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New Documentary “The All American Don” Tells the Story of the First African American Cigar Manufacturer


all_american_don_documentary2 NATIONWIDE (BlackNews.com) – Don Abram Harris, known for being the first African American cigar manufacturer in the United States is bringing his life to the public. A documentary entitled The All American Don is scheduled to be released in 2015. It is his life’s story that takes you back to the tobacco fields of St. Mary’s County in Southern Maryland where his father, Joseph Jerome Harris grew up and worked.
In the film, Abram tells how his father’s life and stories played a major role in helping him to work towards accomplishing his goals, and how he went on to become the founder of Don Abram Harris Cigars.
From Southern Maryland to Puerto Rico to prison and back, his long time dream to own his own cigar company is portrayed in this awesome personal documentary that will bring you from a turbulent past and hard work to a very successful and blessed present.
The film will leave viewers with hope in their hearts that the American dream is still alive. The All American Don provides an insightful view of how the realities of life, –good and bad and “how our hope and faith in God, plays a major role in forming our character and helping us to adjust to the ups and downs we entail in this life to ultimately get to where we want to go.”


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