Home ♃ Recent Stories ☄ Meet the Co-Founders of Birmingham’s Broken Dreams Clothing Brand

Meet the Co-Founders of Birmingham’s Broken Dreams Clothing Brand

Broken Dreams clothing brand co-founders, from left: Carlton “Tae” Gamble; Anthony “TK” Sears and Jonathan “JB” Blanks photographed In downtown Birmingham. (Ameera Steward, For The Birmingham Times)

By Ameera Steward | For The Birmingham Times

Many Birmingham residents wear the brand, many Birmingham residents know the brand, however, not many know the faces behind the brand.

Broken Dreams is a southern streetwear brand founded on dedication, loyalty and the ambition to never stop working towards your dreams. It’s the team’s goal to provide quality pieces at an affordable price between $12 to $185. Their mission is to breathe hope for the future and express their creativity through premium products that are continuously evolving. Jonathan Blanks, 32, Carlton Gamble, 32, and Anthony Sears, 33, said they strive to set the tone for their culture to show people that they can turn their dreams into reality.

“A lot of people don’t even know whose brand it is, more people know now, but it was at one point we would be out just kicking it and people would be right next to us talking about the brand and not knowing who the owners are,” said Gamble. “So, I always thought that was kind of cool to play the [background]. And…It also would be good to kind of get out there more and just open up, show our personality.”

Blanks, Gamble, and Sears have known one another since middle school. Sears and Blanks both attended Minor High School, Gamble attended Parker High School. After reconnecting in college at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), they decided to launch their brand Broken Dreams in 2014.

They each bring their ideas to the table which helps bring diversity to the brand’s image because “we all have unique styles, but kind of the same…so we might start with something as small as a jacket and then we might just add on from there,” Gamble said.

“We might have a certain silhouette that we like, but then we might eventually just put our own touch on it…but it’s a group effort for sure,” he concluded.

Here’s a closer look at cofounders:

When it comes to fashion Jonathan “JB” Blanks said it was always a “thing” for him. (Ameera Steward Photos, For The Birmingham Times)

Jonathan Blanks

Blanks, also known as JB, is from the West Side of Birmingham and attended Minor High School. He graduated in 2009 and made his way to Jacksonville State University to study Business Management.

In 2010 he transferred to UAB and graduated in 2014 with his bachelor’s degree in business management.

When it comes to fashion Blanks said it was always a “thing” for him as well as his co-founders. However, fashion and creating a brand was never a dream for him. But after reconnecting with Gamble and Sears, the idea was undeniable.

And he’s happy they decided to go into business together because there isn’t anyone else, he would rather walk this journey with, Blanks said.

In addition to running the brand, Blanks also works as a business analyst for a company he doesn’t wish to disclose. He said he’s able to juggle both responsibilities because in addition to being a part of a helpful team, he works from home which provides him space and time to handle Broken Dreams responsibilities throughout the day.

They talk almost every day, so it’s a collaborative effort on all aspects. Once they come up with a concept or idea for a collection, Gamble is usually the team member that designs the mockup and they all review it for any changes or next steps. After the guys discuss fabrics, cuts, color ways, samples, marketing ideas, and more to complete the final product.

When it comes to the brand Blanks just wants to be remembered as the co-founder of the biggest brand out of Birmingham and one of the biggest brands in the world. Personally, he wants to be remembered as a great father to his two children, 3-year-old twins, a boy and a girl.

He added that he wants to be remembered as someone who “took care of his business, handled all of his responsibilities, and left a legacy…for my kids.”

Where does he see Broken Dreams in five years? “I see the brand being one of the biggest in the world,” Blanks said. “I don’t put a limit on our potential. I believe we will continue to grow and be mentioned with the biggest brands in the world.”

What sets the brand apart? Being authentic said Blanks.

“The fashion world is very trendy but I feel that we do a good job sticking to our vision and not just dropping what may be trending at the moment,” Blanks explained.

