Home Classified Classifieds: January 12, 2017

Classifieds: January 12, 2017





Help Wanted/Drivers


Drivers: Regional & OTR. Excellent Pay + Rider Program.

Family Medical/Dental Benefits. Great Home time + Weekends.

CDL-A, 1 yr. EXP. 877-758-3905






Drivers, CDL-A: Home EVERY Weekend!! Dedicated Southeast! Walk Away Lease, No Money Down.
Drivers average $1500/wk. 855-971-8522





LPNs Needed


Correctional nursing is different with every patient, every day. Regardless of your area of interest, correctional nursing provides a rewarding career in a specialized field that encompasses ambulatory care, health education and urgent care and infirmary care. Corizon Health, a provider of health services for the Alabama Department of Corrections, has excellent opportunities at the Donaldson Correctional Facility, located in Bessemer, AL. We are currently looking for Full Time, Part Time and PRN Licensed Practical Nurses. Corizon offers competitive rates, excellent benefits (for FT) and the opportunity to try something new in this growing specialty field. New graduates welcome!


Please contact: Kelly Herberholt 800-325-4809 x9536 Kelly.Herberholt@ CorizonHealth.com







Request for Bids


The Birmingham Airport Authority (BAA) is inviting qualified Contractors to submit a bid for the construction of a new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Facility at the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport.  Beginning Thursday, January 5, 2017, the complete Request for Bid (RFB) Package will be available for download from the BAA’s website at www.flybirmingham.com/aboutbhm-business. The deadline for submission of all Bids for this project is 2:00 PM CST on Tuesday, February 7, 2017.  To obtain additional information regarding this RFB, please send your request, via email, to: Tom Wesley, Project Manager, Birmingham Airport Authority at twesley@flybirmingham.com or via phone at (205) 599-0786





Abbreviated Notice For Appointment Of A New U. S. Magistrate Judge 


The Judicial Conference of the United States has authorized the appointment of a full-time U.S. Magistrate Judge for the Northern District of Alabama in Huntsville, AL. The current annual salary of the position is $ 186,852. The term of office is eight years. A full public notice and the application forms for the magistrate judge position are available on the court’s website at www.alnd.uscourts.gov. Applications must be submitted only by applicants personally and received by January 23, 2017







DATE January 5, 2017

FROM Jefferson County Commission

General Services Department, Room 1

716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. North

Birmingham, Alabama 35203



The General Services department on behalf of the Jefferson County Commission is conducting the Mechanical Engineering services selection process for the described Project.


PROJECT TITLE: Cooling Towers Replacement

PROJECT LOCATION:  716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. North Birmingham, Al. and 120 2nd Court North Birmingham, ALl.


General project descriptions: Replacement of 5 cooling towers, 3 at Birmingham Courthouse and 2 at the Family Court Building.


Professional services include but are not limited to preliminary site assessments, systems review and cooling towers condition evaluation as needed to properly design, develop and assemble comprehensive replacement plans and specifications/ bid documents, develop plan review submittals to local agencies (if required), conduct all necessary code and city inspection review meetings, write and initiate project advertisement, conduct pre-bid conference, bid opening and bid evaluation and bid award recommendation. Develop AIA Owner /Contractor agreement and issue notice to proceed. Provide construction administration, conduct periodic on-site construction observation monitoring and reporting documentation as needed for the successful project implementation. Engineer will develop and conduct contractor pre-qualification advertisement, review and recommendations.
If you would like to be considered for this Project, please provide four complete copies of your submission documentation for the Project to our office by the deadline indicated above. Minority, women and disabled veteran-owned enterprises (DBE) are encouraged to apply. Significant local participation is recommended for engineering services for firms outside the State of Alabama. All qualification submissions shall be made in hard copy, bound 8 1/2 x 11 format with project and firm identification on cover stock.
Please include the following items in your packet and identify each specific qualification request identifiable by associated item numbers and tabbed accordingly below:

Qualification Package

  1. Approach. A general statement of the firms approach to each of the project packages with particular focus on distinguishing characteristics or services.
  2. Work proposed to be performed. A discussion of the firms understanding of the scope of services to be provided and the major work tasks to be performed.
  3. Engineers preliminary Project Schedule. Provide a schedule of proposed engineering deliverables.
  4. Key personnel. A list of the proposed project team assigned to this project and their roles, previous related experience, education, date that person joined the firm.
  5. Project construction schedule.Provide a preliminary construction schedule indicating the anticipated start, project duration and completion dates for major project deliverables.
  6. Relevant experience. A statement of the firm’s relevant experience, including a brief description of projects similar in scope and size as the proposed project, include project title, dates work was performed, construction value, client contact information.
  7. List of Proposed Engineers/Consultants. Provide a list of proposed engineers/consultants the plans to use for each specific package for this project. Include their statements of qualifications, profiles and lists of previous experience with projects similar in scope, value and size and current client contact information.
  8. Certificate of Insurance. Submit copy of firm’s certificate of insurance
  9. Include statement of DBE status.Is your firm a “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise”; Minority, women or disabled veteran-owned enterprise? Include statement of DBE status for each identified sub consultant/engineer listed for each package if applicable.


