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Birmingham City Council Highlights


During the Birmingham City Council Meeting for September 15, 2015



fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 by appropriating $660,720.00 to Non

Departmental, STRADA Transportation Initiative the Funding Source being

additional Bank Excise Tax received.

Cliff Notes

Was this item approved? Deferred to next Committee of the Whole

What does this mean? The STRADA Transportation Initiative is an engineering company hired to conduct feasibility studies for expanded Amtrak lines, mobilize

a possible shipping port by using Birmingport in west Birmingham as a shipping hub and recruit a national transportation conference in the City of Birmingham.

Strada is set to complete feasibility studies for a federal proposal to extend Amtrak service. This ordinance will further amend the general fund budget by appropriating $660,720.00 for the services rendered in this initiative.

Next Steps: For more information please contact the Director of Finance, Tom Barnett at 205.254.2250.

Other items approved by the Council at today’s meeting include the


1. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute a Cost Sharing Agreement

between the City of Birmingham, the City of Hoover, the City of Irondale, the

City of Leeds, the City of Mountain Brook, the City of Vestavia Hills, the

Birmingham Water Works Board, Jefferson County and Shelby County, for

the purpose of jointly undertake, as a collaborative effort, to fund a study for the

purpose of determining possible solutions to the traffic congestion existing in the

U.S. Highway 280 corridor between SR 119 and I-459 by considering alternative

corridors to realign Grants Mill Road from SR-119 to I-459 with a new facility

capable of carrying the design year projected traffic volumes at speeds of 55

mph. The study will look at multiple corridors, each approximately 1000 feet wide,

for possible alternative locations. The desired outcome of the study is to present

a preferred alternate route for the potential relocation of Grants Mill Road

between I-459 and SR-119 (Cahaba Valley Road). The aggregate cost of the

Project shall not exceed $1,040,000.00. Birmingham will contribute the sum of

$560,000.00 and each other entity will contribute the sum of $60,000.00.

Cliff Notes

Was this item approved? Approved on the Consent Agenda

What does this mean? Councilors recently recommended a cost-sharing agreement by several local governments to study realigning and expanding

the road in Jefferson and Shelby counties, moving an evaluation of an alternative to U.S. 280 The Budget and Finance committee approved a plan to share the

more than $1 million cost to study realigning Grants Mill Road with five other cities, two counties and the Birmingham Water Works Board. The plan calls for

redesigning Grants Mill between Interstate 459 and Alabama 119 to carry more traffic at 55 mph. The cost sharing agreement calls for Birmingham to pay more

than half $560,000 while Hoover, Irondale, Leeds, Mountain Brook, Vestavia Hills, Jefferson County, Shelby County and the Water Works Board each pay $60,000. The Mayor is authorized to enter into the Joint Services Agreement according to the detailed scope of services in the contract and each municipality is expected to divide the costs based on the total acquisition of land.

Next Steps: For more information please contact the Director of Finance, Tom Barnett at 205.254.2250.

2. A Resolution authorizing a contract with Bernard Lockhart d/b/a Magic City

Smooth Jazz for an expenditure of a sum not to exceed $25,000.00 to provide

artistic services in the form of a concert during the Summer Jam Series in

Birmingham in the summer of 2015, which will include an event at Railroad Park

on October 25, 2015.

Cliff Notes

Was this item approved? Approved on the Consent Agenda

What does this mean? Magic City Smooth Jazz, one of Birmingham’s premier music showcases, is an IRS registered 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization

dedicated to enhancing cultural activities through various styles of jazz in the State of Alabama. Since its inception in 2008, Magic City Smooth Jazz has hosted over 75 FREE concerts to the public while presenting over 275 emerging and established artists while impacting the lives of over 20,000 adults and children. This resolution is authorizing the contract in the amount of $25,000.00 for this showcases at Railroad Park on October 25, 2015.

Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of Council President Johnathan Austin at 205.254.2679.

2. A Resolution author a contract with REV Birmingham for an expenditure of a

sum not to exceed $30,000 from discretionary funds to be allocated to REV

Birmingham, for the purpose of facilitating an event known as “District 8 – Party

with a Purpose” which creates and fosters community pride while providing

recreation, entertainment and opportunities for attendees to gain valuable

information about community resources available to help improve their lives and


Cliff Notes

Was this item approved? Approved unanimously with the updated language

What does this mean? District 8 Party With a Purpose is an annual community event that draws nearly thousands to the Ensley community. This resolution is addressing the scope of work that REV Birmingham will administer in efforts to draw more citizens.

Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of Councilor Steven Hoyt at 205.254.2304.

3. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement for Consulting

Services with STRADA Professional Services, LLC, in substantially the form

attached, under which STRADA has partially performed and will continue to

assist the City in establishing a proposed Port of Birmingham on the Locust Fork

of the Warrior River, within six months following the Effective Date of this

Agreement; and the City will pay STRADA an amount not to exceed $325,000.00

for such services, provided that such funding has been approved and included in

the City’s General Fund Budget for FY2015-2016.

4. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement for Consulting

Services with STRADA Professional Services, LLC, in substantially the form

attached, under which STRADA has performed professional consulting services

by conducting preliminary research to establish a fully operational Bus Rapid

Transit Program (“BRT”) and Personal Rapid Transit Program (“PRT”)

(collectively referenced as the “Program” or “Transit System”) to service its

downtown area and also move people to and from the airport, through Uptown

and to the Birmingham Crossplex facility; and has submitted an initial scope of

work and proposal to become the Program Manager for the City’s proposed

Program Management Office (“PMO”) whose primary function shall be to ensure

that the construction of the Program remains on schedule and to track and

monitor the actions of the overall Program and communicate its status and

progress to the City; and to further assist the City in improving its opportunities to

secure Federal, State and other funding in conjunction with proposed Transit

System to achieve the City’s objective of a functioning Transit System in place in

two years before the start of the 11th Edition of The World Games 2021; and the

City will pay STRADA an amount not to exceed $408,220.00 for such services,

provided that such funding has been approved and included in the City’s General

Fund Budget for FY2015-2016.

Cliff Notes

Was this item approved? Deferred to next Committee of the Whole Meeting

What does this mean? STRADA Professional Services, is a minority-owned engineering and consulting company. The company’s partners, staff, and strategic alliance members have over 100 years of combined experience in engineering, construction, design, and management.

Next Steps: For more information please contact the Director of Finance, Tom Barnett at 205.254.2250.

5. A Resolution setting a public hearing October 27, 2015, to consider the

adoption of a resolution assenting to the vacation of approximately 4,356 square

feet of the Block 8 alley that runs parallel to and between Bessemer Road and

47th Street and perpendicular to and between Terrace S and Avenue T, on behalf

of Anthony C. Marino for ACM Investments, owners, so that the owner can

expand the existing grocery store and move the loading dock Case No.



6. A Resolution setting a public hearing October 27, 2015 to consider the


CITY OF BIRMINGHAM” (Case No. ZAC2015-00014) to change zone district

boundaries from R-3, Single Family District to B-2, General Business District,

filed by Anthony Marino owner of Marino’s Grocery Store, for the property located

at 1965 Bessemer Road, Birmingham.

Cliff Notes

Was this item approved? Approved on the Consent Agenda

What does this mean? The established zoning regulations and districts have been made in accordance with a comprehensive plan and designed to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to promote health and the general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentrations of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, schools, park and other public requirements. This resolution is setting a public hearing, a formal meeting for receiving testimony from the public at large on a local issue, or proposed government action, to assent to property vacations for the expansion of Marino Grocery stores and change the zoning district boundaries from a single family district to a General Business District.

Next Steps: For more information please contact Tim Gambrel in the Department of Planning and Zoning at 205.254.2359.

7. An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 15-132, which declared a moratorium

on spending related to all capital projects for up to thirty (30) days in order for the

Mayor’s Office to provide the City Council with a comprehensive update on those

projects within the City of Birmingham.

Cliff Notes

Was this item approved? Approved on the Consent Agenda

What does this mean? Birmingham City Councilors concluded a three and half-hour Committee of the Whole Meeting on September 11th coming to terms with the financial status of select capital improvement projects, including bond projects, within the City of Birmingham and their expected dates of completion. On Tuesday September 8th the Council voted for a moratorium on spending for all upcoming capital projects in efforts to offer accountability to City government and manage resources responsibly with citizens. At the conclusion the Committee of the Whole meeting councilors moved to rescind the moratorium that will be presented on the council agenda for the September 15th council meeting.

Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of Council President Johnathan Austin at 205.254.2679.

Announcements and Reminders

1. The Joint Budget and Finance and Economic Development Committee Meeting

will be held Monday September 14, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms D &


2. Join Councilor Lashunda Scales and the citizens of District 1 at the Northeast

Birmingham Area Framework Plan Public Open House that will take place

Monday September 14, 2015 from 6:00pm to 7:00 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes

Catholic Church Gymnasium, 980 Huffman Road

3. The Public Improvements and Beautification Committee Meeting scheduled for

Tuesday September 15, 2015 is CANCELLED.

4. The Public Safety Committee Meeting will be held Monday September 21st,

2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

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