Home Lifestyle African Americans Love Wireless, Hate Taxes

African Americans Love Wireless, Hate Taxes



(NAPSM)—When it comes to being able to work, go to school, raise children or live their lives, the majority of African Americans say wireless service is a vital tool.
According to a recent survey by MyWireless.org, 95 percent of African Americans continue to be satisfied with their wireless service and consider it essential to their everyday lives.
Like most wireless consumers, African Americans believe adding new regulations would unnecessarily make their wireless service more expensive. The vast majority support the Wireless Tax Fairness Act, which would place a five-year freeze on any new taxes and fees from state or local governments on wireless service. Instead, respondents said they believe the tax rate on wireless service should be the same or less than the taxes they pay on other general goods and services, which is an average of 7 percent. Unfortunately, over the past decade, wireless services have been taxed at a rate four times faster than the rate imposed by state and local governments on other taxable goods and services.
In addition, most oppose adding a tax on their Internet access, especially since 83 percent of African American consumers said their smartphones have Internet service. African Americans, together with other wireless users, are asking their legislators to make Internet access permanently tax-free. Since 1998, Americans’ access to the Internet has been tax-free, and saved users more than $34.4 billion. Considering the unfair taxes on wireless users already imposed by state and local governments, it’s important Internet access remains tax-free.
More key points from the survey:
• 93 percent considered Internet service as an essential service in their everyday life
• 89 percent considered their wireless service as an essential service in their everyday life.
• 69 percent said they use a wireless device for things related to work, school or personal
• 69 percent said they would be at a disadvantage without their wireless device and service for daily
activities related to work, school or personal management.

Learn More – You can find the entire survey at www.mywireless.org/media-center/data-center/2014-african-american-consumer-survey/.


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