Home Local Civil War Reenactment Set for September 5-6 at Point Mallard Park

Civil War Reenactment Set for September 5-6 at Point Mallard Park

Decatur, Alabama (August 20, 2015) – Labor Day is quickly approaching and the north Alabama region boasts plenty of things to see and do over the long holiday weekend. On top of the list is a compelling Civil War reenactment set to take place September 5-6, 2015, at Point Mallard Park in Decatur Ala. Hosted by the 1st Alabama Cavalry Company G “Wheelers Escort”, the Battle for Decatur Civil War Reenactment commemorates the four day battle which took place in October 1864, telling the story of Decatur’s small, but significant role in the War Between the States.

More than 200 Civil War re-enactors are expected to take part in the Battle for Decatur Civil War Reenactment. The weekend event includes mock battles, Civil War relic displays and a Civil War camp with displays of authentic equipment, dress, and drills. Camps open to the public beginning at 10 a.m. with maneuvers and battles taking place at 2 p.m. The Confederate forces will repeatedly attack the Union troops in the Union fort to mimic the event that occurred at and near the Old State Bank.

The public is also invited to a Ladies’ Tea at 10 a.m. and the Military Ball at 7 p.m. on Saturday and a Church Service at 10 a.m. on Sunday. These three events are held at The Chapel located near the entrance of Point Mallard Park.

Other activities include drill and firing of mid-19th century muskets mounted cavalry patrols, cannon and a living history of daily camp life where spectators can purchase Civil War related items and visit with soldiers.

The historical reenactment represents the historic battle event that took place 151 years ago on the east side of Decatur near the Old State Bank. The City of Decatur was an important transportation site for the Confederate States of America during the Civil War due to the Memphis and Charleston’s railroad bridge crossing the Tennessee River. During the 1864 battle at Decatur, Confederate General Hood attempted to break Union supply lines at the crucial railroad crossing at Decatur. He was not successful and had to cross the river at Florence. Decatur’s involvement in this campaign and the fierce four-day battle led to the city to be known as “a hard nut to crack.”

Sponsored by the City of Decatur, Decatur/Morgan County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Morgan County Commission and Camp 580 Sons of Confederate Veterans Alabama Division, the two-day event is held at Point Mallard Park, a 750-acre municipal park providing year round recreation facilities in Decatur, Ala. Admission is free. For more information on the Battle for Decatur Civil War Reenactment, call Larry Thomson, SCV Camp 580 Adjutant, at 256.520.2906.





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