Home Opinion Dr Jesse Lewis Sr ONE MAN’S OPINION By Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.

ONE MAN’S OPINION By Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.

Dr. Jesse Lewis, Sr. is the founder of The Birmingham Times.

Donald Trump is Crazy!

I still believe that Donald Trump will not be the nominee for the Republican Party as their President in 2016.  Nor will Dr. Ben Carson.

With as many false statements that Trump has made, he still has the highest ratings of any Republican running for the President – 27 percent.

For the second weekend, the Republican presidential front-runner repeated his assertion, despite city leaders and law enforcement officials saying large-scale public Muslim-Americans in New Jersey celebrations never happened, in an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd.

“I have a very good memory, Chuck.  I’ll tell you, I have a very good memory. I saw it somewhere on television many years ago and I never forgot it – and it was on television, too.” Trump said.

Trump claimed he’s heard reports of the celebrations in different New Jersey cities.  He said his staff is looking for clips of television reports from the time that will prove his claim.

“I’ve heard Jersey City.  I’ve heard Paterson.  It was 14 years ago,” Trump said.  “But I saw it on television, I saw clips, and so did many other people – and many people saw it in person.  I have had hundreds of phone calls to the Trump organization saying, “We saw it.  There was dancing in the streets.”

Trump also suggested the celebrations would have occurred because Muslims everywhere cheered the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

Trump also made another claim:  That President Barack Obama’s plans of allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States in the 2016 fiscal year is actually drastically lower than what Obama truly had in mind.

Here is a man that criticizes all minorities including women, Blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics.  He said, they will endorse and support him.  He said, “These people love me.”

When he met with the Black pastors and they refused to endorse him, he still said that they support him.  He said and I quote, “I saw love in the room.”

The Republican establishment is hell-bent on curtailing Donald Trump’s efforts to win the nominee for President.  The problem that they are having is they manufacture Donald Trump.  All the remarks that Donald Trump has made about Barack Obama, the Republican party has agreed with him.

The majority of the Republican party agreed with Donald Trump when he said that Barack Obama was not born in America, therefore he should not be President of the United States.  Now, these are the same people putting forth every effort in the world to oust Donald Trump.

Donald Trump sounds like Megan Kelly with Fox News.  Amidst the angry protests over Chicago’s release of the Laquan McDonald video, Kelly – anchor of The Kelly File – was appalled at a protestor who stared down a Chicago police officer.  She had a problem with what the young man was doing, saying that she didn’t think it was appropriate, because, you know, Black folks aren’t supposed to look white people in the eyes.  Not during the era of enslavement, not immediately after; not way, way after; and not today.  “Reckless eyeballing” is actually a thing.  This is not something that some white folks take lightly.

For the record, Kelly also didn’t think it was appropriate for Jason Van Dyke to shoot Laquan McDonald 16 times.  Thank goodness.


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