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People, Places and Things  

          Gwen DeRu
Gwen DeRu

By: Gwen DeRu

It came and now it is over…. the Magic City Classic Week.  Fall is still in the air!
There are still plenty of things to do… in and outdoors.

Boys (and some girls) you know that you enjoyed this last weekend of football especially the Magic City Classic Weekend.

PPT AfricaGirls if you missed GIRLS WITH CURLS then you want to look forward to it the next time especially if you need natural hair products.  Alabama native AFRICA MIRANDA was in town telling her story as a young girl of how she was not made to feel pretty because of her thick and curly hair.  She shared information about the products that she use such as Cream of Nature before she became an ambassador…., as well as Clique by Roble fragrance, Skin Deep Natural Body Care, Jones and Rose, Bartenura and more products to come!  She promotes other female minority business owners and there were many giveaways from the various businesses.  There was a great turnout and great products were given away. You should have been there, so don’t miss it, next time!  I will see you there!

IT’S STILL HALLOWEEN TIME!  Some of us remember that there is still time for Halloween activities. This is the last weekend for the…
*WELLS FARGO BOO AT THE ZOO – This is the last weekend for the Children and the Boo Fun at the Zoo.  Have fun!  Birmingham Zoo guests are invited to wear their favorite family-friendly costumes and watch as the Zoo transforms into a destination of spooky attractions, trick-or-treating, themed rides and games. The Presenting Partner of this event is Wells Fargo. This year, guests can experience the thrill of the all-new Monster Slide. Fun for all ages, guests will glide past their friends and family on this exhilarating inner tube ride of over 100 feet! The Zoo will also host a Creepy Carnival with themed games, a hay-ride search for Sasquatch and a trick-or-treat lane, organized by local nonprofit organizations and child-centered businesses. Animal exhibits will be closed during Wells Fargo Boo at the Zoo. The Zoo will close at 4p.m. on each day of Wells Fargo Boo at the Zoo.  Visit www.birminghamzoo.com for more.
*MORE…STILL – I heard that there are several haunted houses around town…through the weekend.  Here are a few… 1. SLOSS FRIGHT FURNACES – Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark is hosting the Sloss Fright Furnaces that offers three trails. The Furnace Trail is 1/2 mile of blood-curdling terror, and usually takes between 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how fast you can run. The Woods trail is about 5/8 mile and takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Outbreak is our Zombie Obstacle course and takes between 10-15 minutes in Downtown Birmingham, 20 32nd Street North, 35222. Call (205) 324-1911 for more. 2. ATROX FACTORY – Atrox Factory “The Southeast’s Largest Haunted Attraction” 50 thousand all indoor square feet of mayhem in Leeds, 8404 Parkway Drive, 35094. Call (205) 459-1393 for more.  3. THE FIELDS AT BIRMINGHAM HAUNT – America Is Haunted has returned with an all new Haunted House experience exploring all things TERROR!  America’s longest running national fear factor and most horrifying haunted house will take on the legendary horror stories and a few new legends – America Is Haunted producers guarantee you an amazingly terrifying night!  For the first time ever the renowned haunted house will delve into local fear elements unlocking every place of darkness your heart fears exist in your own city. We’ll uncover bigger than life super rats, spiders and gargoyles of all time.  For the first time ever America Is Haunted reminds the biggest cities that some of the greatest nightmares are in your own backyard!  This one in Birmingham is located at 2425 Second Avenue, 35233, call (866) 828-2845 for more.  4. ZOMBIE WALK AT OAK HILL CEMETERY – Dig up your friends and don’t be caught dead missing out on November 1! Gates open at 12 p.m. and feeding begins at 1 p.m. All proceeds will go to the restoration fund for the Oak Hill Memorial Association. Don’t let our historic cemetery fall into decay. Family Fun for all ages. Make-up artists will be on site at 12 p.m. located at 1120 North 19th Street, 35234.  Call (205) 251-6532 for more. 5.  WAREHOUSE 31 HAUNTED HOUSE – The monsters of Warehouse 31 will be returning to Pelham for its second season in Alabama. After four years of scaring customers in St Augustine, Fla., in 2013 Warehouse 31 relocated to Pelham, now residing in the former Marvin’s Home Improvement warehouse. Warehouse 31 is a haunted attraction that is recommended for ages 12 and up. Customers have an option to purchase a ticket to the traditional haunted attraction “Rigamortis” or upgrade to a combo ticket to include a 3D Nightmare. Food and drinks are also available for purchase in the “Monsters Midway” as well as a place to watch a horror movie, located at 3050 Lee Street, Pelham, 35124.  Call (205) 378-9760 for more.  6. FACES IN THE FOREST: ZOMBIE EDITION – On November 1, Brains are on the menu as the zombie apocalypse comes to Ruffner Mountain! Sign up to be a zombie or a survivor and run for your life. Come in your best zombie makeup and costume! 
On Saturday, November 1st from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, zombies are taking over Ruffner at 1214 81st Street South, 35206, call (205) 833-8264, ext 17 for more. MORE…then there is the 7. HELLBILLY HOLLOW in Vincent, Ala. Hellbilly Hollow is a haunted house and trail ride located just minutes from Birmingham in the small town of Vincent, Ala. AND, 8. PHOBIA! FEAR COMES TO LIFE in Oneonta. PHOBIA is an intense self-guided journey through your darkest fears. Not for the young or faint-of-heart, you will be fully immersed in the detailed settings, gruesome makeup, horrifying scenes located at 500 New Street, 35121. Call (205) 274-8839. If this is not enough go to www.birmingham365.org for more.  Call the locations for times and prices, they vary. Have a scary good time!