Submit Statements of Qualification to the above address with attention to Mr. Edwin Yergan, Selection Team Leader


All questions regarding this project shall be directed to Mr. Jeff Calvert at the listed address or E-mail at yergane@jccal.org. Any contact with the selection committee team members other than Mr. Yergan may disqualify the firm’s proposal from consideration.









Sealed bids for HORTICULTURE GREENHOUSE PANEL REPLACEMENT, for the City of Birmingham, located at 4721 Avenue W, Birmingham, AL 35208 will be received by the City Architect in Conference Room 215 Birmingham City Hall, Birmingham, Alabama until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 2, 2017 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.


All bids must be on a lump sum basis. Bids are to be submitted in duplicate on the Proposal Form provided with specifications. No pre-qualification of bidders will be conducted prior to receiving bids.


Under the Alabama State Code, Section 39-2-4, as amended by Act #97-225, it is required for any contract exceeding $50,000 that the Bidder submit with his bid, either a cashier’s check, drawn on an Alabama bank, or a bid bond, executed by a surety authorized and qualified to make bonds in Alabama, payable to the City of Birmingham, in an amount (subject to a maximum of $10,000.00) equal to five percent (5%) of the bid. In order for a bid to be considered, it must be accompanied by an acceptable bid bond or cashier’s check.


Any bid submitted for an amount of $50,000 or more, the bidder must be a licensed general contractor in the State of Alabama in accordance with Section 34-8, of the Alabama State Code. Contractor’s license number shall appear on the outside of the envelope used to submit bid.


A Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract amount and a Statutory Labor and Material Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract amount will be required from the successful bidder at the signing of the contract. Also, proof of insurance will be required when the contract is signed.  The City will review bonds and insurance and execute the contract within twenty (20) days unless the successful contractor agrees to an extension in writing
A Pre-bid Conference to review and discuss the project will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 24, 2017 in Conference Room 215, Birmingham City Hall. Attendance at the Pre-bid Conference is MANDATORY and shall be deemed a consideration of a bidder’s responsiveness, in addition to any other stipulations.


Bid documents are opened to public inspection at the Department of Planning, Engineering and Permits – Architectural Division, Room 220 City Hall, 710 20th Street North Birmingham, AL 35203. Electronic version of the bid documents may be viewed online at McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge, http://www.construction.com/; AGC/iSQFT Plan Room, http://www.alagc.org/resourcesServices/internetPlanRm/; CMD Group, Inc., http://www.cmdgroup.com/; and at the Birmingham Construction Industry Authority, 3600 Fourth Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35222.


Bid documents may be viewed and purchased through the City of Birmingham online plans room site at http://BirminghamBids.algraphics.com.  Any cost for reproduction shall be the responsibility of bidders.


Since award may not be made within thirty (30) days, no bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of the bid opening.


The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted, and to waive any informalities.




Bidders are expected to prepare their bid to include all necessary material, labor, bonds, permits, overhead, profit, taxes, insurance, etc. costs. It is not the City’s obligation to bring mistakes/omissions in bid to bidder’s attention. If after bid opening, a bidder determines he has a mistake in bid, he may seek withdrawal of his bid without forfeiting his bond, if the request is in writing within three (3) work days after the bid opening, and is accompanied by clear and convincing evidence of the mistake.


All cashier’s checks or bid bonds will be returned immediately after bids are checked and tabulated to all except the three (3) lowest bona fide bidders.  Bid bonds shall be returned to the three (3) lowest bona fide bidders when the contract is signed and performance and payment bonds and insurance are furnished by the successful bidder. If award is not made within fifteen (15) days after bid opening, all bid guarantees will be returned except for those of the potentially successful bidders. If after sixty (60) days, no award has been made, all bids shall be rejected and the potentially successful bidder’s guarantee will be returned unless the bidder agrees in writing to a time extension. If a time extension is effected, bidder may substitute any cashier’s check for a satisfactory bid bond.


