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Sharpe-Jefferson: Small Changes During Holidays Can Lead to Healthier Living

By Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson

I’ve long been employed, but change recently brought about the manifestation of a dream I’ve long held to be an entrepreneur. I must admit, the changes weren’t initially welcomed by me.

Would I have initiated becoming a full-time entrepreneur at this time? My honest answer is no. But change in circumstances created the opportunity, and I accepted it.

I entered the workforce at age 15 after securing a job in my hometown of Montgomery, AL. After college, I worked as a broadcast news anchor in the Tuscaloosa, Montgomery and Tupelo, MS markets before planting roots in Birmingham.

I first envisioned running my own business in the year 2000 while I worked at a local television station.

Fast forward 20 years later, after also working as both a crisis and corporate communicator, I am just now beginning to fulfill my dream.

In this season, we can do ourselves a favor and make some sound observations about change.

  • It is challenging. Few welcome change with open arms.
  • It’s coming whether we like it or not.
  • It never stops.

We would also do ourselves a favor by learning how to cope with change. Change is defined (in Oxford Languages online) as the act or process of making or becoming different.

And therein lies the challenge – the realization that what we once knew and experienced (positive or negative) threatens to be altered. When things change, we must change.

  • Change requires a new reaction.
  • Change requires a new outlook on the future.
  • Change also requires a different thought process.

More effort will be needed temporarily as we adjust. But as we stop to think for a moment – what if change can usher us into the most fulfilling season of our lives?

Personal change opened the door for me to pursue full-time entrepreneurship. My outlook shifted from fear to faith:

  • I bet daily on my personal skills and talents and not solely the security of a job.
  • I embraced the uncertainty of business ownership. Carving out your niche is always an uphill climb.
  • I accepted the challenge and responsibility of putting my talents to work in new and unusual ways to generate income.
  • I stepped up to the assignment and walked through the open door.

Before I go any farther, please know this is not a how-to on walking away from your job.  I am by no means encouraging you to do so. I’m simply sharing a page from my life in hopes that it encourages you to look at your life – and the changes it’s presenting – through a pair of new lenses.

Where can you look in your life right now and see an opportunity that change is creating? I encourage you, in the middle of all of the noise, to still away and see what change is beckoning specifically for you to do.

  • Should you take a new course? to sharpen your skills.
  • Is it time to complete a home improvement project?
  • Will you be bold enough to ask for a promotion?

There’s always a message in change. The big question is…are you listening?


Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson is a life coach, author and speaker. You can contact Keisa at keisa@keisasharpe.com and visit http://www.allsheanaturals.com for natural hair and body products