Home Lifestyle Health Drew: Channeling your Inner Southern Belle During Summer Heat Waves

Drew: Channeling your Inner Southern Belle During Summer Heat Waves

Samuetta Hill Drew

Periodic power outages are a real dilemma a majority of individuals have dealt with at some time or another, especially those of us who live in Tornado Alley. In one of the previous safety articles this month, a list of reasons explaining the periodic summer power outages was provided. One of these reasons listed was an aging infrastructure. Power companies across our nation are trying to address this issue for their customers by installing new and upgraded systems. Our federal government is attempting to provide financial assistance for them with this endeavor.
Last week a local news channel reported that homes in a particular local community would be without power for an extended number of hours on a specified date. This scheduled power outage was to allow for utility upgrades. Naturally, the resident’s power will be all the better after the power upgrades but, I am positive there was some level of inconvenience involved on behalf of the residents.
Therefore, let’s review ways to safely address this type of situation or any others involving life without power for a designated period, regardless of the reasons behind it.
Make sure you have lots of batteries on hand, but these types of fans can help cool your body temperature down, especially if you get yourself wet first (not drenching wet, more of a light mist). Be cautious and avoid standing directly in front of the fan for a long time for health reasons. These fans are reasonably inexpensive and work well. It is recommended though that you spend a little more money and upgrade to the ones which will reach more than one part of your body at a time and can help you get to sleep, if desired. These types usually run off 6 D batteries and stay charged for 6 hours. There are also handheld fans with misting capabilities as an option. They are powered for up to 8 hours by 2AA batteries.

    Many people use these types of towels when working outside in their garden or at work. Many are stunned at how well they work in cooling you off. All you need to do is get them wet, wring them out, and give them a snap, then they cool you down, no power or refrigeration required. The towels can be used over and over again. They also come in bands that can be worn around your neck or head.
    It may sound silly, but slowly fanning yourself with a handheld fan helps to produce sweat, which cools you off.

Next week we will continue outlining additional safety tips for you to Keep an Eye on Safety if
or when you find yourself dealing with a power outage.