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Sharpe-Jefferson: Time Waits for No One


By Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson

As we contemplate life and career moves, there’s one thing that we all are keenly aware of on our individual journeys. While we’re able to get second chances on many things, as it relates to time, that will not happen. Once it’s gone, it is no more.

You can’t wish time back. You can’t hope a former day into existence again. The clock won’t reverse for anyone nor any reason. And while many of us are aware of the principle, how many can say we’ve truly given some serious thought concerning this?

I’d assume the answer is that few of us have contemplated the principle of time on a deep level.

Our routine lulls us into an expected reality.


  • We awaken each day and take for granted that we will be able to do, move and see just as the day before.


  • We become comfortable with our routine cycles: wake, dress, rush to work, meet deadlines, fight traffic, cook dinner and head to bed.


  • Rinse and repeat. Press play and go again.


Routine can be good, but it can also be deceiving.


If I leave you with one item as you read this article, it is quite simply this: Because of the fleeting and irretrievable nature of time, do whatever is in your heart to do. And do it now. I am not trying to practice scare tactics. But I do want you to understand that we don’t have a crystal ball and that time naturally brings about change.


When we move forward in doing that which we hold in our hearts to do, we can live a life without regret regardless of the time we have. So whether change is expected and welcome or not, the only thing we can control is our response to it.


And, trust me, we respond most positively when we know that we’ve taken action to live well within time. So, you may wonder, how do I propose we do that?


I’m glad you asked.


Here are a few suggestions to help you and I number our days, or co-exist wisely with time as it progresses:


  • Make the decision to get healthy today. Then enact and a plan and a support system.
  • Make amends with that family member or friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a while. It doesn’t matter who’s at fault. Sometimes life demands we vibrate on a higher frequency and I’m calling you and I to that place.
  • Live out your heart’s desire. Plan to start your business. Try out that new hairstyle (guys and gals). Travel to that location you’ve dreamed of visiting.


Keep in mind, I am not suggesting that you behave unwisely. Create your plan and move confidently toward the direction of your dreams. And while we can’t reverse time, we can surely maximize it. And once we look back, it’ll bring a smile to our faces and peace to our hearts knowing we’ve walked wisely with the time we were given.


You can’t go back and change the past, but with every decision from this day forward, you can successfully re-write your future with time as your ally.


Here’s to your new, successful future as you make the most of the time you’re given.


Remember, as always, I’m cheering for you.


Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at keisasharpe@yahoo.com and visit http://www.allsheanaturals.com for natural hair and body products.