Home Opinion Fracking



Lytrce Slade  How society uses materials and dispose of materials basically affects our environmental and economic future. This leads me to the topic of fracking. Oftentimes we do not think about where we get our natural gas. Fracking starts with a bore hole drilled thousands of feet below ground, cutting through many geological layers and aquifers, that are a few hundred feet below the surface.
Proponents claim that fracking has created jobs and lowered natural gas prices. More production of oil and shale resources means lower prices. Oil prices will lower for cars and heating the home. From my urban planning view, as gas prices go down, the more urban sprawl may occur. Also, you will begin to see larger vehicles being purchased. As a consumer of gas for driving my automobile, it is encouraging to see gas prices go down.
Proponents for fracking say that it creates substantial economic benefits for jobs. For instance, jobs resulting from fracking are people working in the manufacturing, shipping, and laborer field to name a few. Another benefit from fracking is an increase in tax revenue. When tax revenue increases there is a direct impact on economic growth.
Opponents say, fracking could pose risks to the environment and health through air pollution and contributing to global warming emissions. They are concerned with potential contamination of drinking water in wells. Proponents claim this concern can be eliminated by making sure that the well you drill to pump the water and chemicals through the shale to fracture it and release the gas is sealed properly.
Opponents say that property damage could result from drilling. Some claim that there are earthquakes from the deep-well injections of the wastewater into the gas-producing shale.
I encourage further research that would lead to creating a balance between the economic benefits and the environmental safety challenges. This goal to achieve balance is one of the largest challenges in improving our environment. In order to examine balance, we must conduct a cost-benefit analysis. This analysis offers a way of achieving superior environmental results at a lower overall cost to society than other available approaches.
I leave you with the premise that further studies are needed on fracking to ensure that we leave the environment better than the way we found it for the next generation. We, as consumers, should be mindful of how we use natural gas materials such as gasoline because it affects our environmental and economic future. We must be better stewards.

L’Tryce Slade, MRP, JD
Slade, LLC


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