Home Lifestyle Wally Amos is Back Baking as the Cookie Kahuna

Wally Amos is Back Baking as the Cookie Kahuna


wally-amosHis newest and greatest cookie venture serves up delectable treats with the message of care and aloha
HONOLULU, Hawaii. (BlackNews.com) — After nearly 40 years as the world’s leading baker of the gourmet cookie empire, Wally Amos is back in the kitchen rolling out his newest cookie company, The Cookie Kahuna.
Based exclusively in Hawaii, each batch is handmade with quality ingredients and baked by The Cookies In Paradise Bakery. Amos said it’s the quality of the ingredients he uses and the fact they are baked by hand, that has kept the integrity of his cookies. “We only use Guittard chocolate and butterscotch chips, lots of real butter and pure vanilla extract, he said, crediting his Aunt Della’s recipe she baked for him as a child. “People tell me they can still remember the first taste they had of my chocolate chip cookies from decades ago.”
The Cookie Kahuna comes in three flavors: Original Chocolate Chip, Butterscotch Chip Macadamia Nuts and Chocolate Chip Pecan and are sold online at www.thecookiekahuna.com.
Amos based his new company on the concept of Kahuna or caretaker in Hawaiian. Amos said he has always been a caretaker of people; always showing his aloha and respect for others and always caring in a selfless, kind, and generous manner for those in need.
Amos said, returning to the cookie world was easy since he realized the company currently bearing his name and image, no longer makes cookies the “Wally Amos” handmade way, so why not do it himself. “I kept getting calls, letters, emails and tweets from people around the world wanting my cookies. It was time to give the people what they truly wanted, which is my original handmade chocolate chip cookies,” said Amos.
Not far from a cookie, Amos always has a book in-hand. He continues his passion for Read it LOUD!, a nationwide literacy campaign he developed over 10 years ago. Today, each cookie bag bears the message to parents to read aloud each day to children from birth to age six. “I firmly believe reading aloud to children will transform their lives and set them on a path for a better life.”
An eternal optimist, Amos said his newest company is his greatest venture allowing him to regain his foothold in the cookie universe. “I’m excited to be baking cookies again. You cannot put a good book down nor a delicious cookie and, by no means, can you put a determined man down! I encourage everybody to read a book and share a cookie, even with a stranger, because soon you will make a friend  – and change a life forever.”
The Cookie Kahuna, Wally Amos, wally@wallyamos.com; www.thecookiekahuna.com; www.readitloud.org.


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