Home Classified August 15, 2024

August 15, 2024

By multiple measures, the Birmingham area has seen dramatic declines in unemployment since the pandemic. (Adobe Stock)










BJCC, is recruiting for a CityWalk Ambassador Part Time, for information & to apply visit https://www.bjcc.org/jobs/ or send resume to careers@bjcc.org /fax resume 205-458-8530.











Special Services Technician

Administrative Assistant (Part-time)


Visit https://jobs.montevallo.edu


UM is an AA/EO/F/D/V Institution








Tool and Die Engineering Specialist wanted in Birmingham, Alabama

to maintain dies and other tooling to produce quality parts to

improve processes and increase productivity. 40 hrs/week, M-F.

Please send resume to Kimberly Murry, Human Resources Manager,

Kamtek, Inc., 1595 Sterilite Dr., Birmingham, Alabama 35215.








Shipt, Inc. seeks a full-time Engineer. The Engineer is responsible for developing, testing (unit/integration/etc.), deploying and maintaining application code; developing multi-region, high performance services to manage shopper supply, and order claiming. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field. Must also have experience with each of the following (experience may have been gained during completion of post-secondary coursework): (1) working on the backend development using Cloud Computing Services (AWS/GC) and Personalized Recommendation Algorithm; (2) utilizing advanced Machine Learning techniques including Vector Search to enhance and optimize the search functionality within e-commerce scenarios; (3) working with the following languages to build up software as a service: C/C++, Python, Go, Ruby, Query DSL, Java, and SQL; (4) utilizing the following Backend Development Tools & Services: Docker, Drone, Git, Kubernetes, Kafka, Airflow, Snowflake, PostgreSQL, Bigtable and Redis; (5) working with the following information retrieval and search relevancy techniques: Natural Language Processing, stemming, TF-IDF scoring, Rocchio algorithm, and frequent itemset mining algorithms; and (6) Engineering Software-as-a-Service, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Big Data, Analysis of Algorithms, Natural Language Processing and Advanced Database. Employer will accept experience gained concurrently. Telecommuting available from anywhere in US. HQ at 420 20th St N, Suite 100 Birmingham, AL 35203. Please go to our website for benefits information and to apply: https://www.shipt.com/careers/ or apply by email at careers@shipt.com.












Shipt, Inc. seeks a full-time Senior Engineer. The Senior Engineer role provides hands-on mentorship on topics ranging from design to communications strategy. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Computer science, Computer Engineering, or a related field and 3 years related software development experience. Must also have 24 months of experience with each of the following: (1) building, developing, and maintaining multi-region, high performance services using Golang, Kafka, Postgres, and Redis; (2) writing scripts to automate data collection, generation of metrics, and testing (unit/load/smoke/integration) that inform development and implementation decisions using Python and Ruby; (3) working with REST principles and design APls that follow them; (4) working with Service-Oriented Architecture, micro-services, and distributed architectures; and (5) working with the following tools and technologies: Golang, Ruby, Python, Postgres, Redis, Resque, Kafka, Cadence, SQL, and Git. Employer will accept experience gained concurrently. Telecommuting available from anywhere in US. HQ at 420 20th St N, 100, Birmingham, AL 35203. Please go to our website for benefits information and to apply: https://www.shipt.com/careers/ or apply by email at careers@shipt.com.

















CASE NO. CV-2024-902403






TO: TARVARUS BROOKS; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on June 17, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


North 50 feet of Lot 19, Block 28, according to the Survey of Birmingham Realty Company’s Addition Number 4 as recorded in Map Book 9, Page 14, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2018022809 as follows: N 50 FT OF LOT 19 BLK 28 BHAMRLTY COS ADD NO 4


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-24-4-023-010.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for October 11, 2024, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Comp/2024






CASE NO. CV-2024-902181






TO: RONALD W. JACKSON; A.K. WATFORD HOUSTON; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on May 30, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


The West 110.0 feet of Lot 12, in Block 28, according to the Survey of Birmingham Realty Company’s Addition No. 4, as recorded in Map Book 9, Page 14, in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Inst. No. 2017074287 as follows: W 110FT OF LOT 12 BLK 28 BHAM RLTY COS 4TH ADD NO 4


and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-24-4-023-002.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for September 20, 2024, in Room 670, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:30 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in The Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.


Jacqueline Anderson Smith, Circuit Clerk








CASE NO. CV-2024-902391






TO: HEARTWOOD 88 LLC; CECILE SCOTT BYRD; SHELIA W. BROWN; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on June 14, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


North 150 feet of Lot 21, according to the Survey of Anderton Addition as recorded in Map Book 17, Page 8, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2017074293 as follows: N 150 FT LOT 21 ANDERTON ADD


and assigned Parcel ID No. 29-00-08-1-034-004.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for October 11, 2024, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in The Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.


Jacqueline Anderson Smith, Circuit Clerk








CASE NO. 01-CV-2023-904364






TO: SHIRLEY ANN FORDHAM; MARION MOORE; SEVETRA G. FORDHAM; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on December 4, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


That Parcel of real property located at 1212 15th Court North, Birmingham, Alabama 35204 and having a legal description of:


Lot 16 in Hewitt & Bradley Survey, a map of which Survey is recorded in Map Book 6, Page 85, in the Office

of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, a/k/a LOT 16 HEWETT & BRADLEY SUR


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for September 6, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., in Room 670, 716 Richard Arrington, Jr. Boulevard North, Birmingham, Alabama. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th Street, Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Greer B. Mallette, Christian & Small,

LLP, 505 20th Street North, Suite 1800 Financial Center, Birmingham, AL 35203 at (205) 795-6588.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in The Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.


Dated this the 5th day of August, 2024.


Jacqueline Anderson Smith, Circuit Clerk








CASE NO. 01-CV-2023-904656






TO: THOMAS E. BADDLEY, AS RECEIVER FOR COMMUNITY HOME BANC, INC.; J.T. SMALLWOOD; JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on May 2, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Amended Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


That parcel of real property located at 1009 12th Street North, Birmingham, Alabama 35204 and having a legal description of:


The southern 22.2 feet of the western 125 feet of Lot 4 in Block 6 of J.M. Ware Survey as recorded in Map Book 3 on Page 120, in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama,  and a strip 4 feet in width adjoining same on the South, said strip being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the intersection of the Northwesterly line of 10th Avenue North as now located with the Northeasterly line of North 12th Street as now located and run thence Northwesterly along the East line of North 12th Street 196 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue Northwesterly along the Northeasterly line of 12th Street 4 feet; thence in a Northeasterly direction parallel with 10th Avenue North 125 feet; thence Southeasterly parallel with 12th Street 4 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel with 10th Avenue North 125 feet to the Point of Beginning, a/k/a PART OF LOT 4 BLK 6 J M WARE DESC AS COMM AT NE INT 10TH AVE N & 12TH ST N THENCE NW 196 FT S TO POB THENCE NE 125 FT S NW 22 FT S SW 125 FT S SE 22FT S TO BEG SECT 35 TWSP 17 S RANGE 3W


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for September 6, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., in Room 670, 716 Richard Arrington, Jr. Boulevard North, Jefferson County Courthouse, Birmingham, Alabama 35203. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th Street, Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of  Greer B. Mallette, Christian & Small,

LLP, 505 20th Street North, Suite 1800 Financial Center, Birmingham, AL 35203 at (205) 795-6588.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in The Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.


