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City Council Highlights


birmingham-skyline-1024x678During the Birmingham City Council meeting on February 10, 2015 Council:
An Ordinance “TO FURTHER AMEND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM” (Case No. ZAC2014-00018) to change zone district boundaries from CB-2, Contingency General Business District, to “Q”M-1 Light Industrial District, filed by Shea Scully, representing the owners, Shea Scully and William Williams Jr., for the properties located at 4814 and 4816 5th Avenue South, situated in the NW . of Section 28, Township 17-S; 2-W, and the hearing of all interested parties. [Second Reading]
Cliff Notes
Did this Item Pass? Approved unanimously
What purpose will this item serve? This is an attempt to rezone the properties located at 4814 and 4816 5th Avenue South. The zoning is only for the subject property. To allow the owner/tenant to utilize the subject property for interior design and custom architectural, including: sandblasting, welding, grinding, cutting, etc.
Funktionart Design Compound is a group of artists with various talents and disciplines. Funktionart offers custom design services as well as fabrication of the artist’s designs. The primary focus at this Design Compound is interior design, custom architecture, sculpture and furniture. Funktionart Design Compound often carries projects from concept and design through fabrication and installation. Their work will also include working on larger sculptural pieces which will require them to be completed in the front yard. Funktionart Design Compound works with all materials, including but not limited to, wood, metal, glass, stone, textiles etc. Some activities that take place on the subject property site are sandblasting, welding, grinding, cutting, etc.
Next Steps: The Planning and Zoning Division of Planning Engineering and Permits will determine the next steps. For more information please contact the Office of Planning and Zoning at 205.254.2479.
Status of other items approved by the Council at today’s meeting include the following:
1. A Resolution relative to the application of Magic City Recycling LLC for a Scrap Metal Processors License to be used at 3135 Daniel Payne Drive, Birmingham, and the hearing of all interested parties.

Cliff Notes
Did this Item Pass? Approved Unanimously
What purpose will this item serve? The permit will allow the owner to open a recycling facility once they receive a license from the city.
Next Steps: Once the license is given and all City requirements are met, Magic City Recycling LLC will begin operations. For more information please contact the Office of Councilor Steven Hoyt at 205.254.2363.
2. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Advisory and Assistance Agreement with Birmingham Business Resource Center in the total amount of $10,000.00, not to exceed $5,000.0 per year, to sponsor the 2015 and 2016 AG Gaston Conferences and for the promotion of economic and industrial development and stimulation of the local economy through the sponsorship of Enterprise Development Conferences for the purpose of encouraging and facilitating business formation and growth, especially with regard to Historically Underutilized Business Enterprises, and encouraging these businesses to locate in the City of Birmingham, inuring to the economic health and benefit of the City. Required notices for consideration of this Resolution at the Council meeting on February 10, 2015 were published in the Birmingham News on February 1, 2015.

Cliff Notes
Did this Item Pass? Approved on Consent
What purpose will this item serve? This resolution will allow the Mayor to execute an agreement that will assist with funding for 2015 and 2016 A.G. Conferences and for the promotion of economic and industrial development and stimulation of the local economy through the sponsorship of Enterprise Development Conferences.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of Economic Development at 205.254.2657.
3. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement among the City, The Public Athletic, Cultural and Entertainment Facilities Board of the City of Birmingham (“PACE”), B&G – CRD Joint Venture LLC, and Robins & Morton/A.G. Gaston Construction, under which the City will pay PACE and PACE will pay to Robins & Morton/A.G. Gaston Construction, the design builder for the Regions Field Stadium Project, on account of B&G – CRD Joint Venture LLC, the developer of the Project, the sum of $4,100,000.00, payable as an initial payment of $1,500,000.00, and six annual payments of $371,430.00 each, beginning on October 15,

2015, and one final payment of $371,420.00 and as full and final payment of any and all amounts owed to or claimed by Robins & Morton/A.G. Gaston Construction with respect to the Regions Field Stadium Project.

Cliff Notes
Did this Item Pass? This item was withdrawn at the request of the Mayor
NOTE: This agenda item may be edited in the near future and placed back on the Birmingham City Council agenda for consideration.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the City of Birmingham Law Department 205.254.7701.
4. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Amended and Restated Right of Way Encroachment License Agreement whereby Pizitz, LLC is allowed to install concrete utility vaults, i.e., Alabama Power Company, Alabama Gas Corporation and Birmingham Water Works utility vaults, for the City Center Development of the former Pizitz Department Store, located at 1821 Second Avenue North, which will encroach over and upon the City of Birmingham right of way of Second Avenue North and 19th Street North, as shown on Exhibit “A” attached to said agreement, for a term of forty (40) years.

Cliff Notes
Did this Item Pass? Approved 7-1
What purpose will this item serve? This resolution will allow the developer to begin development at the former Pizitz Department Store, located at 1821 2nd Avenue North.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Department of Planning Engineering and Permits at 205.254.2342.
1. The Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday February 10, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the 5th Floor Engineering Conference Room.

2. There will be a Special Called Transportation and Communications Committee Meeting on Wednesday February 11, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms D&E.

3. The Public Improvements and Beautification Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday February 11, 2015 in Conference Rooms D&E.

4. The Public Safety Committee Meeting will be held Monday February 16, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

5. There are vacancies on the Industrial Development Board and the Commercial Development Authority. All persons interested in serving one these boards are asked to submit their resume to the Office of Councilor Marcus Lundy.

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