Any contract resulting from this Invitation to Bid shall not be assignable without prior written consent of the City. Under no conditions, shall the contract be assigned to an unsuccessful bidder whose bid was rejected as non-responsive and/or non-responsible.


A Notice to Proceed will be issued by the City within fifteen (15) days after final contract execution unless both parties agree in writing to a longer period of time.


Special attention is called to the applicability of the Birmingham Plan-Construction Industry Program to the project. Under this Program, the utilization of Minority Business Enterprises and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (MBE/DBE) is encouraged on a voluntary basis. The Construction Industry Authority established a system of floating MBD/DBE goals which may differ from year to year and project to project. Overall, these goals shall not be less than the historical participation of MBD/DBE’s in construction projects of the City and its agencies. Additional information about this Program is contained in the Project Manual and may be obtained from the Executive Director, Birmingham Construction Industry Authority at 3600 4th Avenue, South, Birmingham, Alabama  35222 (Telephone: 205-324-6202). For federally funded contracts, the provisions of the President’s Executive Order 11246 and federal agency regulations requiring affirmative action to achieve employment and utilization of minority persons and business will apply.


As a matter of public policy, the City of Birmingham agrees to make opportunities available to the maximum extent possible, to actively include Historically Underutilized Business Enterprises (HUBE’s) such as architectural firms, engineering firms, investment banking firms, other professional consultant services providers, and construction contractors as part of business, economic and community revitalization programs.


Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked:  SEALED BID – HORTICULTURE GREENHOUSE PANEL REPLACEMENT. Bids may be hand delivered to Conference Room 215 City Hall, Birmingham, Alabama, or mailed to: City of Birmingham Planning, Engineering and Permits Department, Architectural Division, Room 220 City Hall, 710 North 20th Street, Birmingham, Alabama 35203.  Bids sent by any express carrier (Federal Express, UPS, Airborne, etc.) must specify delivery to Room 220 City Hall.


It is the bidder’s responsibility to make sure that his bid is in the possession of the City Architect on or before 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 2, 2017.   Bids received after this time will not be considered.

Alan Terry Oglesby, City Architect






Notice of Completion


In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975 Notice is hereby given that GKL Companies, Inc.. Contractor, has completed the Contract for Construction of Barrett Elementary School Roof Replacement for the Birmingham City School at Barrett Elementary School in Birmingham, Alabama for the State of Alabama and the City of Birmingham, Owners, and have made request for final settlement of said Contract. All persons having claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Stephen Ward & Associates, Inc. 128 Jetplex Circle Madison, Alabama 35758.


GKL Companies, Inc.

112 Rainbow Industrial Drive

Rainbow City, AL 35906







The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham will be accepting bids covering the installation of water mains and appurtenances connected thereto and 47 water services along along Iris Drive; Iris Way; Powell Drive; Kirk Circle; and Northridge Road located in the City of Gardendale, Alabama. Plans and specifications may be examined and obtained in the office of the Manager – System Development at 3600 First Avenue, North. Bids must be received for public opening at 10:00 a.m. local time in said office. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. local time in the System Development Conference Room located on the Second Floor of the Main Campus Building located at the above-stated address. Bids will not be accepted from Contractors who do not attend the Pre-Bid Conference. Bids must be received for public opening on Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. local time in the System Development Conference Room located as stated above.







Issued January 6, 2017
The Birmingham Airport Authority (the “Authority”) is seeking a highly qualified firm or team of firms (each, a “Respondent”), to provide Professional Engineering Consulting Services associated with facilitating a condition assessment, repair, and improvements of the designated taxiway’s safety area situated between Runway 6/24 and the Alabama Air National Guard apron. Existing FAA electrical cabling will need to be lowered to facilitate this work. A new lighted Wind cone will be added to Runway 6/24 SW of the Taxiway “F”. The distance remaining signs for both runway 6/24 and 18/36 will need to be replaced. Existing signs are mounted on concrete pads, and may require some electrical work to complete their installation. All work must comply with the latest FAA Design Standards.
A Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2017, starting at 2:00 p.m. local time at the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport’s Meeting Room A, located at 5900 Airport Highway, Birmingham, Alabama 35212.
Meeting Room A is situated near the Concourse C entrance, near the escalator, adjacent to the Birmingham Police Substation on the Terminal Building’s lower level. All interested participants are strongly urged to attend this conference.
Beginning, Monday, January 16, 2017, Request for Qualifications can be acquired via the Birmingham Airport Authority web-site.
All Statements of Qualifications will be due no later than local time noon, Thursday, February 9, 2017.
DBE Policy: It is the policy of the Birmingham Airport Authority (Authority) that DBEs as defined in 49CFR Part 26, will have maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of all Authority projects and the bidders will take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that DBEs have the maximum opportunity to complete for and perform subcontractors. Additional DBE information is contained in the full Request for Statement of Qualifications packages.








