000.00 in the form and subject to conditions provided for in the Specifications.


The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond each in an amount equal to 100 percent of the Contract Award.


Bidders shall comply with all statutory requirements in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bids will only be received from Contractors who are licensed by the State of Alabama.


Contract time of commencement and completion will be in accordance with the Agreement.


The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (“BWWB”) has adopted a voluntary Historically Underutilized Business (“HUB”) Program designed to encourage the participation of HUB firms in construction projects. To that end, the BWWB will never exclude any firm from participation in, deny any person benefits of, or otherwise discriminate in connection with the award and performance of BWWB contracts based on racial, gender, social, or economic status.


It is the intent of the BWWB to foster competition among contractors, suppliers and vendors that will result in better quality and more economical services for the BWWB. Under this program, the BWWB has established a goal of 30% participation of HUB firms for services required for BWWB construction projects. The BWWB’s stated goal will not be the determining factor in construction contract awards; rather bidders must demonstrate compliance with the Good Faith Efforts, more particularly outlined in the HUB Program, toward meeting said goal.


Failure on the part of a bidder to fully submit the information required herein may be considered by the BWWB in evaluating whether the bidder is responsive to bid requirements.


Alabama Code §31-13-9 (1975) provides that as a condition for the award of any contract by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, a business entity or employer that employs one

or more employees within the state of Alabama shall provide documentation of enrollment in the E-Verify program.

Each Prospective Bidder must complete, as a condition for the award of any Contract by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, the Certification Regarding Debarment in Section 00201. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).


Legislature of Alabama Act 2013-205 grants the Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR) the authority to issue certificates of exemption from sales and use taxes for construction projects for certain governmental agencies. Pursuant to Act 2013-205, Section 1(g) the Contractor accounts for the sales tax not included in the Bid Form by submitting an Accounting of Sales Tax- Attachment to BWWB Bid Form. Failure to provide an accounting of sales tax shall render the bid non-responsive. Other than determining responsiveness, sales tax accounting shall not affect the bid pricing nor be considered in the determination of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. After Notice of Award, Contractor and Subcontractor licensed by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must comply with ADOR requirements for making application for qualification of the exemption and are responsible for ADOR reporting requirements for the duration of the project.


If a Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the Bidder with the best price on the best terms for the OWNER, who has neither been disqualified nor rejected pursuant to these Contract Documents, and whose Bid based on an evaluation by the OWNER indicates that the award will be in the best interest of the Project and will result in the lowest overall cost to the OWNER for completion of the project. If a Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded within 90 calendar days after the day of the opening of bids.


The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, the right to waive irregularities or to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the OWNER.




The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham 3600 First Avenue North

Birmingham, Alabama 35222 Hattye McCarroll, P.E

Telephone number (205) 244-4182





1143 1st Ave South, Suite 109

Birmingham, Alabama 35233 Mr. Dhiraj Parekh, P.E

Telephone number (205) 930-5956

















Plaintiff,                                                   )     CASE NO. 01-CV-2024-902848.00

  1. )


Diane Moore                                                        )

Defendant(s)                                            )



To: Diane Moore
Last Known Address 2700 30TH ENSLEY, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35208


You are hereby notified that REO 2023-NR1 LLC filed a Complaint for Ejectment on July 19, 2024 in the Jefferson County Circuit Court against Diane Moore (“Defendant”). Numerous attempts to locate the Defendant for service of process have been unsuccessful.

This notice is to run for four consecutive weeks. You are hereby notified that you must answer the complaint by the. 8th day of March, 2025, which is 30 days from the last date of publication or default judgment may be entered against you for not answering.










The City of Birmingham gives notice that sealed bids for the Pavement Patching 2025 (ENG # 2025-001) project will be received by the City Engineer in Room 220, City Hall, Birmingham, Alabama until 2:00 pm (CDT) on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read in Conference Room 220, 2rd Floor City Hall, Birmingham, Alabama. The award of this Contract will be made pursuant to Alabama Code: 39-1-1, et seq. (Public Works)

The primary Items of Work related to this project are:

Asphalt Seal – 950 Tons, Asphalt Binder – 150 Tons, Curb & Gutter (type varies) – 150 LF, Aggregate Base (#57 Stone) – 75 CY; 6” Concrete Paving w/ WWM (Alternate Item) – 800 SY;  Excavation and Tack Coat are Incidental to the Bid Items

Bid documents are open to public inspection in the Office of the City Engineer, Room 220 City Hall, 710 20th Street, North Birmingham, AL 35203.

