By Je’Don Holloway Talley
For the Birmingham Times

One session with an energy healer over the telephone introduced Marilyn Elliott to a whole new way of helping patients.
Elliott, 58, is a board-certified Doctor of Chiropractic, and she recalls a time when she needed a way to deal with emotional pain she could not resolve on her own. That incident led her to contact an energy healer.
“[I] was so thoroughly shocked at the effectiveness of that session in relieving my distress, so I pursued additional training in emotional energy healing techniques to help my patients, as well,” she said.
Elliott began her study in Energy Medicine in 2003 and now holds the highest available Advanced-Level Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) certification. She is currently the only certified NAET practitioner in the state of Alabama.
NAET is a noninvasive, drug-free, natural solution for alleviating allergies of all types using procedures from chiropractic and nutritional disciplines of medicine.
“I now use emotional NAET treatments — or emotional energy healing — to release energy blockages my patients have that cause them to be stuck with the same old issues,” Elliott said.
With NAET the central nervous system can be “rebooted” to accept the energy of whatever the patient is allergic to and thereby eliminate the allergy to the substance. Hypnosis, energy work, and dietary changes all spur wellness and healing within the human body, but “allergy elimination is found to address the root cause of various illnesses, even depression,” she said.
Many parents of depressed teenagers are surprised to learn that their kids suffer from brain allergies, said Elliott, who notes that current research “has found that allergies can affect any system of the body, including the central nervous system.”
Helping People Get Well
Elliott, an Aberdeen, Miss., native, said she knew at age 10 “that I would spend my life as a doctor helping sick people get well.”
One thing that sparked her interest in becoming a medical professional may have been that she was a sick child who endured years of failed medicinal therapies that provided no solution. Elliott was on the medical career track before she chose to leave the pre-med program and pursue a bachelor of science in chemical engineering, which she earned from Mississippi State University in 1983.
“I spent about 10 years in chemical engineering, feeling that I had lost my way,” she said. “More disconcerting to me, though, was how my health had begun to deteriorate. I had shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and what was later diagnosed as interstitial cystitis.”
Set on taking control of her own recovery, Elliott went to a local health-food store to buy several books on natural healing. She then began a regimen that included detoxifying fasts, internal cleansing, and organic raw vegetables and fruits.
“I studied several books on natural healing and applied many of the recommendations I read,” she said.
After six years, the pain and illness Elliott had suffered for ten months “simply disappeared. It was gone,” she said.
“The more I learned about nutrition and natural healing, the more I wanted to know.”
Elliott, who went on to become a certified clinical nutritionist, hypnotist, medical intuitive, and acupuncturist, enrolled at Life University School of Chiropractic in Marietta, Ga. She graduated as a board-certified chiropractor in the autumn of 1997 and moved to Birmingham that summer.
Elliott also was trained in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT), which helps patients seek the ability to communicate with their higher consciousness.
“I was so impressed by what I heard about QHHT that I received basic and advanced training … to help patients seeking the ability to receive direction for their lives and get their most urgent questions answered.”
Practical Advice
At a patient’s first consultation with Elliott, there is no cracking of bones that one expects from a chiropractic visit.
“I analyze each patient using kinesiology or muscle testing to determine which body system takes priority in balancing, what is creating the imbalance—food allergy, immune-system challenges, heavy metals, chemicals—and what it will take to balance it,” she said. “I use whole-food supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies, and detoxification methods.”
Elliott also offers practical advice.
Asked how diet impacts health, she said: “When you eat the foods your body requires in order to make healthy cells and eliminate waste, your health improves. When you eat foods that do nothing but add to your body’s load of toxins, you create sickness with each bite.”
What about herbs and vitamins?
“Herbs are nature’s drugs, but they are not meant to be taken as a supplement for daily vitamins,” Elliott said. “Herbs are needed only sometimes, but they are not meant to be taken for indefinite periods of time; they are necessary just when the body needs support.
“Synthetic, over-the-counter vitamins should be completely avoided. Only food-based supplements should be used by anyone serious about healing their bodies. The best daily supplement is freshly-made green drinks with chia seeds.
Doctor of the Future
Elliott said she wants her patients to view self-care as health care.
“I teach my patients how to take care of themselves, how to balance their energies to stop allergic reactions, what types of foods to eat to heal, how to use essential oils to facilitate healing, and methods of detoxification they can use at home to care for themselves,” she said.
Elliott said Thomas Edison described her in 1903 when he said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”