Home Business Business Church Women United Observed Black History Month

Church Women United Observed Black History Month


Church Women United Observed Black History Month
by Mrs. Elaine Thompson

On Friday Febuary 6, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, the ladies of CWU
participated in a program concerning Black History Month. Rev. Joseph R. Reid
is the Stated Supply Pastor.
First, everyone enjoyed a breakfast prepared by Mr. Johnny Wyatt.
Ms. Cathy Floyd, Moderator of Westminster Presbyterian Women was the Moderator
for the program. The Welcome was given by Ms. Jessie N. Williams, Invocation by
Ms. Eugenia Henry. The Music was provided by two Chancel Choir members,
Ms. La’ Dwenda Williams and Mr. Derry Howard. They were accompanied by
Mr. Earnest Reynolds, Music Director.
CWU President, Ms. Carolyn George gave an overview about the purpose of this Organization. CWU is a combination of Ladies from different churches and races.
Ms. Leola C. Smith introduced the speaker for the program, Dr. Yvette Richardson, Member State Board of Education. Dr. Richardson talked about how Blacks had contributed to our American Society. Appreciation was given by Ms. Regina Colvin.
The meeting was adjourned after an inspirational Solo by Mr. Derry Howard ‘Done
Found My Lost Sheep’.


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