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Miles student Larry Scott Wins Notable NATO Award

Miles College student Larry Scott, a native of sebring, florida, is a second year political science major with a 3.875 GPA. (Courtesy)



Miles College student Larry Scott, a native of sebring, florida, is a second year political science major with a 3.875 GPA. (Courtesy)
Miles College student Larry Scott, a native of Sebring, florida, is a second year political science major with a 3.875 GPA. (Courtesy)


Miles College student, Larry Scott, became the first student from Miles College to win an award at the Model North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Simulation, which was held at Howard University and partially funded by NATO.

Scott was chosen from a total of 300 students to receive this award.

“One could not find a better student,” said Alan Tharpe, director of the Model NATO Program. “[Scott] worked very hard to master the workings of NATO, the political dynamics of Denmark, and the important issues of the day facing NATO, such as the crisis in the Ukraine, the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Syria, as well as the delicate balance between Russia and the Baltic nations.”

Scott, a native of Sebring, Florida, is a second year political science major with a 3.875 GPA. After graduation he plans to attend graduate school to receive a master in Political Science with a concentration in international relations or public administration.

Miles College represented the country of Denmark at the simulation of NATO proceedings. Out of 33 colleges in attendance from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Italy, and Belgium, Miles College and Howard University were the only two HBCUs selected to participate.

Under the leadership of Tharpe, Ba-Shen T. Welch, director of the International Studies Program, and faculty member Lauren Yearout, Miles College students gained important insights into international politics and issues and the workings of NATO.

The International Studies Program has sent students to China, India, South Africa, Egypt, Vietnam, Thailand as well as Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy at no cost to the students.




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