Compiled by Erica Wright
There are some things we just won’t do. We asked Birmingham-area residents, It would take an Act of Congress for you to do what?

Cynthia Holiness: “Skydive, because I’m afraid of heights and I like to be in control and when you skydive you are definitely not in control . . . it would definitely take a law to get me to jump out of a plane and go skydiving.”

Aryn Gieger-Sedgwick: “Work every day for something that I don’t care about. I prefer work that helps people and is mission based and more fulfilling so I wouldn’t want to do something that is not in line with that.”

Margaret Pitman: “Move across the country . . . I’ve always lived in the South and it would be like uprooting my entire person to move anywhere farther than the Mason-Dixon line. I just love being from the South and I love my home.”

Guy Dewees: “Deliver a speech in front of a large group of people . . . I’m kind of introverted. I had to give a presentation today and I didn’t get much sleep last night and it was only like five or six people but it was still nerve wrecking. Public speaking just terrifies me.”