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Birmingham City Councilor LaTonya Tate, Public Safety Chair, Saddened By Shootings

The Birmingham Times

Less than a week after terror in Dadeville, Alabama that left four dead, along with another 32 injured, some critically, Birmingham City Councilor LaTonya Tate, chair of the Public Safety Committee, issued a statement on gun violence in Alabama.

“Senseless gun violence is an issue that has broken too many families, not just in Birmingham or Alabama, but our nation as a whole. The situation that unfolded in Dadeville this past weekend is hard to even comprehend,” Tate said.

On Wednesday, officials announced that Ty Reik McCullough, 17, and Travis McCullough, 16, both of Tuskegee, and Wilson LaMar Hill Jr., 20, of Auburn each have been charged with four counts of reckless murder in the shooting.

Tate said she hopes that law enforcement can continue their investigation and “bring some form of justice for the families and friends of those who lost their lives. When you are not even safe from gun violence at a young girl’s 16th birthday party, something must change. Thoughts and prayers are no longer enough. We need action.”

The councilor said she, like many others, was saddened to “know that the life of a young man who was committed to play football at Jacksonville State University was cut short by this shooting. Three other members of the community were killed and the lives of those who witnessed this mass shooting will forever be changed.”

Tate added, “We have to come together as a community – one voice – and say enough is enough. My office is committed to helping establish community-driven programs and policies that can be an outlet for our young people who often feel hopeless or lost.”