Dated this the 5th day of August, 2024.


Jacqueline Anderson Smith, Circuit Clerk









CASE NO. CV-2024-902401






TO: ESTATE OF JOE E. CULWELL; PHYLLIS CULWELL; DEREK A. WHITE; ALBERT SMITH; SHEILAH SMITH; ESTATE OF JAMES KNIGHT; JAN KNIGHT; ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,


TAKE NOTICE that on June 17, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Lot 15, Block 133, according to the Survey at East Lake, as recorded in Map Book 1, Page 217, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama.


It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2017074288 as follows: LOT 15 BLK 133 EAST LAKE


and assigned Parcel ID No. 23-00-11-3-008-028.000


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION.  The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for October 11, 2024, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority.  Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued.  FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in The Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.


Jacqueline Anderson Smith, Circuit Clerk









CASE NO. CV-2024-902732.00








TAKE NOTICE that on July 11, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint, and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:


Property Address: 2037 Fayette Avenue, Birmingham, Alabama 35208


Tax Parcel ID No.: 01-22-00-32-4-033-007.000


Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 10, according to the survey of Owenton Ensley Highlands, as recorded in Map Book 14, Page 11, in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama, situated in Jefferson County, Alabama (It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument No. 2024052992 as follows: LOT 1 BLK 10 OWENTON-ENSLEY HLDS)


ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for October 11, 2024, in Room 670, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 9:30 A.M. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Cherokee W. Wooley, Law Offices of Thomas J. Skinner, IV, LLC, at (205) 802-2545.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in The Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer, or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this cause before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.


Jacqueline Anderson Smith, Circuit Clerk









CASE NO. CV-2024-902670








The Birmingham Land Bank Authority (the “Land Bank”), a public corporation organized under the laws of the State of Alabama, filed a Petition to Quiet Title and Foreclosure (the “Petition”) on the property described herein on July 3, 2024, in the Circuit

Court of Jefferson County and recorded or will record a Notice of Pending Quiet Title and Foreclosure Action (the “Lis Pendens”)

in the Probate Court of Jefferson County of Jefferson County, Alabama on August 2, 2024. Notice is hereby given that a final

hearing was set to be heard September 12, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. at the Jefferson County Courthouse, Courtroom 340, 716 Richard Arrington, Jr. Boulevard, North, Birmingham, Alabama 35203. The property that is the subject of this  hearing is

described as follows:


Property Address: 400 63rd Street North, Birmingham, Alabama 35212


Tax ID No.: 23-00-16-4-001-009.000a/k/a 0123001640010090000000


Legal Description: Lot 3 and the East 1/2 of Lot 2, in Block 1, according to the Survey of Pine Grove as recorded in Map Book 14, Page 74, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama a/k/a LOT 3 & E 1/2 OF LOT 2 BLK 1 PINE



ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.


The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203 and may be contacted care of the City of Birmingham Law Department at 205-254-2117.


IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in The Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer, or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this cause before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.


Signed this the 12th day of August, 2024.


Jacqueline Anderson Smith, Circuit Clerk








In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that Williford Orman Construction LLC , Contractor, has completed the Contract for Construction of New Playground for Fayetteville Elementary School at Talladega County for the State of Alabama and the County of Talladega, Owner(s), and have made request for final settlement of said Contract. All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Lathan Associates Architects PC


Williford Orman Construction LLC


PO Box 1985

Pelham, AL 35124

(Business Address)









In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that Williford Orman Construction LLC , Contractor, has completed the Contract for Construction of New Playground for Stemley Road Elementary School at Talladega County for the State of Alabama and the County of Talladega, Owner(s), and have made request for final settlement of said Contract. All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Lathan Associates Architects PC


Williford Orman Construction LLC


PO Box 1985

Pelham, AL 35124

(Business Address)










In accordance with section 39-1 as amended by H275 Code of Alabama,  1997, notice is

hereby given that Lower Alabama Heating Cooling and Refrigeration, LLC has completed

Fire Stations (14) Owner-Furnished HVAC Equipment Installation 2221  For the City of

Birmingham and have made request for final settlement of said contract.


Lower Alabama Heating Cooling and Refrigeration, LLC

95 Massey Street

Chatom, Alabama 36518









In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, notice is hereby given that J.T. Harrison Construction Co., Inc., Contractor,  5870 Charlie Shirley Road, Northport, AL 35473, has completed the Contract for the Renovation of WP2 GME Wellness Center Renovation at 1813 6th Ave. S., Birmingham, AL 35233 for The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama for the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Owner, and has made request for final settlement of said Contract.  All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Williams Blackstock Architects, Architect.











In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, notice is hereby given that J.T. Harrison Construction Co., Inc., Contractor, 5870 Charlie Shirley Road, Northport, AL 35473, has completed the Contract for the Renovation of North Pavilion 6th Floor Heart and Vascular Center Labs 5 & 7 Equipment Replacement and Renovation at 1802 6th Avenue S., Birmingham, AL 35233 for The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama for the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Owner, and has made request for final settlement of said Contract.  All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Birchfield Penuel & Associates, Architect.











In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that Williford Orman Construction LLC , Contractor, has completed the Contract for Construction of New Home Bleachers for Chelsea High School Football Stadium at Chelsea, AL for the State of Alabama and the County of Shelby, Owner(s), and have made request for final settlement of said Contract. All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Lathan Associates Architects.


Williford Orman Construction LLC,


PO Box 1985

Pelham, AL 35124










The Birmingham Airport Authority is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from professional service firms (Respondents) for civil engineering services associated with the Runway Intersection Drainage Improvements project. SOQs and Project Proposals will be received by August 31st, 2024, at 2:00 PM local time. Copies of the RFQ, including detailed submission instructions and requirements, can be obtained by visiting the airport’s website at https://www.flybirmingham.com/about-bhm/doing-business-at-bhm/ or via an email request sent to eseoane@flybhm.com.  A non-mandatory pre-submittal conference will be held on August 15th, 2024, at 2:00 P.M. local time via Zoom.










