Home National UCLA Students Wear Blackface To Kanye West-Themed Party

UCLA Students Wear Blackface To Kanye West-Themed Party


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Yup, people still haven’t learned that blackface just isn’t cool.

Black student groups at UCLA are up in arms about a predominantly White fraternity and sorority holding a “Kanye West”-themed party. According to the student paper, the party-goers dressed in baggy clothes, blackface, and traditional Kardashian-like attire.

Pictures of the party filled with Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and Alpha Phi sorority members flooded social media and ignited the hashtag #blackbruinsmatter. According to the LA Times, the Afrikan Student Union is planning to meet at noon on Thursday at the Bruin Bear statue, where students will wear black.



“Everyone keep in mind that simply because I go to one of the top ranked institutions in the country, doesn’t mean I’m any farther away from ignorance and racism as anyone else. They just hide it behind frat/sorority themes, anonymous postings, and micro-aggressions,” she said on Facebook. “This isn’t over though.”

UCLA officials are investigating the matter. Expect way more of these stories to hit the air when Halloween parties start to roll around in a few weeks.

SOURCE: LA TimesFacebook, Twitter | 


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