Home ♃ Recent Stories ☄ Sights from the Birmingham Christmas tree lighting ceremony

Sights from the Birmingham Christmas tree lighting ceremony

Mayor Randall Woodfin ( Left) and Council President Valerie A. Abbott (Right) at the 2017 Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony on Dec.10. 2017. REGINALD ALLEN, FOR THE BIRMINGHAM TIMES.

By Pat Byington


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Continuing a tradition that started in the late 1940s, Birmingham held its annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony on Sun. Dec. 10. At around 5:30 p.m., Mayor Randall Woodfin pulled the switch that unveiled a beautiful sparkling  35-foot tree  at Linn Park in downtown Birmingham in front of several hundred people, including the City Council and, most importantly, Santa Claus.

This year’s tree and ceremony was moved from the front of Linn Park on the south side of the park to the front of city hall.

Woodfin gave a five minute speech and, with the city council on stage, handed out the poinsettias to the crowd.

Before the tree lighting there were games for children, Santa Claus was hard at work and the mascot “SYD” from the Mayor’s Office of Youth Services greeted the crowd.

For seven decades, the Birmingham Christmas tree lighting ceremony continues to bring joy to the Magic City.