Home Local Entertainment People, Places and Things

People, Places and Things

By Gwen DeRu
**READ THE BIRMINGHAM TIMES. Get all the latest news!
**OPEN BLUES JAM, 7-10 p.m. at Brennan’s Irish Pub.  All musicians welcome.
**COMEDIAN DREW THOMAS at the StarDome Comedy Club.

**COMEDIAN BRUCE BRUCE at the StarDome Comedy Club.
**MOVIE NIGHT: Check out some old, but good flicks/movies and show on a sheet in the backyard for the young and young at heart. Fun in the outdoors…any day!

**COMEDIAN BRUCE BRUCE at the StarDome Comedy Club.
**FUN, GAMES, YARD AND HOUSE WORK including Uno, Monopoly, Solitaire. Weeding the pretty flowers in the beds, cutting the grass, cleaning the grill or just sitting outside if the weather permits. Things are changing soon.

**COMEDIAN BRUCE BRUCE at the StarDome Comedy Club.
**FAMILY TIME AND GOOD FOOD. Grilling in the backyard, movies in the backyard, parties in the backyard.

**PLANNING AND MORE CATCH UP. Pull out that long to-do list and see what can be done during the week or weekend ahead. Making plans for the future and getting back to normal as best as you can.

**READ A GOOD BOOK… There are a few on the bookshelves, just lying around …or you can get an e-book.


**COMEDIAN MIKE JAMES at the StarDome Comedy Club.
**WEATHER WATCHING FOR THE WEEK AND WEEKEND. Looking for the weekend and thinking of what to do that depends on good weather outdoors. Getting out of the house even if going nowhere…. Take a walk if the weather is good.

**READ THE BIRMINGHAM TIMES. Catch up on the news!
**COMEDIAN MIKE JAMES at the StarDome Comedy Club.

**MOVIE NIGHT: Rent and Watch movies at Sidewalkfest.com.
**COMEDIAN BRAD WILLIAMS at the StarDome Comedy Club.


**SMALL BUSINESS WEEK July 13 – 17)  – Monday kicked off this week of workshops for small businesses TODAY (Tate & Associates LLC & ISeek Solutions) – HOW TO SCALE: Systems and Processes for Success and FRIDAY (Uphill Consulting & Ace Graham of Alchemy)– COMMUNITY X CULTURE X CUSTOMER SERVICE: The Art of Customer Service Growing & Maintaining An Inclusive Customer Base. REV kicks off these noon events daily. FREE. Register at https://oed.birminghamal.gov.

**TRESOR’S BHAM BBQ SAUCE – New Orleans native Tresor Berterand has a sauce that people are talking about – smooth in texture and spicy in flavor – TRESOR’S BHAM BBQ SAUCE. Tresor’s plan was to bring a sauce with a flavor unique to the south New Orlean’s style for BBQ sauce. She relocated to Birmingham after the Katrina storm in 2005. Mother, grandmother and small business owner Tresor’s sauce, a part of the Magnolia Food Group, LLC, can be found in Piggly Wiggly stores around Birmingham. For more about Tresor’s BBQ sauce: Magnolia BBQ Sauce (Facebook), atresors_bbqsauce_bham (Instagram), magnoliabbqsaucebham@gmail.com or (205) 520-3198.

**MCWANE SCIENCE CENTER CELEBRATES 22ND BIRTHDAY …SAVE THE DATE – ITTY BITTY MAGIC CITY REOPENS AUGUST 5. Preschoolers are welcome.  Bring Masks to explore the McWane Center.  For more, mcwane.org/welcomeback.

…VACATIONS WITH BOOKS AND VIRTUAL TRIPS…. When you need to get away from ‘whatever’, the best way is with a good book. Well, maybe the next thing to being there in person. Many families are eager to get out of the house and hit the road for a summer trip. Make your summer travel plans safe and successful.

Here are a couple of books to read anytime, after washing your hands, before the news reports, during your down time or just to keep boredom away (with so much going on).

**BOOK: LIFE GETS BETTER – The book ‘Life Gets Better (And I Want My Beauty!)’ written by local author ANGELA ABDUR-RASHEED is about gut-wrenching loss, stagnant dreams, financial lack, and life-altering health challenges. Abdur-Rasheed has been through it all and emerged with the undeniable certainty that life gets better. Just in time for quarantine reading and some needed assurance, Life Gets Better is a compilation of transparent vignettes and poignant posts sprinkled with humor, sassy anecdotes, comforting scripture and transparent revelations for the person who simply needs a reminder that hope is always here. Consider Life Gets Better, a mashup of an autobiography, shocking tell-all (at least according to Angela’s dad), workbook, devotional, church group guide, comedic prose, book club choice, virtual venting session and “stay out of trouble free” guide.

