Home Lifestyle Everything Black Birmingham African American Genealogy Group, Inc.

Birmingham African American Genealogy Group, Inc.


GeneologyLocal African-American Genealogy Group to host 2015 Black Heritage Genealogy Fair celebrating 16 years of service in the community.

On Saturday, February 14, the Birmingham African American Genealogy Group, Inc. (BAAGG) will host its annual Black Heritage Genealogy Fair from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Birmingham Public Library, downtown in the Arrington Auditorium, This project is intended to educate residents of Greater Birmingham who are interested in African-American genealogy.
The Fair will display several genealogy exhibits by members and their families from 11a.m. until Noon. The program will begin promptly at 1 p.m. Scheduled speakers are Trooper LeRoy Simmons, Alabama Chapter #1, Buffalo Soldiers will speak on the 9th/10th Calvary; followed by Dr. Arthur Bacon, a renowned local artist and educator who will talk about his work as it relates to the leaders in the African Artist; and lastly  Kel Laeger, member and Theatre Professor at the University of Montevallo will host the Reader’s Theatre, which includes narratives on slavery to civil rights. This event is free and open to the public.
For more information call 205-901-6387 or 205-533-3502.


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