Home Lifestyle Health Life Jackets and Vests Should Top Your Boating, Swimming Checklist

Life Jackets and Vests Should Top Your Boating, Swimming Checklist


The end of summer can be seen off in the near distance which means people will continue to plan some additional outdoor water fun activities before summer ends. Therefore, our safety article will continue its focus on water safety for a few additional weeks. This week we will focus on life safety jackets/vests.

Life safety jackets/vests are often believed by many to be the best and only safety measure needed to prevent drownings for children and adults. Where it has some major water safety cautionary and preventive measures, there are some other safety factors which must be considered and practiced helping to ensure their effectiveness.

One of those factors is that the life safety jacket/vest must be U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) tested and approved. They should be worn by everyone when in or around open/natural bodies of water, and when boating. Check the label inside the life safety jacket/vest to ensure its USCG approval. The label should be legible and clear.

Life safety jackets/vests are often believed by many to be the best and only safety measure needed to prevent drownings for children and adults. (Adobe Stock)

Check all zippers, buckles, straps and other fasteners to make sure they are intact and work properly. Tug on the buckles and straps to make certain they do not break. Carefully inspect the life safety jacket/vest to confirm there are no rips, tears or mold on the life safety jacket/vest.

Another important safety factor to check for regarding life safety jackets/vests is that the flotation foam does not appear to be damaged. The life safety jacket/vest should float if placed in water.

Some life safety jackets/vests are inflatable. On these types of life safety jackets/vests check to verify that the air bladder can become inflated and stay inflated with no rips or tears to the material. Hold an inflatable life jacket/vest underwater and check for air bubbles. Air bubbles indicate holes in the safety life jacket/vest.

The Sea Tow Foundation states that if all the above safety factors are satisfied, the life safety jacket/vest is considered to be in “serviceable condition” by the U.S. Coast Guard. The foundation further states that if even one of these safety factors is not met, the life safety jacket/vest should not be purchased and/or used by anyone. It should be immediately discarded if it is a life safety jacket/vest you currently own and/or use.

Where water can be an extremely calming and tranquil environment with the potential for numerous fun activities, it can become a very dangerous environment in a matter of seconds. Therefore, it cannot be over emphasized that you must Keep an Eye on water safety for you and your loved ones at all times.