Home ♃ Recent Stories ☄ $12 per hour internships for high school seniors in Jefferson County 

$12 per hour internships for high school seniors in Jefferson County 

The Birmingham Times

The Jefferson County Human Resources Department is gearing up for its Water Reclamation High School Internship Program designed for high school seniors to gain practical training and hands-on, work experience in the Environmental Services Water Reclamation industry.

The goal with the program is to:

  • Provide students with meaningful work experiences that are highly related to their primary area of study.
  • Provide students with valuable professional public service experience that will enhance their skills and competencies.
  • Create a new resource and connection for students from which they can learn and grow.
  • Establish relationships between Jefferson County Commission, local area high schools, local universities, and colleges to enhance awareness of public service opportunities among their students within Jefferson County Commission.

The deadline to apply is April 9, 2021.

A proposed pay scale is being considered with Step 1 at $12 per hour which represents the salary for a high school student intern. 

During 2018-2019 the program connected with approximately 300 students in Birmingham City and Jefferson County high schools in addition to high schools such as, Pinson, Midfield, Bessemer, and Fairfield high schools. The program was not held during the 2019-2020 school year, because of COVID-19.

This year Jefferson County HR Department sent emails to 16 local high schools inviting them to learn more about the internship program and held four virtual presentations. They are also planning plant tours for students who have indicated interest in the internship and considering hosting a podcast to bring more awareness of the program and the number of interns for the 2020-2021 school year.

To learn more about the Water Reclamation High School Internship Program and to apply, visit the Jefferson County Commission website at www.jccal.org and select the Human Resources Department, Find a Job, and Internships. Here, you may download a copy of the application packet. You may also visit http://www.jccal.org/Default.asp?ID=2013&pg=Internships. 

If you have any questions, please contact Marc Crenshaw at CrenshawM@jccal.org or Lakeasha Hargrove at Taylorlak@jccal.org.