Bid documents may be viewed and purchased through the City of Birmingham online plans room site at https://www.birminghamplanroom.com under the project name “Pavement Patching 2025”. Any cost for reproduction shall be the responsibility of bidders.

Prospective bidders are advised to check their source of bid documents frequently for any addenda to the bid documents. It is the bidder’s responsibility to bid on the correct set of bid documents.

Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier’s check drawn on an Alabama bank, or a bid bond executed by a surety company duly authorized and qualified to make such bonds in the State of Alabama, in an amount equal to 5% of the bid (subject to a maximum of $10,000) and payable to the City of Birmingham. Bid bonds of the three (3) lowest bidders will be held for a period of ninety (90) days unless bidders agree, in writing, to a longer period of time.  No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids and for a period of ninety (90) days thereafter.

A performance bond equal to 100% of the contract amount and a payment bond equal to 100% of the contract amount will be required of the successful bidder. Said bonds shall be executed by a surety company duly authorized and qualified to make such bonds in the State of Alabama.

Liability insurance certificates shall be required of the successful bidder and such certificates shall list the City of Birmingham, its officials, agents, and employees as additional named insured.

Only bids submitted by General Contractors licensed in the State of Alabama in accordance with Title 34, Chapter 8 of the Code of Alabama (1975 as amended) will be considered.

Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “SEALED BID Pavement Patching 2025”. Contractors shall write his or her State of Alabama general contractor’s license number and the name of the company submitting the bid on the outside of the sealed bid envelope.

The sealed bid envelope shall contain the following documents: (1) the Form of Proposal, (2) the Authorization to execute the Form of Proposal, (3) bid bond, (4) MBE/DBE Form A, Form C, and Form D, (5) a copy of the Contractor’s State of Alabama General Contractor’s License, and (6) Addendum Acknowledgement.

Special attention is called to the applicability of the Birmingham Plan-Construction Industry Program to this project.  Under this Program the utilization of Minority Business Enterprises and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (“MBE/DBE”) is encouraged.  The Construction Industry Authority establishes a system of floating MBE/DBE goals which may differ from year to year and project to project.  Overall, these goals shall not be less than the historical participation of MBE/DBE’s in construction projects of the City and its agencies.

Bidders may contact the Birmingham Construction Industry Authority (BCIA) to request additional information about the required MBE/DBE forms by contacting the Executive Director, Birmingham Construction Industry Authority at 601 37th Street South, Birmingham, AL, 35222; telephone (205) 324-6202 or info@bcia1.org.  For federally funded contracts, the provisions of the President’s Executive Order 11246 and federal agency regulations requiring affirmative action to achieve employment and utilization of minority persons and businesses, and the Davis-Bacon Act provisions are applicable.

As a matter of public policy, the City of Birmingham agrees to make opportunities available to the maximum extent possible, to actively include Historically Underutilized Business Enterprises (HUBE’s) such as architectural firms, engineering firms, investment banking firms, other professional consultant services providers, and construction contractors as part of business, economic and community revitalization programs.

It is the bidder’s responsibility to make sure that the bid is in the possession of the City Engineer on or before 2:00 pm, February 19, 2025. Bids received after this time will not be considered. Bids can be dropped into the Bid Box located in Room 220 of City Hall or delivered to the City Engineer in Room 220 City Hall.

A MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held on February 5, 2024, at 3:00 pm in Room 220 of City Hall.

The City of Birmingham reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in any bid.