Sealed bid packages for Bid 24-04-01- “(Yearly) MJ Retainer Glands” will be received in the Purchasing Department of the Birmingham Water Works Board, located at 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama 35222, until 10:00 a.m. (CST), Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at which time and place they will publicly open and read. All potential bidders must receive an executed copy of the applicable “Receipt of Bid” Sheet, with a time stamp, from the BWWB Purchasing Department before their bid package may be considered responsive. The bid packages must be delivered or mailed to the BWWB Purchasing Department, which is located at 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama 35222, by 10:00 am, August 20, 2024. The bid packages must be directed to the attention of the Purchasing Superintendent and marked in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope as follows: “Bids for 24-04-01- (Yearly) MJ Retainer Glands.” Bid packages may be obtained through our website at www.bwwb.org or by emailing lateasha.watkins@bwwb.org.














Pre-qualification submittals will be received by the Owner’s Representative/Project Manager, Jeff Orr on behalf of Office of the Chief Facilities Officer, UAB Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the University of Alabama Board of Trustees at UAB Hospital Planning, 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35249 until 4:00 PM Central Time, August 30, 2024. The original and two (2) flash drives with duplicates of submittals are required for pre-qualification approval; however, email transmission copies may be transmitted to the UAB Project Manager Jeff Orr at jeorr@uabmc.edu and cc’d to sheywood@ghafari.com and mfreeman@ghafari.com to expedite the review process with a hard-copy of the submittal and two flash drives to be delivered within 24 hours.


UAB Offsite Reprocessing Center

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Birmingham, Alabama

Project No.: H245003





The project consists of a new 8,000 SF prefabricated, owner-provided modular offsite sterile processing building to support UAB’s surgical services.  The scope of work includes site work to support the new modular building, structural foundations, architectural canopies, stairs, and ramps, as well as fire sprinkler and electrical infrastructure to support the new modular building. The construction budget is anticipated to be between $3,000,000 and $3,500,000.


The work will be performed under a single Prime General Contractor who will coordinate the work of this project.  Particular and specific care will be required to coordinate complex shutdowns, limit disturbances and follow strict Infection Controls and Interim Life Safety Measures (ICRA/ILSM) requirements for the protection of patients, family and staff. The Prime General Contractors seeking to be pre-qualified will require experience with similar size and type hospital projects performed in and adjacent to an operating hospital environment and with the implementation and maintenance of infection control measures, interim life safety measures, coordinating shutdowns, and maintaining a clean and organized job site in an operating hospital. The General Contractor must have experience with representative projects as a General Contractor (not as a Construction Manager, Program Manager, etc.)





Prime General Contractor bidders interested in submitting a proposal must apply for pre-qualification and must be licensed under the Provision of Title 34, Chapter 8, and Code of Alabama, 1975. A copy of current Alabama Contractors license is to be included in pre-qualification submittal.


Only bidders who have completed the pre-qualification process and that have been approved will be eligible to submit a bid for the Project.  Prospective Bidder’s Pre-qualification Package must be received by the Owner’s Project Manager no later than 4:00 PM Central Time, August 30, 2024 after which no further requests will be considered.


Pre-qualification Requirements Information Package may be obtained from the Architect upon letterhead request sent by email or scanned into an email to sheywood@ghafari.com, copy mfreeman@ghafari.com and jeorr@uabmc.edu. Any addenda to the prequalification requirements will be issued to documented prime contractors only.


The pre-qualification procedure is intended to identify responsible and competent prime contractor bidders relative to the requirements of the Project. Each prospective prime contractor bidder will be notified of the results of the pre-qualification, on or about September 06, 2024.


The Owner reserves the right to waive technical errors in applications, extend or abandon the pre-qualification process, should the interests of the Owner appear to be promoted thereby.


Progress Design and Construction Documents:

Prior to the pre-qualification deadline, project progress plans and specifications may be examined at the following location beginning September 06, 2024:



Ghafari Associates

2170 Highland Ave S

Suite 220

Birmingham, AL 35205

Phone:  205-203-4611

Contact: Scott Heywood

Email: sheywood@ghafari.com






Bid documents will be available at the following locations after notice to pre-qualified bidders is given.  Drawings and specifications may be examined at; ALGX Digital Plan Room, http://www.algraphics.com, 2801 5th Ave, South, Birmingham, AL 35233: Dodge Data & Analytics, http://www.construction.com, 2860 S State Hwy 161, Ste 160 #501, Grand Prairie, TX  75052-7361; at the AGC Internet Plan Room, 5000 Grantswood Road Suite 100, Irondale, AL 35210; at the Birmingham Construction Industry Authority, http://www.bcia1.org, 601 37th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35222; and at the Construction Market Data, http://www.cmdgroup.com, 30 Technology Pkwy, South, Suite 500, Norcross, GA 30092-2912.



A certified check or bid bond payable to the University of Alabama at Birmingham in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000 must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Performance and Statutory Labor and Material Payment Bonds will be required at the signing of the Contract.



Bids must be submitted on proposal forms or copies thereof furnished by the Architect. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of ninety (90) days. The Owner reserves the right to reject bids if such action is determined to be in the best interest of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to revoke pre-qualification of any bidder in accordance with Section 39-2-12, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended in 1997 (by Act 97-225). The Bid Date is September 26, 2024 at 2:00 PM Central Time at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB Hospital Planning, 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, Alabama 35294. Bids shall be clearly identified on the exterior of the package with the bidder’s name, address, State license number, the name of the project being bid, time and place of the bid opening. Sealed bids shall be properly identified.


On the date of the bid opening, bids may be hand delivered or received by Express Service mail to the Office of Jeff Orr, Project Manager Facilities and Capital Projects, 2020 Building, 2020 University Blvd, Birmingham, Alabama  35233, until 12:00 noon.  After 12:00 noon of the date of the bid opening, proposals must be hand delivered and presented at the bid opening.  Sealed proposals shall be submitted in triplicate and shall be properly identified.  All proposals received after 2:00 p.m. on September 26, 2024 (the date and time set for the receipt of bids) will be returned unopened.


Nonresident Prime Contractor Bidders:

Under Section 39-3-5, Code of Alabama, 1975, nonresident prime contractor bidders must accompany any written bid documents with a written opinion of an attorney licensed to practice law in such nonresident prime contractor bidder’s state of domicile as to the preferences, if any or none, granted by the law of the state to its own business entities whose principal place of business are in that state in the letting of any or all public contracts. Resident prime contractors in Alabama, as defined in Section 39-2-12, are granted preference over nonresident prime contractors in awarding of contracts in the same manner and to the same extent as provided by the laws of the state of domicile of the nonresident.