Sealed proposals will be received by the Lawson State Community College, 3060 Wilson Rd SW, Birmingham, AL 35221 in the Facilities Building Conference Room; UNTIL 2:00 PM Local Time; on Tuesday January 31st, 2017, for:




at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read.


The project includes, but is not limited to, selective demolition, site work, the construction of a new elevator and renovations on the third floor and all related work as indicated on the Bid and Construction Documents.


A cashiers check or bid bond payable to Lawson State Community College, Birmingham, Alabama, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000, must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Performance and statutory Labor and Material Payment Bonds, and insurance in compliance with requirements, will be required at the signing of the Contract.


Drawings and Specifications will be available after January 8th, 2017, to Prequalified project General Contractors;  and may be examined at the digital Plan Rooms of:  Dodge SCAN; Reed Construction Data, Birmingham Construction Industry Authority (BCIA), iSQFT and AGC Internet Plan Rooms in Birmingham, Alabama.


Approved Pre-Qualified Bidders may obtain documents from Alabama Graphics, for a non-refundable cost equal to the cost of printing (which is approximately $175.00). Other sets for general contractors, and sets for subs and dealers, may be obtained at the same amount. Partial sets will not be available.


Prequalification data shall be submitted no later than January 17th, 2017, and shall include the following information and/or verification in letter or acceptable standard format of AIA or AGC:  Company information, including:  1)  Statutory license type, limits, type(s) of work and expiration date;  2)  Bonding company and capacity;  3)  Verification of minimum 5 years successful history as a General Contractor with projects of similar size and scope under the name of the firm which will be bidding and contracting for the work, and verifiable successful history of completing these and other projects in a timely manner; and 4) For compliance with the Alabama Immigration Law, Act 2011 – 535. Note that any joint venture arrangements must qualify solely on the strength of the principal firm’s prequalification information. Two hard copies of the document shall be submitted to the Architect, for Owner’s review, and a decision regarding the prospective bidder’s prequalification will be communicated to them within 5 working days.


Bids must be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the Architect or copies thereof. All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must be licensed under the Provision of Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, and must show such evidence of license before bidding or bid will not be received or considered by Architect or Owner;  The bidder shall show such evidence by clearly displaying their current license number on the outside of the sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered;  Bidder must also include their current license number on the Proposal Form. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of SIXTY (60) days.


MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held at the same location where bids will be received, at 10:00 AM, on January 19th, 2017, for the purpose of reviewing the project and answering Bidder’s questions. Attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference is required for all General Contractor Bidders intending to submit a Proposal, and highly recommended for all Subcontractors. Bids from General Contractor Bidders who do not attend the Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be rejected.


This project is being bid without sales taxes according to Act 2013-205 (of the Alabama Legislature). However sales tax for the base bid and all other bid items must be accounted for on the contractor’s Bid Proposal Form. ABC Form C-3A indicates how the sales tax shall be accounted for on the bid proposal form and shall be modified by the project architect as appropriate for bid items on each project.


Completion Time:  Work shall commence on the earlier of either the date of the owner’s written “Notice to Proceed” or the contractor’s receipt of the fully executed contract and shall be “Substantially Complete” within 180 Consecutive Calendar Days thereafter.


Supervision:  Contractor to provide Superintendent(s) to ensure proper supervision for all work.

  1. This project may be partially funded through the Department of Education

                        therefore the following Federal Regulations must be adhered to:

a. Davis Bacon Act
b. Wage Hour Act
c. Copeland Anti-Kick Back Act
d. EPA Standards


Additional qualifications and requirements for General Contractor Bidders and separate Subcontractors and Manufacturers are indicated in the Bid and Contract Documents.


The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technical errors if, in their judgment, the best interests of the Owner will thereby be promoted.


Lawson State Community College

3060 Wilson Road SW.

Birmingham, Alabama, 35221




Apartments for Rent



201 Spring Gardens Road – Birmingham, AL 35217



We are accepting applications for  

Senior Housing –55 Plus/62 Plus

Rent based on income to maintain our waiting list

Monday thru Thursday – 8:00 AM – 4:00PM



