Home ♃ Recent Stories ☄ ‘Truth About Love Tour’ comes to the Magic City on Sept. 3

‘Truth About Love Tour’ comes to the Magic City on Sept. 3


By Chanda Temple

Stephan Labossiere via Instagram

For The Birmingham TimesBuckle up for some tough talk on love and relationships on Sunday, Sept. 3, which is when Atlanta relationship expert and best-selling author Stephan Labossiere will bring his “Truth About Love Tour’’ to Embassy Suites, 2300 Woodcrest Place in Birmingham from 3 to 7 p.m.

A certified life coach with more than 1.2 million Facebook followers, Labossiere said this tour is for all types of adults – no matter their gender, age or relationship status.

“If they want better in their life, they need to be at this event,’’ he said, adding that people need to understand the work required on not just having good relationships but also how to avoid bad ones.

His Instagram feed, which has more than 675,000 followers and is listed as @stephanspeaks, shows just how real and how deep he gets with his messages. Many of his posts receive tens of thousands of likes daily. Some have included:

  • When you’re confident in what you bring to the table, you don’t have to chase and beg anyone to sit down and eat.
  • Don’t just pray for her, pray with her.
  • A lot of women say good men no longer exist. A lot of men say good women no longer exist. A lot of people don’t know good when they see it. (Heal your heart and correct your vision. Good women and men do exist.)
  • A relationship should be about loving and supporting each other. Not constantly fighting and stressing each other out.
  • Queens don’t chase. That’s how your crown falls off.

As an author, his books pack a punch, too. On Sept. 3 he’ll bring his various thoughts to life by discussing: the power of your energy, the key to giving and receiving love, and love vs. relationships.

He said he’s not hosting the tour to cheerlead people and keep them in a relationship. But rather he wants to get people in the right relationship with someone, with themselves and with God.

This will be his first time to visit Birmingham. Early bird tickets are $25, and general admission is $35. For ticket information, visit www.thetruthaboutluvtour.com.

For more information about Labossiere, visit stephanspeaks.com.