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BPL hosts fundraiser to benefit for programs 

The Birmingham Public Library hosted a BPL Friends Bookstore "grab-a-bag" sale as part of #LibraryGivingDay, a nationwide fundraising campaign for libraries across the country.  (Provided Photo)

The Birmingham Public Library on Wednesday hosted a Food Truck Rally and BPL Friends Bookstore “grab-a-bag” sale as part of #LibraryGivingDay, a nationwide fundraising campaign for libraries across the country. 

The event was part of BPL’s celebration of 2021 National Library Week. Proceeds benefited programs, services and materials at 18 libraries. 

In addition to being able to support the library by buying lunch and snacks from 10 food trucks and booths, the BPL Friends Bookstore sold “grab bags” filled with books. 

For more ways to help please visit Birmingham Public Library (cobpl.org)