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City Schools to Offer Free Meals for Students This Summer


Birmingham-area youths will have free, hearty meals this summer in June and most of July through the Summer Food Service Program. The Birmingham City Schools Child Nutrition Program staff will prepare the food at various school locations June 13 – July 22.

The schedule and method of meal delivery is different this year from what it had been during the pandemic in the summer of 2020 and 2021 when the school district delivered meals to several community sites.

Lunch will be available on site for students in Sensational Summer Learning June 13 – July 8. Area youths who are not enrolled in summer learning can pick up meals at 41 school sites through June 30 from noon to 1 p.m. Also, meals will be available from noon to 1 p.m. at Harris Homes, Todd Homes, Marks Village and Tom Brown public housing communities and at Martha Gaskins Elementary School from June 13 through July 22. Because of USDA guidelines, meals at the public housing communities and at Martha Gaskins will not be available for takeout.

Michelle Sailes, child nutrition director for BCS, said she is pleased that the district can once again make meals available for area youths.

“Children in our communities still have a great need for meals during the summer,” Sailes said. “Birmingham City Schools is a meal sponsor through the USDA, and we look forward to providing free access to nutritious food.”

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