**BOOK: GIVING GOD ULTIMATE LOVE – The book ‘Giving God Ultimate Love, Over-The-Top-Mega Love’ written by BUKKY AGBOOLA (Nigeria native) asks do you have what it takes to give God ultimate love?  Agboola, a Christian author, speaker and gospel-recording artist, challenges the reader to explore. Agboola says that Giving God Ultimate Love will help you to discover the meaning and source of ultimate love, learn how Jesus and others experienced ultimate love and gain practical insights into obedience, worship and love. The book gives guidance and thought-provoking questions that inspires one to a greater love of God, brings blessings to lives as well as enable the spirits to overcome life’s difficult trials.

**VIRTUAL TRIPS – Travel online – A virtual trip can be a great way to explore destinations you might consider for a future vacation, or it may be a chance to see remarkable sights around the world that you wouldn’t get to experience otherwise.
**BIRMINGHAM BOTANICAL GARDEN VIRTUAL TOUR – Explore the Japanese Gardes at nwww.youtube.com/watch?v=VRC3m1AsMig&feature=youtu.be. For more, go to www.bbgardens.org.


**COVID-19 TESTING SITES…Here is an update on the testing sites in Birmingham…

*JULY 22 -NORTH BIRMINGHAM HOMES, 3127 43rd Avenue North, 9 a.m.- 12 noon – The testing is for those with or without symptoms. Call 205-407-9696 to schedule appointment.

*JULY 29 -JOYFUL NEWS CHRISTIAN CENTER, 3106 27th Street North, 9 a.m.- 12 noon – The testing is for those with or without symptoms. Call 205-407-9696 to schedule appointment.

*AUGUST 5 -MACEDONIA 17th STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, 1405 13th Avenue North, 9 a.m. – 12 noon – The testing is for those with or without symptoms. Call 205-407-9696 to schedule appointment.

…ONGOING –  *LEGION FIELD: MONDAY – FRIDAY 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT, CALL 205-92-COVID (205-922-6843) …*UAB Downtown Testing Site: TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT, CALL (205)-975-1881 (2117 University Blvd South, Birmingham, AL 35205) …*Cahaba Medical Care, West End Clinic: TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT, CALL (205)-679-6325 or visit cahabamedicalcare.com (1308 Tuscaloosa Avenue, Birmingham)

**BIRMINGHAM INITIATIVES – Here are a couple of initiatives that are taking place supporting the Birmingham community. Visit the links and learn how you can contribute, support or volunteer in the efforts. *To support Black and locally owned businesses in Birmingham, visit www.wokevote.us/restore. *Join the community in supporting Mayor Randall Woodfin and the City of Birmingham to re-envision a new monument in Linn Park – one that represents a vision for an inclusive future. Donate today to be a part of something monumental.  www.gofundme.com/f/monumentalbhm.

**JOB SEEKERS – Looking for a job…*GOOD JOB is a site for job seekers looking for employment match up. *YWCA is a site for job seekers looking for employment. * SERVISFIRST BANK is a site. *ALABAMA SAWYER is a site. *HALF SHELL OYSTER HOUSE is a site. *HINKLE METALS AND SUPPLY is a site. *EBSCO is a site.


**FARMERS TO FAMILIES FREE PRODUCE WEDNESDAYS – Avondale Samaritan Place, 3829 5th Avenue South is offering FREE fresh produce to families through July 22 starting at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays.

**FOOD AND FARM FORUM -The 2020 Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network (ASAN) Forum is scheduled for December 10-12 at Camp Beckwith in Fairhope, Alabama. There is a Youth Food and Farm Forum, as well. Sessions are 50 minutes or two hours in length, and can be anything from a panel discussion to hands-on demo, roundtable discussion to a traditional presentation. Categories for topics include: Farming (Beginning and Advanced levels), Farm Business / Marketing, Community Food Systems / Food Movement, and “Green Living”. Submit your proposal at :
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2rfoAVJCN2dLUQA6HNzBYulqMCo9xCPPp6WqQC-l-7xP-YQ/viewform. ASAN is a grassroots network of producers and supporters of locally, ecologically, and ethically raised food from throughout Alabama.



**COMEDIAN DREW THOMAS… at the StarDome Comedy Club.  His hard work has led to appearances on NBC’s Last Comic Standing (Seasons 6 & 9) and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, for 3 yrs Drew was the opening act on Rodney Carrington’s Laughter’s Good Tour playing countless theaters, arenas and casinos throughout the U.S. and Canada. Drew has also opened for notable musical acts such as Salt N Pepa, Boyz II Men, Chaka Khan, Al Green, Jeffrey Osborne, Tito Jackson, M.C. Hammer, The Temptations, Morris Day and The Isley Brothers, just to name a few. He’s also appeared at over 75 Colleges and Universities. In addition to performing, he also produced two successful comedy series at California’s Morongo and Chumash casinos. You can currently catch him on Gotham Comedy Live, Laughs on Fox and Comedy All Stars on Pure Flix or at a Comedy Club near you. His work ethic is above par and he continues to grow as an artist.


