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Do something different to change up your look in 2019

By Kamilah Gray Lewis
Special to The Times

Whenever we ring in a new year, we promise ourselves that we will lose weight, save more money, etc.

Whatever goals you have set for yourself in 2019, I want to encourage you to add one more thing to the list and that’s to challenge yourself to do something different in the new year that will change your look. It could be a new lip color, shoe, belt, top or jewelry. Early January sales will be full of after-Christmas deals, so remain on the hunt for that special item.

Here are a few simple things that can take your  wardrobe from drab to fab:

1) Invest in a timeless suit

A new suit that exudes confidence and style can go a long way, especially when it’s tailored for your body type. A good suit and tailoring are investments that will pay off in the long run. Don’t you deserve it?

Confused about where to start?  Consider a navy, gray or subtle pinstripe in pants or a skirt. Pair the suit with a button-front blouse or sleeveless top. Since this a neutral suit, color options for tops are endless. Mustard, white and red look good with navy. For gray, a burnt orange or white works well. Don’t be afraid to try new or different things.

2) Pick the perfect pair of pants

This tip may seem simple, but believe me, it’s so important. Good-fitting pants can be hard to come by, so when you find a pair, it’s always good to get a pair that will serve dual purposes. For example, look for pants that can be casual on the weekend and can be dressed up during the work week. For a casual look, pair the pants with a denim jacket, a shirt and a pair of Converse. A dressier look for the office would be a blouse and blazer with pumps or booties. If the pants have belt loops, make sure the belt matches the shoes.

3) Choose a classy cover-up

I love coats that can transition between seasons. You know,  something that is not too heavy or too light but just right. You’ll get more bang for your buck with this item.

4) Rave about rain gear 

Rain shouldn’t dampen your fashion sense. Instead, let the wet weather be your inspiration. This year, promise yourself you’ll look for a good pair of rain boots that are stylish and on trend.

Gone are the days when bulky and boring were our only options in rain boots, which were mainly used to just keep our feet dry. Today, the choices are plentiful. There are so many different tall, short, colorful, wedge and heeled boots, that it’s hard to choose just one pair.

I recently bought a pair of tall maroon riding boot rain boots that work well when worn on top of skinny jeans, slim-fitting slacks or leggings. Throw in a blazer, rain jacket or duster to top off your rainy weather look.

5) Fall in love with flats 

When you are tired of wearing heels, ballerina flats are a nice transition. Be sure to select something that is complementary to your foot as well as your outfit. When selecting flats, pay attention to details, the color, the cut, the fit and strap placement on the shoe. Skip shoes that have gaps on the side. That can be distracting.

Also remember that when transitioning in an outfit where you first wore heels and you are now wearing flats, make sure your final look looks intentional and not an accident. Pointed-toe flats and sling-back flats look nice with dresses and skirts. However, sling-back flats look better in warmer months. Also, when wearing flats with pants, be sure the pants hem does not drag the floor. This makes your outfit look like an afterthought.

Kamilah Gray Lewis is a fashion stylist in Birmingham, Ala. Follow her on Instagram or Facebook at Styled By Kamilah. For styling questions, email her at styledbykamilah01@gmail.com.