By Erica Wright
The Birmingham Times

Birmingham residents Aaron Jackson and Janet Rice found love when they met at their local recreation center recently and were among more than 200 seniors who gathered Wednesday for a Valentine’s Day gala at the Botanical Gardens.
“We met about two years ago at the center,” said Rice, 65. “I’m a student, he’s my teacher.”
“She came to class and not only that she began to dance and pick up on all the moves and everything,” said Jackson, 67. “I had a party for all my students and she came and she helped me out and I said ‘that’s a sweet lady!’ but I always tell my students that I don’t date my students, but with her it was different.”
Their love connection is so strong, Jackson proposed to Rice and the couple plans to get married soon.
“I would like to encourage all of the women, young and old, that there are good men but you have to make sure that you’re a good woman and we have to do our part and it takes both to be one,” said Rice.
“Just wait on The Lord,” said Jackson. “The Lord will bring forth your fruit that you’re looking for.”
The couple also showed others how to ballroom dance. Other activities during the gala sponsored by The Birmingham Park and Recreation Board, included raffle contests, live entertainment, a parade of fashions and the crowning of the gala’s queen and king as well as lunch.

Charles Eubanks and Mildred Green were crowned “most seasoned” male and female. Both were born during the 1920s.
Eubanks attended the gala with his wife of more than 50 years, Mary.
“Love, forgiveness and patience is an important part of marriage and I encourage people to practice that,” said Mary.
Benny and Alice Harris, married for 45 years, stressed the importance of communication and to really love the person you’re with in order to have a successful marriage.
“You don’t try to make people do anything,” said Alice. “You can put the suggestion out there and let them decide. You let people be their own selves because everybody is not the same but when you have the same values and same beliefs and you can talk, it usually works out.”
“Communication is the key,” Benny said. “Also, time takes care of a lot of things.”