Fire Alarm Work:

In accordance with Title 34, Chapter 33A (the ACT), of the Code of Alabama 1975, bidders for fire alarm work of this project, if any, must include with their bid evidence of licensure as required by the ACT by including with the bid submittal a valid State Fire Marshal’s permit.



A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is currently scheduled to be held at 1:00 PM CST on September 11, 2024 at UAB Hospital Facilities 2020 Building, 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, Alabama 35233. It is mandatory that all pre-qualified prime contractor bidders attend the Pre-Bid Conference.














Pre-qualification submittals will be received by the Owner’s Representative/Project Manager, Darren Kruty on behalf of Office of the Chief Facilities Officer, UAB Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the University of Alabama Board of Trustees at UAB Hospital Planning, 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35249 until 4:00 PM Central Time,

Thursday, September 5, 2024. The original and two (2) flash drives with duplicates of submittals are required for pre-qualification approval; however, email transmission copies may be transmitted to the Project Manager at dkruty@uabmc.edu and copied to rachelh@bparchitects.com to expedite the review process with a hard-copy of the submittal and two flash drives to be delivered within 24 hours.


UAB HOSPITAL – Wallace Tumor Institute

Basement PET/CT

For The

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Birmingham, Alabama

UAB Project No.: H235013





The project consists of the renovation of a 470 SF imaging room which will hold a new PET/CT. To serve the new PET/CT, a 575 SF shell space will be built out to provide Uptake treatment rooms, storage, and a restroom. These new rooms will be constructed with means to shield from radiation. Additionally, an existing 375 SF room will be subdivided to provide a new Mechanical/Equipment room. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, new partitions, ceilings, finishes, concrete patching, plumbing, fire sprinkler, fire alarm, HVAC, electrical work, and equipment installation coordination. The construction budget is anticipated to be between $750,000 and $1,250,000.


The work will be performed under a single Prime General Contractor who will coordinate the work of this project. Particular and specific care will be required to coordinate complex shutdowns, limit disturbances and follow strict Infection Control and Interim Life Safety Measures (ICRA/ILSM) requirements for the protection of patients, family, and staff. The Prime General Contractors seeking to be pre-qualified will require experience with similar size and type hospital projects performed in and adjacent to an operating hospital environment and with the implementation and maintenance of infection control measures, interim life safety measures, coordinating shutdowns, and maintaining a clean and organized job site in an operating hospital. The General Contractor must have experience with representative projects as a General Contractor (not as a Construction Manager, Program Manager, etc.)





Prime contractor bidders interested in submitting a proposal must apply for pre-qualification and must be licensed under the Provision of Title 34, Chapter 8, and Code of Alabama, 1975. A copy of current Alabama Contractors license is to be included in pre-qualification submittal.


Only prime contractor bidders who have completed the pre-qualification process and that have been approved will be eligible to submit a bid/perform work for the Project.  Prospective Bidder’s Pre-qualification Package must be received by the Owner’s Project Manager no later than 4:00 PM Central Time, September 5, 2024 after which no further requests will be considered.


Pre-qualification Requirements Information Package may be obtained from the Architect upon letterhead request. Any addendums to the prequalification requirements will be issued to documented prime contractors only.


The pre-qualification procedure is intended to identify responsible and competent prime contractor bidders relative to the requirements of the Project.  Each prospective prime contractor bidder will be notified of the results of the pre-qualification, on or about September 17, 2024.


The Owner reserves the right to waive technical errors in applications, extend or abandon the pre-qualification process, should the interests of the Owner appear to be promoted thereby.


Progress Design and Construction Documents:

Prior to the pre-qualification deadline, project progress plans and specifications may be examined at the following location:



Birchfield Penuel Architects

2805 Crescent Avenue, Suite 200

Birmingham, Alabama  35209

Ms. Stacy Williams








After notice to pre-qualified bidders is given, the pre-qualified prime contractor bidders may obtain bid documents from the Architect (see address above) upon deposit of $100.00 per set. The deposit is refundable in full on the first two (2) sets issued to each prime general contractor bidder upon return of documents in reusable condition within ten (10) days after bid opening.  Additional sets for pre-qualified prime contractor bidders, subcontractors, vendors, or dealers may be obtained upon payment of the same deposit.  The deposit for additional sets shall be refunded less the cost of printing, reproduction, handling and distribution, upon return of the documents in reusable condition within ten (10) days after bid opening.


Bid documents will be available at the following locations after notice to pre-qualified bidders is given. Drawings and specifications may be examined at the Office of the Architect; and electronically at ConstructConnect and Dodge Data & Analytics.



A certified check or bid bond payable to the University of Alabama at Birmingham in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000 must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Performance and Statutory Labor and Material Payment Bonds will be required at the signing of the Contract.



Bids must be submitted on proposal forms or copies thereof furnished by the Architect. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of ninety (90) days. The Owner reserves the right to reject bids if such action is determined to be in the best interest of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to revoke pre-qualification of any bidder in accordance with Section 39-2-12, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended in 1997 (by Act 97-225). The Bid Date is October 31, 2024 at 2:00 PM Central Time at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB Hospital Planning, 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, Alabama 35294. Bids shall be clearly identified on the exterior of the package with the bidder’s name, address, State license number, the name of the project being bid, time and place of the bid opening. Sealed bids shall be properly identified.


Proposals may be hand delivered or received by mail on the date of the bid opening at the Office of Darren Kruty, Project Manager Facilities and Capital Projects, 2020 Building, 2020 University Blvd, Birmingham, Alabama 35233, until 12:00 noon.  After 12:00 noon of the date of the bid opening, proposals must be hand delivered and presented at the bid opening. Sealed proposals shall be submitted in triplicate and shall be properly identified. All proposals received after 2:00 p.m. on

October 31, 2024 will be returned unopened.


Fire Alarm Work

In accordance with Title 34, Chapter 33A, of the Code of Alabama 1975, bidders for fire alarm work of this project, if any, must include with their bid, evidence of licensure as required by the act, by including with the bid submittal, a valid State Fire Marshal’s permit.




A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 10:00 am at UAB Hospital Facilities 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, Alabama 35233. It is mandatory that all pre-qualified prime contractor bidders attend the Pre-Bid Conference.











Pre-qualification submittals will be received by the Owner’s Representative/Project Manager,

Jeff Orr on behalf of Office of the Chief Facilities Officer, UAB Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the University of Alabama Board of Trustees at UAB Hospital Planning, 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35249 until 4:00 PM Central Time, Friday,  August 28, 2024. The original and two (2) flash drives with duplicates of submittals are required for pre-qualification approval; however, email transmission copies may be transmitted to the Project Manager at jeorr@uabmc.edu and copied to rachelh@bparchitects.com to expedite the review process with a hard-copy of the submittal and two flash drives to be delivered within 24 hours.



