Home Opinion Barbershop Talk

Barbershop Talk


by Pete Stone

Dr. Carter G. Woodson Started Black History Week

In 1926 Dr. Woodson gave the world its first day of Negro History Week that he originated as a historian.

Negro History Week later became Black History Month.

As a barber I have openly participated in Black Cultural discussions for over 40 years. Barbershop Talk is an intricate part of our history, which is a painful and disruptive set of fixed events that shape our lives. The discussions in a Barbershop environment affect the growth and development of the understanding of knowledge which equals wisdom. The association of Negro life and Black history is our story but white publishers stole our legacy with no reparations paid to Black culture.

Dr. Woodson made a statement that lives in my mind each day that I live. He said, “When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions.” Black history is important to the world but must first be understood by the majority of Black folk. History is time and time tells a story; with one hand time holds back and with the other hand time moves us forward.

Barbershop talk offers Black people an opportunity to teach and learn true Black history from each other and inject it into the community. The barber and beauty shops of America are the perfect conduit for our history to pass through to the next generation.

Now I am not asking you to believe this because I said it, I am asking you to study to show your own self-approval.

Contact me at (205) 243-8644


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