Home More News Sharpe-Jefferson: A Sense of Independence on This Year’s July 4th

Sharpe-Jefferson: A Sense of Independence on This Year’s July 4th

Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson

Celebrations of freedom for the 4th of July take on a brand-new meaning this year.

Alabama, and America for that matter, continue to open back up for business and gatherings after COVID. Is it just me, or are we all feeling a sense of new-found freedom as we witness this?

First, I want to say kudos to those of you who have been vaccinated. You took a bold step for the safety of yourself and others and your actions are to be commended. For those who haven’t, I absolutely respect your personal choice. I simply issue a word of caution in hopes this will help you remain healthy as you celebrate with family and friends.

Adhering to medical safety guidelines (like using your personal mask and/or social distancing) and employing diligence (like regularly washing and/or sanitizing your hands), will serve you well and keep you safe.

Medical experts warn this is not the time to throw caution to the wind, as reports have surfaced (and cases support) a new variant of the COVID virus.

Let’s face it though. We’ve been under siege – waging war and trying to gain our freedom over a medical monstrosity. And it’s taken a heavy toll on us.

Recent White House estimates show more than 600,000 people have lost their lives to COVID. That is nothing to take lightly. And we’ve been continually reminded that it is a formidable foe for 16 months and counting. We’ve worked, played and lived our lives distanced from many we know and love.

Those are some harsh facts surrounding where we are with COVID, but I will close on a note of optimism. While we may not have won the war just yet, we are racking up some serious battle victories:

  • We’ve learned to co-exist in a “safe” manner and at a “safe” distance.
  • More people have been vaccinated in expectation of working, playing and traveling together again.
  • We understand now more than ever the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle – mind, body and soul.
  • We’ve learned how technology – when used correctly – can connect us to the human sight, “touch” and voice we need.
  • We’re appreciating the hugs, lunches, and visits all the more now, remembering that at the height of COVID, these seemed as if they were only a distant dream.

The bottom line is that COVID happened. We responded.  And we have become smarter.

Our job now is simple. We continue to live and fight in order to see greater freedom return back into our daily lives, even if it’s one simple step at a time.

Remember, I am a certified life coach – The Life Change Strategist – and I provide a safe space for you to process change in your life, relationship and career.

And I’d love to work with you and be contacted at the email below.


Coach K

Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears on the first and third Thursdays of each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at keisa@keisasharpe.com and visit http://www.allsheanaturals.com for natural hair and body products.