Jesse P. Miller, PE

City Engineer











Loveman Village Daycare Renovation

Issued January 16, 2025


AGENCY CONTACT PERSON Darryl Grayson, Procurement Analyst

Telephone: (205)521-0611

E-mail: dgrayson@habd.net

TDD/TTY: 800-548-2546

HOW TO OBTAIN THE RFP DOCUMENTS ON THE EPROCUREMENT MARKETPLACE 1.  Access ha.internationaleprocurement.com (no “www”).

2.  Click on the “Login” button in the upper left side.

3.  Follow the listed directions.

4.  If you have any problems in accessing or registering on the Marketplace, please call customer support at (866)526-9266.

PRE-BID CONFERENCE & SITE VISIT Monday January 27, 2025 11:00AM
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS Tuesday February 4, 2025 4:00 PM CT
SUBMITTAL RETURN DEADLINE Friday February 14, 2025 2:00 PM CT

1826 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, Al 35233


[Section 3, Minority- and/or women-owned businesses are encouraged to respond]














The Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority will be accepting sealed bids from pre-qualified contractors for:


Birmingham Sheraton – Presidential Suites/ Adjoining Rooms


Prequalification information, bid information, requirements, plans and specifications may be downloaded at https://www.bjcc.org/vendor-opportunities/.  There is no charge for downloading bid documents.  They may also be examined, and an electronic copy obtained at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Purchasing Office, 2100 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N, North Exhibition Hall, 3rd Floor, Birmingham, AL 35203.


The scope consists of 4 Presidential Suites, 2 large (approximately 1700SF each), 2 small (approximately 1100SF each), and 4 adjoining guestrooms (approximately 380SF each).  The Presidential Suites each consists of one master guestroom, with full bath and new soaking tub plus tiled shower: one large open living space with kitchenette, dining area, office area, and living/television space.  The suites include an entry foyer and a powder bath, as well as a millwork storage niche.  Each suite has one adjoining guest room.  Currently Engineering is limited to electrical and plumbing.


Plumbing:  Existing metal garden tubs to be removed; tile deck and stairs to be demolished as well as empty surrounding chases.  All kitchen and baths to be fully updated including new fixtures and piping.

Electrical:  Each suite to get trenched floor power to feed three locations.  New lighting and relocated boxes for dining chandelier.  All new light fixtures.  Lighting to be evaluated for compliance and to provide adequate entry suite lighting and overhead lighting in the smaller suites.  Emergency fixtures or lighting as required by code.  Installation of new appliances where applicable in kitchenettes and closets for min-refrigerators.

Finishes:  All new finishes:  paint, drapery, sheers, paint, ceilings at vestibules (replace ACT).  All new flooring, LVT flooring and inset carpet tile flooring at beds, dining and living, new tile at full baths.

Partitions and doors:  new full-size doors at adjoining rooms; partition work at tub (see above), large suite foyer (demo empty chases and redo walls and ceiling, include glass wall panels).  New hardware except entry door hardware.

Millwork:  Wood panel walls at master bedroom, dining and living area.  Wall mounted television monitors at living, master bedroom and adjoining suite.  All new millwork in bathrooms, kitchenette, and storage. New shelving in closets.

Furniture:  all new; not in GC scope.



  1. BJCC is a tax-free entity.
  2. Bonds – must extend 3 months after contract completion.
  3. Permits – handled by the contractor.
  4. Materials may be stored on BJCC property.
  5. Daytime work hours from 6AM – 6PM 7 days a week. No phasing.
  6. One parking permit allotted to job superintendent. Lot parking for workers 2 blocks from site.  Street parking at GC cost is available.

Prequalification submissions must be received by 4:00 pm local time Friday, February 14, 2025.  Applications may be emailed to Sharon.Proctor@bjcc.org, mailed or hand delivered to BJCC, Attn:  Sharon Proctor, 2100 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N, Birmingham, AL 35203.



A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. in the Forum Building, 2nd Floor, Meeting Room “E”, located at 950 22nd Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203. 


Bids will only be accepted from prequalified bidders.  Bids must be received for public opening on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. in the Forum Building, 2nd Floor, Meeting Room “E”, located at 950 22nd Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203.  All bids received after 1:00 p.m. on the bid date will be retained in the file unopened.


