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Black American History


Black American History

Bobby E. Mills, PhD


Black history is more than just the White use of Blacks for slave labor (economic development and European immigration).  This  essay is  not about  blaming the victim, but how to  take ownership responsibility with limited resources for what was created by a racist-institutional-system. For after all, Black history begins with a positive “who am I experience”, not hero-worship. Who am I is essentially a spiritual question about individual as well as American societal meaning.  Black history is about freeing one’s self from the inside to the outside. The formula  for  such  a  spiritual  transformation  process  is:  (a)  freedom  from  fear  (b)  faith(God/self)  and,  (c)  tolerance  and  open-mindedness.  Therefore,  Black  history  should  be  a perpetual living-spiritual-process rather than an occasional yearly celebratory experience.Blacks  as  a  social  group  have  not  been  able  to  establish  a  spiritual-moral-affirmation concerning their own human dignity and self-worth, because of the dysfunctional-structural nature of  Black  institutions:  families,  churches  and educational  institutions.  By morality,  I have reference to an inward process of spiritual self-respect-dignity, which in turn, stabilizes human relationships. Herein lies the crux of the problem, Black institutions by and large give emotional fixes rather than spiritual fixes. Question: when will Blacks move beyond feeling good to learning how to do well?The twenty-first century demands a new kind of Black consciousness: Blacks must acquire the spiritual and moral courage to be Black. Blacks must acquire the moral-intellectual-integrity and courage to restructure their basic institutions: family, church and educational institutions.The  Black  community  is  experiencing  a  spiritual-moral-crisis  of  staggering  dimensions.Question: who will save Blacks from Blacks? Answer: only Blacks with God’s divine guidance!Without a doubt, only Blacks can halt the socio-economic-extinction of Black America. The lack  of  creative  intelligence  is  the  source  of  social  disorganization  both  in  the  Black community  as  well  as  American  society.  Spiritual  ignorance  is  the  enemy.  Witness  the evidence: Blacks are the only group of individuals who have had “special” institutions; especially built for them, namely educational institutions (HBCUs). Yet, Blacks have not been able to utilize these institutions to free themselves. Question: why? Replying that Whites will  not  allow us  to  free ourselves  is  not  a  good  answer.  With  God’s  help Harriet Tubman found a way to free Blacks. Over forty-two percent of all  PhD’s granted to Blacks are in the field of education.More than seventy percent of all Blacks are educated in environments that are 80-100percent Black. Of course, Blacks are the most Europeanized educated blacks on planet earth. That is, Blacks have degrees and keys down to their knees, and apparently no Jesus. Question: where is the common-sense? And, at the same time, Blacks are the most poorly educated of the poorly educated. Question: why? Question: is there a positive  correlation  between  degrees  and  creative  intelligence?  This  is  a  relevant question because one in five Blacks earn bachelor’s degrees from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Question: what are they being taught, and what are we teaching ourselves to become? And, at the same time, Black collective survival has decreased proportionally to the number of degrees Blacks have earned. Question: Are Blacks educating themselves into extinction? In 2014 the gross national income of the Black community was 1.1 trillion dollars. Yet,the largest Black own corporations are entertainment oriented, rather than human development and survival-needs-production oriented. Question: why does this state of affairs exist? Seeking to have a good time in time, on time, and all the time is not a good  strategy  for  human  development,  the  production  of  basic  survival  needs  or community development.Present educational structures, instructional methods, and ideologies in the Black community militate against creative learning. Existing models of leadership militate against restructuring human thought, spiritual cooperation and institution building in the Black community. Charity begins at home and then spreads abroad. Of course, this is the only way Blacks can effectively“dewhitize” themselves, that is rid themselves of self-hatred.Blacks have developed two generations that have become too comfortable in their spiritual ignorance as a result; two generations have been left behind. There is a clarion call blowing in the wind: change directions, because who needs the poor is an ethical-moral question? Of course, we need spiritual-moral integration before cultural integration can become a societal reality. Selah!


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