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Keeping an eye on safety


Samuetta Drewby Samuetta Hill Drew

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is fast approaching. It’s a time we enjoy planning gatherings with our family, co-workers and friends. It’s a time we enjoy your list of needed ingredients to prepare and serve just the right foods we know everyone loves even when the preparation often lasts longer than the dining experience itself. It’s a time patiently bows through catalog after catalog, online site after on line site an walk from store to store to purchase just the right gift for those special people who give our lives purpose and meaning. Yes, the holiday season is filled with the hustle and bustle of eager shoppers and social events with fun and laughter, but unfortunately it’s also filled with danger. Danger form those who often prey on individuals engaged in the holiday festivities who sometime become briefly distracted and unaware of their situations.

Here are a few practical tips you should use during the holidays and beyond:
Cellular Telephones…
a) Never walk to your car (day or night) talking or texting on your cellular telephone. The rationale is simple. You need to be acutely aware of your surroundings at all times and not distracted.

b) Never request your daughter or loved one to remain on the cellular telephone with you until they get into their car or home. This is a frequently practiced safety myth. They need to remain aware of their surrounds and if an attacker should attempt to strike, they need to be able to contact 911 immediately! Sadly, the only way you could possible assist them is to yell at the attacker which would neither help nor prevent hesitation. It is better to ask them to contact you once they enter their car or home.

c) make sure your cellular telephone is charged when traveling especially alone at alight.If you don’t have a car charger, treat yourself.

These safety tips are being shared ultimately for your well-being because situational awareness is serious. they may appear to be smalls eps, but they are giant leaps in helping you keep an eye on safety.

Samuetta Hill Drew is a retired senior education administrator. She was directly involved with safety in her former districts positions as Chief Operation Officer, Chief of Schools and Human Resources Officer. These positions required her to ensure the security of the district’s data, personnel, facilities and students. She is currently the Executive Director of Security Operations for JonesGroup LLC.


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