Carlton Gamble said he has “always had an it factor, his own sense of style that made him stand out. (Ameera Steward Photos, For The Birmingham Times)

Carlton Gamble

Gamble, also known as Tae, is from West End and attended Parker High School where he graduated in 2009.

He then attended Lawson State Community College for two years before transferring to UAB where he received his bachelor’s degree in management information systems in 2014.

Like Blanks, Gamble works as a business analyst in addition to working with the brand. He too works from home which makes it easier to take care of Broken Dreams responsibilities.

“If I had to go into the office, if any of us had to go into the office, it’d be tough for all of us,” Gamble said. “Working from home is the key for sure.”

Additionally, like Blanks, his love for fashion and style has always been there. Gamble said he has “always had an ‘it’ factor, his own sense of style that made him stand out.

Although he has a love for fashion, his favorite part of doing his work with Broken Dreams is the fact that he and his teammates respect each other’s opinions.

“Sometimes we agree to disagree,” he added. “It might be a collection where two of us are rocking with it, [and] one of us is kind of [on the opposite side] but we’ll all come together…and it always works out.”

In regard to how he is remembered, he wants people to view him as an authentic and genuine person. Someone who is “about business, but at the same time, a cool guy…just fun to be around and just a good person to do business with.”

Where does he see Broken Dreams in five years? Gamble believes the brand will reach new heights. “I can see us in some of the biggest fashion shows and blogs,” he said. “I also think the brand will have expanded into other entities such as real estate, lounges, sneakers, jewelry and possibly a store front, just to name a few. We want to be a household name not only in Birmingham, but worldwide.”

What sets the brand apart? “We’re not a super trendy brand, and we believe in putting energy into products and styles that we would wear,” he said. “We’re not here for fast fashion or just a quick dollar. Outside of the clothing aspect, we’re genuine people and always try to give good energy to those around us.”

Anthony “TK” Sears says his love for fashion and sense of style stems from his father. (Ameera Steward Photos, For The Birmingham Times)

Anthony Sears

Sears, also known as TK, is from the Westside of Birmingham and attended Minor High School where he met Blanks. He graduated in 2009.

He attended Bevill State Community College where he graduated with his associate’s degree in psychology in 2011. He then transferred to UAB where he received his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice in 2015.

Sears works in Anti Money Laundering (AML) Sanctions, which allows him to work from home like his team members.

Unlike the others, his love for fashion and sense of style stems from who his father (Anthony Sears) was and is.

“He’s super flashy – rings, silk shirts, music he put me onto,” said Sears. His dad introduced him to cultural aspects that affect his style today. As he grew older he just wanted to “look cool” by having the latest shoes and trends causing him to go through “a lot of different styles.”

His favorite part of being a part of the team is the brotherhood and the fact that they would give their last to him, just as he would give his last. And that is what Sears wants to be remembered for.

“I want to be known as a person that was willing to give whenever he has and to be supportive in whatever people do,” he said. “I like to support people in whatever they’re doing…and if I can help in any kind of way, let me know.”

And getting that same support from the Birmingham community shows Sears that Broken Dreams is enough to do whatever they put their minds to.

Overall, the Broken Dreams team said they just want to set the tone for the culture, and who people that they can turn their dreams into a reality.

Where does he see Broken Dreams in 5 years? I predict that the brand will be bigger,” said Sears. “There is a lot of upside for expansion — new products, new business ventures, more innovative ideas. “

What sets the brand apart? They stay authentic with their vision and they’re not falling into trends and fashion. “And [we] try to provide the very best quality,” Sears said.

To learn more about the Broken Dreams clothing line, visit https://shopbrokendreams.com; you can also follow the brand on Instagram (@brokendreamsclothing), Twitter (@BrkDreamsClothg), and TikTok (@brokendreamsclothing).

Updated at 6:45 a.m. on 7/26/2024 to make edits