Home Local The 14th Dalai Lama visits Birmingham

The 14th Dalai Lama visits Birmingham


Austin DalaiThe Mayor’s Office and the Birmingham City Council participated in one of the most historic events here in the City of Birmingham as they welcomed the Dalai Lama, a worldwide figure of peace in the United States and the world. During his speech, he emphasized the need to ‘make a peaceful world.’
“It was an honor for the Dalai Lama to visit Birmingham, of all the places he could have gone he chose us,” Council President Austin said. “The dialogue we shared was remarkable and a humbling experience to say the least.”
The 14th Dalai Lama came to Birmingham as a part of his current national tour also celebrating Human Rights week. His tour includes other U.S. cities, Boston and New York. The Councilors had the opportunity to engage in conversations about world peace and how dialogue is one measure in prohibiting violence in our communities. Birmingham City Council President Johnathan Austin couldn’t have been more pleased with communing with a world leader in the heart of Birmingham, a symbolic city in the civil rights movement.



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