Home Lifestyle Call for 2015 Women of Distinction Nominees 

Call for 2015 Women of Distinction Nominees 


wod-logo-2009BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama (GSNCA) is now accepting nominations for the Women of Distinction Awards. Nominations may be submitted by any individual or organization. The review and selection of nominees will take place in December by a group of community leaders from across the council. The awards are open to women who have made special contributions to their communities through civic, academic or professional efforts and are exemplary role models for today’s girls. Nomination forms are available at http://girlscoutsnca.org/donors/special-events/women-of-distinction/ or request a nomination form by emailing tmines@girlscoutsnca.org.
The 2015 Women of Distinction Awards are open to all women in North-Central Alabama. Women chosen for this award will be recognized at the annual Women of Distinction Luncheon at the Harbert Center in Birmingham on Friday, March 6, 2015 from 11:30 – 1 p.m.
Ten outstanding women will be honored at this year’s event. GSNCA will present the Mildred Bell Johnson Lifetime Achievement Award to one woman from Walker, Blount, Jefferson, Shelby, Chilton or St. Clair County in Central Alabama. The Frances E. Couch Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to one recipient from Etowah, Talladega, Calhoun, Cleburne, Cherokee, Clay or Randolph counties in East Alabama. The Christine Richard Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to one recipient from Colbert, Cullman, DeKalb, Franklin, Jackson, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marshall, Morgan or Winston counties in North Alabama.  The Karen LaMoreaux Bryan Lifetime Achievement Award is open to women in West Alabama from Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Hamilton, Lamar, Marengo, Perry, Pickens, Sumter or Tuscaloosa counties. Each of these awards honors the memory of a beloved community leader whose contributions had far-reaching impact in her respective community.
The deadline for all nominations is November 21, 2014. The Women of Distinction Awards is the premier fundraising event for GSNCA. All proceeds from this event directly support the Girl Scouts’ mission to build girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.


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