Home Opinion Possible Solutions to Achieving Population Health

Possible Solutions to Achieving Population Health


letters to the editor  Since the signing into law of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, (ACA) it seems reasonable to believe there is an excellent chance to achieve improvement in the overall health of the community. As more people can access primary care and needed medications, blood pressure levels will be monitored, sugar will be better controlled, and cancers should be detected earlier, when hope of a cure is greatest.  All of the many components described in the ACA, coupled with the full implementation of that process, over the long term, will achieve positive population health…or will it?
It is my opinion; it will achieve positive population health, but it will require changes on how we live our lives today. Changes are needed in education, nutritional habits, and personal responsibility.  Let’s take a look at each:

Education:  Having a job to be able to provide for yourself and your family can prevent the chronic health issues that develops when not having one.  Change the curriculum in grade and high schools to allow students to acquire tools to work in the skilled trades:  welders, pipefitters, electricians, carpenters, drywallers, machinists, cooks/chefs, masonry, etc. College is not for everyone; however, some education is needed to succeed in life. There are young people throughout America who have four-year degrees, thousands of dollars in debt, and are working at fast food restaurants or working part-time in retail. Having a trade skill would allow for those wanting to go to college to work their way through college and for others make a very comfortable living if they choose to pursue a vocation.

Nutrition:  You are what you eat and most people are digging their graves with their forks. Why? Some will blame the fact there are no grocery/supermarkets in the urban core areas of a community. Some will add “we have too many fast food stores and not enough fresh vegetables available in our communities”. Both are true, but one major problem in both scenarios is the lack of ability to prepare a healthy dish at home…knowing how to cook and prepare food is essential to healthy eating and promotes healthy life styles.

Personal Responsibility:
It is my responsibility to take care of myself and my health. It is my responsibility to mentor and rear my children towards personal responsibility and maintaining personal health. It is my responsibility to take advantage of the many components of the ACA to help me and my family to achieve overall good health. Are there challenges?  Of course.
Eliminating health disparities and access is a tough challenge and work continues to improve in both of these areas. But at the end of the day, I must take the first step towards personal responsibility.
Just my opinion…what’s yours?

Donald Washington
Amelia, Ohio


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