For The

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Birmingham, Alabama

UAB Project No.:  H245010





The project consists of renovation of a 665 square foot SF imaging room which will serve UAB’s Brachytherapy patients. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, new partitions, ceilings, finishes, concrete patching, plumbing, fire sprinkler, fire alarm, HVAC, electrical work, and equipment installation coordination. The construction budget is anticipated to be between $400,000 and $500,000.


The work will be performed under a single Prime General Contractor who will coordinate the work of this project. Particular and specific care will be required to coordinate complex shutdowns, limit disturbances and follow strict Infection Control and Interim Life Safety Measures (ICRA/ILSM) requirements for the protection of patients, family, and staff. The Prime General Contractors seeking to be pre-qualified will require experience with similar size and type hospital projects performed in and adjacent to an operating hospital environment and with the implementation and maintenance of infection control measures, interim life safety measures, coordinating shutdowns, and maintaining a clean and organized job site in an operating hospital. The General Contractor must have experience with representative projects as a General Contractor (not as a Construction Manager, Program Manager, etc.)





Prime contractor bidders interested in submitting a proposal must apply for pre-qualification and must be licensed under the Provision of Title 34, Chapter 8, and Code of Alabama, 1975. A copy of current Alabama Contractors license is to be included in pre-qualification submittal.


Only prime contractor bidders who have completed the pre-qualification process and that have been approved will be eligible to submit a bid/perform work for the Project.  Prospective Bidder’s Pre-qualification Package must be received by the Owner’s Project Manager no later than 4:00 PM Central Time, August 28, 2024 after which no further requests will be considered.


Pre-qualification Requirements Information Package may be obtained from the Architect upon letterhead request. Any addendums to the prequalification requirements will be issued to documented prime contractors only.


The pre-qualification procedure is intended to identify responsible and competent prime contractor bidders relative to the requirements of the Project.  Each prospective prime contractor bidder will be notified of the results of the pre-qualification, on or about

August 30, 2024.


The Owner reserves the right to waive technical errors in applications, extend or abandon the pre-qualification process, should the interests of the Owner appear to be promoted thereby.


Progress Design and Construction Documents:

Prior to the pre-qualification deadline, project progress plans and specifications may be examined at the following location:



Birchfield Penuel Architects

2805 Crescent Avenue, Suite 200

Birmingham, Alabama  35209

Ms. Stacy Williams








After notice to pre-qualified bidders is given, the pre-qualified prime contractor bidders may obtain bid documents from the Architect (see address above) upon deposit of $100.00 per set. The deposit is refundable in full on the first two (2) sets issued to each prime general contractor bidder upon return of documents in reusable condition within ten (10) days after bid opening. Additional sets for pre-qualified prime contractor bidders, subcontractors, vendors, or dealers may be obtained upon payment of the same deposit. The deposit for additional sets shall be refunded less the cost of printing, reproduction, handling and distribution, upon return of the documents in reusable condition within ten (10) days after bid opening.


Bid documents will be available at the following locations after notice to pre-qualified bidders is given. Drawings and specifications may be examined at the Office of the Architect; and electronically at ConstructConnect and Dodge Data & Analytics.



A certified check or bid bond payable to the University of Alabama at Birmingham in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000 must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Performance and Statutory Labor and Material Payment Bonds will be required at the signing of the Contract.



Bids must be submitted on proposal forms or copies thereof furnished by the Architect. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of ninety (90) days. The Owner reserves the right to reject bids if such action is determined to be in the best interest of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to revoke pre-qualification of any bidder in accordance with Section 39-2-12, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended in 1997 (by Act 97-225). The Bid Date is October 17, 2024 at 2:00 PM Central Time at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB Hospital Planning, 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, Alabama 35294. Bids shall be clearly identified on the exterior of the package with the bidder’s name, address, State license number, the name of the project being bid, time and place of the bid opening. Sealed bids shall be properly identified.


Proposals may be hand delivered or received by mail on the date of the bid opening at the Office of Jeffry Orr, Project Manager Facilities and Capital Projects, 2020 Building, 2020 University Blvd, Birmingham, Alabama 35233, until 12:00 noon. After 12:00 noon of the date of the bid opening, proposals must be hand delivered and presented at the bid opening. Sealed proposals shall be submitted in triplicate and shall be properly identified. All proposals received after 2:00 p.m. on October 17, 2024 will be returned unopened.


Fire Alarm Work

In accordance with Title 34, Chapter 33A, of the Code of Alabama 1975, bidders for fire alarm work of this project, if any, must include with their bid, evidence of licensure as required by the act, by including with the bid submittal, a valid State Fire Marshal’s permit.




A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held Friday, September 27, 2024 at 10:00 am at UAB Hospital Facilities, 2020 University Blvd., Birmingham, Alabama 35233. It is mandatory that all pre-qualified prime contractor bidders attend the Pre-Bid Conference.









Sealed Bids for construction of the Paul B. Krebs Water Treatment Plant – Sodium Hypochlorite Conversion will be received at the office of The Water Works and Sewer Board of Anniston, Alabama, (Owner), 931 Noble Street, Suite 100, Anniston, AL 36201, until 10 a.m., local time, on Thursday, August 29, 2024. Any Bids received after the specified time will not be considered.


Bids will then be publicly opened and read.


The Project contemplated consists of:


  1. Installation of new polyethylene hypochlorite tanks and corresponding instrumentation and sensors.


  1. Installation of a new steel canopy over the hypochlorite tanks along with lighting system.


  1. Construction of a new concrete slab and equipment pads for the new hypochlorite tanks.


  1. Demolition of an existing chlorine scrubber, concrete slab, and masonry screen wall surrounding the scrubber.


  1. Installation of a new chemical fill panel.


  1. Installation of a new emergency shower and eye wash station including required plumbing modifications.


  1. Installation of new chemical feed pumps, piping, instrumentation, and chemical injection vault.


  1. Relocation of existing generator, including reconnection to the existing power system.


  1. Relocation and reconnection of the existing gas line and meter entering the water treatment plant.


The Work will be substantially completed within 270 days and completed in all respects within 300 calendar days from the date when the Contract Times commence to run.


Bidding Documents may be examined at the Engineer’s office, Jacobs, 1 Perimeter Park South, Suite 315 N, Birmingham, Alabama 35243. Electronic Bidding Documents may be viewed and downloaded by registering with QuestCDN online at www.questcdn.com. To view and download digital documents for this project at QuestCDN.com, login or sign up for a free membership within the website’s Bidders Tab. Navigate to the digital bidding documents by inputting the Quest Project No. 9240269 on the Project Search page. The digital bidding documents can be viewed for free or downloaded for a non-refundable charge of $22. Any addenda will be posted digitally on the project’s website via QuestCDN.com. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to print hard copies of the sets. No partial sets, individual pages, or drawing sheets will be provided.


Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form and accompanied by Bid security as prescribed in the Instructions to Bidders.


The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish the additional bond(s) and insurance prescribed in the Bidding Documents.


The Owner will only accept Proposals from contractors duly licensed by the Alabama State Licensing Board for General Contractors as required by applicable Alabama law, including without limitation Ala. Code § 34-8-1, et seq., Bidders’ Alabama General Contractor License Number shall appear on the outside of the envelope containing such bid prior to opening.


For information concerning the proposed Work, contact Dustin Harris, Jacobs, 205-960-3788.


Attendance at a prebid conference will be a mandatory requirement of submitting a Bid for this Project. The mandatory prebid meeting will be held on Thursday, August 20, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the Owner (931 Noble Street, Suite 100, Anniston, AL). The meeting will be followed by a visit to the site.


Owner’s right is reserved to reject all Bids or any Bid not conforming to the intent and purpose of the Bidding Documents.


In compliance with the BEASON-HAMMON ALABAMA TAXPAYER AND CITIZEN ACT, the successful bidder will be required to submit proof of Immigration Compliance as the law applies. The following language is required by § 31- 13-9 (k) Code of Alabama 1975 to be placed in all contracts covered by the Act: “By signing this contract, the contracting parties affirm, for the duration of the agreement, that they will not violate federal immigration law or knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien within the state of Alabama. Furthermore, a contracting party found to be in violation of this provision shall be deemed in breach of the agreement and shall be responsible for all damages resulting therefrom.”


The Water Works and Sewer Board of the City of Anniston, Alabama

Clif Osborne

Project Manager















Project Number(s):  P.04209

Capital Budget Number(s):  1D & 1E


Sealed Bids for a water main reinforcement project will be received by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, System Development Department, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama until 9:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, September 5, 2024. The Sealed Bids will be opened and read at 10:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, September 5, 2024, by System Development Department staff in the System Development Conference Room on the Second Floor of the Main Campus Building located at 3600 First Avenue, North in Birmingham, Alabama. Each Prospective Bidder will be able to listen to the Bid Opening via conference call [Number: 1-888-278-0296 / Access Code: 2875407]. Bids received after 9:00 a.m. local time on date aforementioned will be rejected and returned unopened.


The Work consists of, but is not limited to, the installation of approximately 8,730’ of 12” DICL “Zinc Coated” pipe; 120’ of 8” DICL “Zinc Coated” pipe; 510’ of 16” HDPE pipe (carrier pipe) at creek crossing; 3 water services; and other miscellaneous associated items as necessary to complete the Work along Sardis Road, located in unincorporated Jefferson County, Alabama.


This project is supported, in whole or in part, by Federal Award #SLFRP 1176, awarded to Jefferson County by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


Bids shall be based on unit price items and lump sum items as indicated on the Bid Form

(Section 00410).


Bidding Documents may be examined at the office of the Manager – System Development Department, The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, 3600 First Avenue, North, Birmingham, AL 35222.


Bidders may obtain one (1) complete set of Bidding Documents from the office of the Manager -System Development Department, The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available to any Bidder. Neither the OWNER nor the ENGINEER will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including any addenda, obtained from other sources. No Bidder may withdraw or alter his bid within ninety (90) calendar days after the actual date of the Bid Opening.


A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, August 22, 2024, in the Meter Department Conference Room, 1st Floor Main Office Building (3600 1st Avenue North). All Prospective Bidders are required to attend the Pre-Bid Conference. The purpose of the Pre-Bid Conference is to raise questions pertaining to the Bidding Documents and Contract Documents and for the OWNER or its representatives to clarify any points. Bids will NOT BE ACCEPTED from any Prospective Bidder who does not attend the Pre-Bid Conference via conference call. HUB Program Acknowledgement (HUB Form 1), HUB Compliance Form (HUB Form 2), HUB Resource Engagement Form (HUB Form 3), HUB Subcontractor Performance Form (HUB Form 5) and HUB Subcontractor Utilization Form (HUB Form 6) of Section 00451 HUB Program must be submitted at the Bid Opening as shown above.


Each Prospective Bidder is required to visit the site(s) at which the Work is to be performed. The OWNER will not conduct a site visit with the Prospective Bidders.


Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid not to exceed $10,000.00 in the form and subject to conditions provided for in Section 00435, Bid Bond.


The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor & Material Payment Bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Award.


Bidders shall comply with all statutory requirements in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders.  Bids will only be received from CONTRACTORS who are licensed by the State of Alabama.


Contract time of commencement and completion will be in accordance with the Agreement.


The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (“BWWB”) has adopted a voluntary Historically Underutilized Business (“HUB”) Program designed to encourage the participation of HUB firms in construction projects. To that end, the BWWB will never exclude any firm from participation in, deny any person benefits of, or otherwise discriminate in connection with the award and performance of BWWB contracts based on social or economic status. Historically Underutilized Business (HUB): a business formed for the purpose of making a profit and is at least 51% owned, operated and/or controlled by one or more American citizens or permanent resident aliens who are a: Minority Business Enterprise (MBE); Women Business Enterprise (WBE); or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) [herein sometimes collectively referred to as a HUB].


It is the intent of the BWWB to foster competition among contractors, suppliers and vendors that will result in better quality and more economical services for the BWWB. Under this program, the BWWB has established a goal of 30% participation of HUB firms for services required for BWWB construction projects. The BWWB’s stated goal will not be the determining factor in construction contract awards; rather bidders must demonstrate compliance with the Good Faith Efforts, more particularly outlined in the HUB Program, toward meeting said goal.


Failure on the part of a bidder to fully submit the information required herein may be considered by the BWWB in evaluating whether the bidder is responsive to bid requirements.


Alabama Code §31-13-9 (1975) provides that as a condition for the award of any Contract by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (“BWWB”), a business entity or employer that employs one or more employees within the State of Alabama shall provide documentation of enrollment in the E-Verify program.


Each Prospective Bidder must read and acknowledge compliance with Section 00200a ARPA Federal Award Terms and Conditions. The compliance acknowledgement must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).


Each Prospective Bidder must read and acknowledge compliance with Section 00200b ARPA Civil Rights Certification Requirements. The compliance acknowledgement must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).


Each Prospective Bidder must read and acknowledge compliance with Section 00200c ARPA Lobbying Certification / Disclosure. The compliance acknowledgement must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).


Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200d Certification Regarding Debarment. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s



Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200e Certification Regarding EEO Requirements.  The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).


Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200f Certification Regarding AIS Requirements.  The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).


Each Prospective Bidder must comply with Section 00452 Non-Discrimination Policy, while conducting business or participating in events or activities for the OWNER. Each Prospective

Bidder shall maintain an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation at all times.


Each Prospective Bidder must read, understand, and adhere to the requirements of Section 00740 Wage Determination Schedule relative to the minimum prevailing wage rates mandated by the applicable state labor department or other authority having jurisdiction (NO EXCEPTIONS). Each Prospective Bidder is required to make sure his or her Subcontractor(s) understand the minimum prevailing wage rates for the work location.


Each Prospective Bidder must read and provide documentation relative to the “Request for Company Product and Service Information Letter” and complete the “EEO Report Form” document for the corporation, partnership, joint venture, etc. submitting a bid included at the end of the Section 00200 Instruction to Bidders. These two (2) items must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid [Section 00200g and Section 00200h].


Each Prospective Bidder shall read and understand the Alabama Department of Revenue’s (ADOR’s) sales and use tax exemption policy pursuant to Act 2013-205 Section 1(g)  [CONTRACTOR accounts for the sales tax not included in the Bid Form by submitting an Accounting of Sales Tax – Attachment to BWWB Bid Form].  Failure to provide an accounting of sales tax shall render the Bid non-responsive. Other than determining responsiveness, sales tax accounting shall not affect the bid pricing nor be considered in the determination of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. After Notice of Award, Prime Contractor and Subcontractor(s) licensed by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must comply with ADOR reporting requirements for the duration of the project. For further information see Section 00409, Alabama Department of Revenue-Sales and Use Tax Exemption, Section 00200 Instruction to Bidders (Article 33) and refer to paragraph 6.10 in the Supplementary Conditions.


If a Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, who has neither been disqualified nor rejected pursuant to these Contract Documents, and whose Bid based on an evaluation by the OWNER indicates that the award will be in the best interest of the project and will result in the lowest overall cost to the OWNER for completion of the project. Unless extended by OWNER, a Contract will be awarded within ninety (90) calendar days after the day of the opening of Bids.


The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, the right to waive irregularities or to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the OWNER.



The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham

3600 First Avenue North

Birmingham, Alabama 35222


Primary Contact:

Mr. Douglass W. Stockham, IV, P.E.

Telephone: (205) 244-4186

Facsimile: (205) 244-4686

E-mail: doug.stockham@bwwb.org


Secondary Contact:

Ms. Janice Acoff

Telephone: (205) 244-4265

Facsimile: (205) 244-4765

E-mail: janice.acoff@bwwb.org









DATE: August 1, 2024

FROM: Jefferson County Commission

General Services Department, Room 1

716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. North

Birmingham, Alabama 35203


The General Services department on behalf of the Jefferson County Commission is conducting the A/E services selection process for the described Project.


PROJECT TITLE: Jefferson County 2121 Building Architectural Design for Interior Renovations

PROJECT LOCATION:  2121 Reverend Abraham Woods Jr. Boulevard North, Birmingham, AL 35203


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: August 28, 2024, 2:00 pm


This project consists of design and construction of various floors at the Jefferson County 2121 Building. The overall project is for remodeling of selected floors. The full design scope includes the development and preparation of programming and conceptual plans, space designs, plans and specifications, preparation of bid documents, assistance in the bid process, and construction and warranty phase administration for private and open office space, meeting rooms, and support space. Architectural and Engineering design services shall include plans for comprehensive demolition of interior architecture spaces and replacement with new interior architectural design and new finishes, new systems design (mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, fire alarm, technology, and telecommunications), and office systems furnishings design and specification.


General requirements:  The A/E shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, and the coordination of the engineering and design work; construction documents shall be signed and “sealed” by the responsible registered professional architect(s) and engineer(s).


The A/E shall coordinate with the appropriate public utility companies and commissions, if required, to prepare connection designs according to the applicable guidelines. Submissions shall be prepared (and revised and resubmitted, if necessary) for securing approvals, class of service, permits, and service hook-ups.


The work shall comply with all applicable City of Birmingham, Jefferson County, State of Alabama, federal codes and regulations; and applicable utility provider, construction industry and ASHRAE standards, requirements, and guidelines.


The work shall conform with the “to be established” project budget and scope, once finalized, throughout planning, design, and construction.


The A/E shall make site visits, attend meetings, produce meeting minutes, make presentations, utilize the services of consultants, and submit required deliverables as necessary to execute specific parts of the work ‘to be established’ and in the Contract and the Scope of Work for the project. The A/E will be available to perform optional construction phase services at the agreed upon rate, if so requested by the Jefferson County Commission.


If you would like to be considered for this Project, please provide four complete copies of your submission documentation for the Project to our office by the deadline indicated above. Minority, women and disabled veteran-owned enterprises (DBE) are encouraged to apply. Significant local participation is recommended for engineering services for firms outside the State of Alabama. All qualification submissions shall be made in hard copy, bound 8 1/2 x 11 format with project and firm identification on cover stock.


Please include the following items in your packet and identify each specific qualification request identifiable by associated item numbers and tabbed accordingly below:


Qualification Package


  1. Approach. A general statement of the firm’s approach to each of the project packages with particular focus on distinguishing characteristics or services.


  1. Work proposed to be performed. A discussion of the firms understanding of the scope of services to be provided and the major work tasks to be performed.


  1. Key personnel. A list of the proposed project team assigned to this project and their roles, previous related experience, education, date that person joined the firm.


  1. Relevant experience. A statement of the firm’s relevant experience, including a brief description of projects similar in scope and size as the proposed project, include project title, dates work was performed, construction value, client contact information.


  1. List of Proposed Engineers/Technology Consultants. Provide a list of proposed engineers/technology consultants the firm plans to use for each specific package for this project. Include their statements of qualifications, profiles and lists of previous experience with projects similar in scope, value, and size, and current client contact information.  It is imperative that the technology consultant have previous experience in recording, storing and retrieving job applicant screening and testing data.


  1. Certificate of Insurance. Submit copy of firm’s certificate of insurance.


  1. Include statement of DBE status. Is your firm a “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise”; Minority, women or disabled veteran-owned enterprise? Include statement of DBE status for each identified sub consultant/engineer listed for each package if applicable.


All questions regarding this project and submittal of the Statements of Qualification shall be directed to Trisha Hill, Committee Chair at email address trisha.hill@jccal.org. Any contact with the selection committee team members other than Ms. Hill may disqualify the firm’s proposal from consideration.