Prequalified Bidders will be required to make a good faith effort to include MBE and DBE companies in the execution of this project.


Questions should be emailed to Jerry.Reece@bjcc.org and Sharon.Proctor@bjcc.org.  Telephone inquiries are not accepted.


Sharon Proctor

Purchasing Manager

Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority











Project-Based Section 8: Southtown Senior Waitlist



The Housing Authority of the Birmingham District (HABD) will be accepting applications for the project-based waiting list, Southtown Senior, located at 920 24th Street S, Birmingham, AL 35205. This building is for seniors age 62 or older.


DATE & TIME OPENS:      Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.


DATE & TIME CLOSES: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 8:00 a.m.


All interested applicants should go to the website www.habdportals.org during the time period above to apply online.


HABD will provide a paper application to seniors who need them. Paper applications can only be obtained in person for the individual who will apply for housing and a government photo ID will be required in order to receive the paper application. Paper applications will only be available during business hours within the timeframe the waitlist is open. Paper applications should be obtained at the below address and once the application is completed it should be returned to the same address via U.S. postal mail only. Applications have to be post marked by 02/18/2025 in order to be added to the waitlist. No paper applications can be hand delivered or dropped off.


McCoy Building 1301 25th Avenue North Birmingham, AL 35204

Attention: Section 8 PBV: Southtown Senior



How does the Project-Based Section 8 Voucher Program work?


Under the Project-Based Section 8 Voucher Program, the rental assistance is tied to the unit and is not transferable to another unit. Since the assistance is tied to the unit, a family who moves from the project-based unit may not have any right to continued housing assistance. The HABD will refer families from the project-based waiting list to the Southtown Senior “owner” to fill their vacancies.


Application Process to Be Placed on The Project-Based Waiting List:


Applications are available electronically online at www.habdportals.org/ All applications received between Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. and Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. will be accepted onto the waiting list based on the date and the time of the application.

Additional eligibility requirements will have to be met once your name reaches the top of the waiting list. Mailed paper applications will be entered into the electronic system.



How can I check my status on the waiting list?


Everyone that applies for the waiting list will be required to register for the applicant portal. Through the applicant portal, you will be able to update your contact information (including address and phone number), view what income is being used, and what household members you added to your application. You will also be able to view where your place is on the waiting list.


Special preference points will be given to applicants who fall under the below listed criteria:


Southtown Senior will have the following preferences:


– Returning Southtown Resident 10 points

– Public Housing Resident 10 points


Public housing residents in good standing who reside at developments targeted for redevelopment, demolition, or other repositioning activity which may require displacement and/or relocation are eligible for this preference. Verification of claimed preference will be required when your name reaches the top of the waiting list.


Income Limits


Applicants must be within the applicable income limits based on family size (see chart below).


1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7 Person 8 Person
$39,660 $45,360 $51,000 $56,640 $61,200 $65,760 $70,760 $74,820


Unit Size Mix


The following lists the available unit sizes for Southtown Senior: 118 – 1-bedroom units           25 –2-bedroom units

Subsidy Standards


Depending on the family composition (number, age, and gender of persons in the household), applicants will qualify for a specific bedroom size, also known as the subsidy standard. The following chart lists the subsidy standards for Southtown Senior.


Number of Bedrooms Number of Persons

Minimum                                    Maximum

1 BR 1 2
2 BR 2 4


When will I be contacted from the waiting list?


HABD will contact applicants that made the waiting list based on preference points and date/time of receipt of application when there is unit availability based on your household composition.


Project-based waiting list applicants will be notified through email (if applied electronically) and

U.S. Postal Service (if paper application) once they are placed on the waiting list.





If you have an address change throughout the application process, it is your responsibility to change your address in the Housing Choice Voucher applicant portal at www.habdportals.org/. We always recommend updating your address with the Post Office, but you must also update your address with our office, as forwarding mail has an expiration date and may prohibit you from receiving important information and/or an appointment regarding housing.


HABD does not discriminate based on sex, race, color, religion, natural origin, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, age, or marital status.



Duplicate applications will not be accepted! Hand delivered applications to any HABD location will not be accepted!



