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NBCCNational Black Chamber of Commerce 23rd Convention to be held in Hollywood, Fla. August 6-9

Progress Report February 2

1. Facebook is the easiest way for everyone to stay in touch with NBCC’s initiatives and development.  Like us on Facebook today!

2.  Making Internet Access Tax Free:  On the Senate side, Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune and Ranking Member Ron Wyden introduced the Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act. On the House side Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Ranking Member Anna Eshoo are carrying the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act (H.R. 235). We have enjoyed a tax free Internet Service for over 17 years. May we continue via the efforts of these champions.

3.  Interest in Belize and/or Paris:  We will be making a Fact Finding Mission to the nation of Belize during the month of June. The purpose is to identify what immediate opportunities exist between our two nations. Any members having a particular interest in our mission should contact Charles DeBow for further details at cdebow@nationalbcc.org.  Also, we will be returning to Paris, France to follow up with our French chapter. Contact Chuck is you wish to join us.

4.  Time has come for Ohio:  We have begun the process of starting a new statewide chapter in Ohio. Larry Ivory and Charles DeBow will begin forming what promises to be a new “giant” within our federation. Those of you who reside within the “Buckeye State” should contact us for more information and milestones.

5.  An SOS from Ferguson, Missouri:  Finally some good news from this volatile community. Residents have formally contacted us and would like to establish a Black chamber of commerce. That makes a lot of sense and we are putting together a plan to have a viable member of our federation up and running before our national convention. When you think about it – that is probably all this community needs to improve its plight.

6.  A Model for DBE Outreach: “Good Faith Effort” can be a much abused term in the world of procurement. Here is a model from our good people in New Orleans as to how they are ensuring that “Good Faith Effort” will result in good results!

7.  EPA’s Phony Science:  Many in Congress and business associations accuse the Environmental Protection Agency of using dubious or even “phony facts” to justify some of their arduous rules and regulations. Here, the true story how some of this came to be. You can’t make this stuff up folks! Go to www,nationalbcc.org/news.

8.  Tribute to Executive Women in Sports and Entertainment:  Keymanna Management is producing an exciting show honoring female executives during NBA All Star Week. Congratulations to all of the deserving winners.

9.  Census Bureau Scientific Advisory Committee:  The U.S. Census Bureau is now receiving applications for its upcoming Scientific Advisory Committee. Details and the application process can be found at www.nationalbcc.org/news.

10.  American Association of Blacks in Energy 2015 Summit:  Don’t miss the upcoming summit for Blacks in Energy. The speakers, panels and trends for our nation and the world will be thoroughly discussed here in D.C. For more and registration: www.aabe.org.


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