Notice is hereby given by the City of Talladega that Sealed Bids will be accepted on or before 10:00 AM, Thursday, August 22, 2024, at the City of Talladega, located at 255 South Street West, Talladega, AL 35160, for the goods and services listed below. Bids will be opened and read in the Council Chambers of City Hall on the above-referenced date and time. Information Packets may be obtained by emailing requests to talladegabids@talladega.com. Contact Andrea Garrett with any questions at 256-362-8186 ext. 1078 Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM.


Aviation Jet Fuel

Fleet Maintenance

Ground Maintenance- Water Facilities

HVAC Maintenance

Oak Hill Cemetery

Nusiance Overgrown Lots

Personal Protective Equipment – Fire Fighter Equipment


Stone Products

Water Treatment Chemicals

Water Construction Supplies

Work Uniforms









FINAL PY 2023 (JULY 1, 2023-JUNE 30, 2024)






In accordance with 24 CFR Part 91, the City of Birmingham’s (“the City’s) Community Development Department is hereby publishing its Program Year (PY) 2024-2025 (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025) Action Plan One Year Use of Funds Submission for citizen comments for a period of at least Thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this publication.  The summary is published in order to afford affected citizens an opportunity to examine the contents and to submit comments relating thereto.


All activities’ proposed allocations will be proportionally increased or decreased from the estimated funding levels to match actual allocation amounts.


Copies of the City’s Final PY 2024-2025 Action Plan-One Year Use of Funds are available for review in the City’s Community Development Department, 710 North 20th Street, Room 1000, Birmingham, Alabama from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays and is posted on the City website-Community Development Department webpage at www.birminghamal.gov/community-development.


All interested parties who desire to submit written comments regarding the City’s development of its Final PY 2024-2025 Action Plan-One Year Use of Funds submission may do so by mail addressing them to Dr. Meghan V. Thomas, Director; Community Development Department; 710 North 20th Street, 10th Floor City Hall; Birmingham, Alabama 35203 or by email at housingandcommunityinfo@birminghamal.gov. Persons needing special assistance (such as translated materials or a draft copy of the report) or a reasonable accommodation to provide comments, please contact the City of Birmingham at housingandcommunityinfo@birminghamal.gov or (205) 254-2309. Please include, “Action Plan Request”, in the e-mail subject line.






July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025


PY 2024 Community Development Block Grant

$  5,760,968.00


PY 2024 Anticipated Program Income:

$  50,000.00


CDBG Total:

$  5,810,968.00


PY 2024 HOME Grant:

$  1,122,100.00


PY 2024 Anticipated HOME Program Income:

$    100,000.00


HOME Total:

$  1,222,100.00


PY 2024 Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG):

$    518,372.00


PY 2024 HOPWA Grant:

$  1,788,325.00



$  9,339,765.00






Administrative Funds (20% cap)

$  1,122,193.60


One Roof

$  40,000.00




Section 108 Loan Principal

$  60,000.00




Rev Birmingham

$  120,000.00


Urban Impact

$  220,000.00


Small Business Loan

$  250,000.00


Roebuck Revitalization YMCA

$  500,000.00


Façade Improvement Program

$  210,000.00




Program Cost

$  890,000.00


Single-Family Rehabilitation Program

$  1,000,000.00


Christian Service Mission

$  170,000.00


House Proud

$  100,000.00


Power UP

$  47,129.20


Disability Rights and Resources

$  200,000.00



$  10,000.00




Homeless Programs:




Cooperative Downtown Ministries

$  55,300.00




First Light, Inc.

$  60,000.00


Pathways/Day Center

$  50,000.00


Pathways Stepping- Stones/Overnight Shelter

$  30,000.00



$  50,000.00


Changed Lives Christian Center

$  25,000.00


Supportive Services:


Bridge Ministries

$  16,000.00


Jimmie Hale Mission

$  56,500.00


Other Public Services:


Employment and Housing Assistance


Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center

$  25,000.00


Birmingham Urban League

$  50,000.00


Fair Housing Center of Northern Alabama

$  45,000.00


Help 2 Others Foundation

$  29,142.00


Jefferson State Community College

$  35,000.00


Legal Services of Alabama

$  90,000.00


Food for Our Journey

$  25,600.00


Be Kind Birmingham

$  2,278.85


Children/Youth Development/Senior Citizens


Childcare Resources, Inc.

$  20,000.00


Children’s Village, Inc.

$  55,000.00


Girls Inc.

$  35,000.00


Pathway’s Early Learning Center

$  15,000.00


Positive Maturity, Inc.-East Lake

$  27,000.00


Rose Garden Adult Day Services, Inc.

$  25,000.00





$  10,000.00


Public Facilities & Infrastructure

$  39,824.35





$  122,210.00



$  183,315.00


Down Payment Assistance

$  500,000.00


Home Buyer/ Rental

$  416,575.00




Street Outreach Essential Services & Maintenance Operation Emergency Shelter


Cooperative Downtown Ministries, Inc.

$  60,000.00


Pathways/Day Center

$    60,000.00


One Roof-Street Outreach

$    20,000.00


Pathways Stepping -Stones/Overnight Shelter

$    40,000.00


Pathways Early Learning Center

$  25,000.000


Pathways Warming Station

$  20,000.00


Family Connection

$  85,494.10


AIDS AL Way Station

$  30,000.00


First Light, Inc.

$  55,000.000




Bridge Ministries

$  50,000.00





$  34,000.00



$  38,877.90






Rental Assistance/TBRA

$  410,000.00


Rental Assistance/STRMU

$  70,000.00


Supportive Services

$  538,598.00


Operating Costs

$  520,894.50


Resource Identification

$  70,000.00


Sponsor Administration (7%)

$  125,182.75



$  53,649.75




$  9,765,934.00









NOTICE: The manufactured dwelling located at 4631 Elfreth Johnson Rd is now abandoned and will be sold by private sealed bid auction. To inspect the dwelling and submit a sealed bid, call Diana Valdez, 205-968-1640 ext. 3, by 9:00 am on August 14, 2024. The dwelling community owner may bid on the dwelling. Bids will be unsealed, and the winning bidder will be announced on August 28, 2024, at 10:30 am at the dwelling location noted here.


  1. Lot 31 Lexas Leonard









Notice is hereby given that on   Aug 12, 2024  U-Haul Company of Northern Alabama will Sell under the contractual landlords lien process by Online auction the following storage units. The goods to be sold are generally described as household goods.

*******       WILL BE   Sold Online at Storageauctions.com         *******

1588 Carson Rd, Fultondale, AL:

1632 Center Point Pkwy, Birmingham, AL:1021 James Collins ,1113 Walter Bush, 2021 Justin Lee, 1003 Tony Crawford




