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A Quest to know God

Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp

What necessitates needful? Needful is necessitated when nothing is in place, and everything is out of order, what God placed in order. What do you see that fits this category? The answer is, the Body of Christ, which through Jesus keeps everything orderly, when it is in place. God said in II Chronicles 7:13-14 sin limits God’s blessings upon the earth, because Deuteronomy 28:15-24 tells what sin brings upon the earth. Please read the entire Chapter of Deuteronomy 28, it will enable you to see why calamities continuously manifest upon the land. If the church would get in order, you will quickly see everything get in order. Why do I say that? I believe God’s Word. It is impossible for God’s Word to fail, because Jesus said it in Matthew 5: 17-18.  This speaks directly to the Law, as well as the entire Word of God. AMEN.
The conditions of men’s hearts necessitate fasting and praying continuously.  When are pastors all over the world planning to lead their congregation in this way? How much more falling and failing everywhere will it take to necessitate leaders in every walk of life, to come out of their scheduled comfort zone and take righteous actions?  I realize some pastors all over are pursuing many avenues, but Scripture tells His people precisely what to do. AMEN.



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