**COMEDIAN BRUCE BRUCE…at the StarDome Comedy Club. Bruce Bruce is a name synonymous with keeping audiences rolling with laughter thanks to his captivating improv skills and larger than life comedic style. Bruce’s steady style of comedy has been showcased across the country and he has been entertaining audiences young and old and of all backgrounds for years. His wit spontaneity and dazzling personality set him apart from other standup comedians. Although Bruce is known for his adult comedy he prides himself on not using vulgarity to win a laugh and is no stranger is winning over new audiences with every appearance he makes. From his role as host for two seasons of BET’s “Comic View” to his many appearances on tv and film Bruce is clearly a comedian that has found his mark in the business. On the feature film front Bruce made a cameo in the HBO Films feature Idlewild and appeared in the Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector. He also appeared in the comedy Who’s Your Caddy as “Golf Ball Eddie.”


**NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK SOUTHERN ARTISTS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE – A part of the Surdna Foundation’s “Radical Imagination for Racial Justice” initiative, this new program supports projects that connect artists of color with local partners and residents to collaborate and co-design with a community-driven objective. This grant opportunity will provide $25,000 project grants to artists of color engaged in social change in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. NPN’s Southern Artists for Social Change endeavors to build relationships between artists, individuals, institutions, and communities with the vision of advancing racial and cultural justice in the arts and philanthropy. A select set of grantees may also have the opportunity for a Participatory Action Research (PAR) component that focuses on a grantee project, in collaboration with the Highlander Research and Education Center, Othering and Belonging Institute, and/or Southwest Folklife Alliance. The deadline for application is August 1, 2020. Learn more at npnweb.org/programs/southern-artists-for-social-change/.

**OUR TOWN – The National Endowment for the Arts – Our Town – The NEA’s annual creative place making grants program supports projects that integrate arts, culture, and design with the goal of strengthening communities and effect social change. By partnering with local government and cultural nonprofit organizations, grants ranging from $25,000 to $150,000 are available. Our Town projects endeavor to bring attention to and elevate community issues, voices, history, and cultural infrastructure and are committed to artist support, diversity, equity, inclusion, and supporting respect for diverse beliefs and values. Our Town FY2021 invites creative placemaking projects and innovative partnerships that respond to evolving and emerging local community needs. These may include efforts to support artists and cultural organizations in addressing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, artist unemployment, racial inequity, and other needs that may not be clear at this specific time. The deadline for application is August 6, 2020. Learn more at www.arts.gov/grants-organizations/our-town/grant-program-description.

**SOUTH ARTS EMERGING LEADERS OF COLOR PROGRAM – With the goal of fostering representative leadership, diversity, and equity in the arts, South Arts’ new Emerging Leaders of Color Development Professional Development Program has created a professional development opportunity for arts and culture professionals to establish networks that support their careers. Focused on the southeastern United States, this program aims to engage diverse emerging leaders and build a cohort of cultural torchbearers who are committed to the advancement of arts. Selected individuals will participate in a 3-day, 2-night executive-level professional development and team-building workshop at no cost to themselves. The deadline for application is September 15, 2020. Learn more at www.southarts.org/programs-conferences/emerging-leaders-color.


**BLACK LENS FILMMAKER GRANT – The shared goal of amplifying Black voices in film, the Law Firm of Stacey A. Davis and Sidewalk Film Center + Cinema have partnered to offer a new grant that will award a $1,000 cash prize, a one-year Director’s membership to Sidewalk to the Sidewalk Film Center + Cinema (a $2,500 value), and one free year of access to Sidewalk’s education/outreach programs. This opportunity is open to filmmakers at any stage of their careers who reside in Alabama, identify as Black, and are over the age of 18. Applicants must be in development, pre-production, production, or post-production on a motion picture project. The deadline for application is August 1, 2020. Learn more at sidewalkfest.com.


** SIDEWALK EDU – INTRO TO ADOBE PREMIERE with DIONNA MCMILLIAN, July 23 and 30, 8-9:30 p.m. Learn to edit over Zoom. Registration ends TODAY at 7:30 p.m. For more, kiwi@sidewalkfes.com.

**DIRECTING WORKSHOP with DR. RACHEL RAIMIST, July 18, 1 p.m. Join a virtual workshop for directors of all levels to learn blocking and shot design software. Registration ends July 18, 12:30 pm.  For more, kiwi@sidewalkfest.com.

**FUNDING FILMMAKING with LEAH GALANT, July 20, 6:30 pm. Explore how to find funds for your film idea and sustain a life as a freelance filmmaker.


**JULY 18 – FUNKIEST FUNKY FOOD TRUCK FEST at Cahaba Brewing Company.
**AUGUST 1-2 – FORMULA REGIONAL AMERICAS at Barber Motorsports Park.
**AUGUST 29 – FAIRY TALE BALL with Childcare Resources.
**OCTOBER 9-11 – BARBER VINTAGE FESTIVAL at Barber Motorsports Park.

Well, that’s it. Tell you more ‘next’ time. People, Places and Things by Gwen DeRu is a weekly column. Send comments to my emails: thelewisgroup@birminghamtimes.com and gwenderu@yahoo.com.