FALL FESTIVAL AND HAPPENINGS – Fall in Birmingham is one of our most favorite times of the year.  Then there are Fall Festivals all over the place.  IT IS THE SEASON!!! Here are a few ….ENSLEY FOOD AND MUSIC FESTIVAL – Come out on Friday and join us for the 21 & up Halloween Party at Ensley Live Loft located 1816 Avenue E with admission. Join us again on Saturday, for a day of family fun beginning with a huge marathon at the Bethesda Life Center along 19th Street with inflatables and horse rides for adults and children. Then, dance the night away at three sophisticated venues in Downtown Ensley with Cleve Eaton, Jose Carr, Pizzaz and two other bands. The southside Fish Market owned by George Sarris and Dino Sarris will provide fresh Hot Fish and a full selection of your choice beverage.  Then there is the OzTober at Desoto Caverns, every Saturday in October; Face in the Forest Hike at Ruffner Mountain on October 31st, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.; Homewood Parks and Recreation Fall Festival on October 31st, 6 – 8 p.m. at the West Homewood Park, Homewood Library, October 31, 1 -7 p.m., stop by in your costume and perform a trick for a treat; Tuscaloosa Barnyard, every Friday and Saturday in October 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Call (205) 248-0773 for more; Bennett Farms in Heflin every Saturday and Sunday in October; Grand Ole Patch in Clanton every weekend in October; Great Pumpkin Patch in Hayden, every weekend in October.
Around the state, here are a few annual events that you might not want to miss…NATIONAL PEANUT FESTIVAL in Dothan through November 9, go to www.nationalpeanutfestival.com for more; FRANK BROWN SONGWRITERS in Orange Beach November 6-16, call (850) 492-7664 for more; GULF COAST OYSTER COOK-OFF at Hangout, November 7 – 9 in Gulf Shores, call (251) 948-3030 ext. 112 for more.

COMEDIANS INTERESTED IN BEING DISCOVERED… AND SEEN….Email me at thelewisgroup@birminghamtimes.com and also gwenderu@yahoo.com.
THIS WEEKEND… Or coming soon….Don’t miss any of the LAUGHTER AT THE STARDOME COMEDY CLUB…  Check out CINDY KAZA on Friday. Cindy Kaza is a clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing) and clairsentient (clear feeling) who works across the country as an evidential medium. Evidential mediumship is a style of mediumship practiced around the world that puts heavy weight on the medium’s ability to bring through extremely specific evidence to the sitter. This evidence can include, but is certainly not limited to, names, personality traits, physical ailments, favorite pasttimes, and phrases often used by loved ones in spirit. The purpose of this style of mediumship is to diminish skepticism among sitters and to prove that the medium is truly connecting with the client’s loved ones in spirit.  RONNIE JORDAN on Saturday and Sunday… No stranger to television, Ronnie has been featured on BET’s Comic View, Martin Lawrence Presents the 1st Amendment Stand-up, P. Diddy Presents Bad Boys of Comedy and host of the successful Atlanta based video show, Oomp Camp Live. Behind the scene, Ronnie is a gifted writer who has collaborated with many of his fellow comedians and also wrote on That Comedy Show that aired on Turner South Network. Ronnie is currently touring the nation’s colleges and universities on his “College Material Tour” through the Auburn Moon Agency.
FOR MORE LAUGHTER, November 7-8 – TIM STATUM, October 28-30 and also, November 1-2 – RONNIE JORDAN, November 4-5 – BRUHHMAN & KOL BUBBA ICE, November 7-8 and November 14-15 – JAMES GREGORY, November 11-16 – SHUAN JONES, November 20-21 – DUSTIN YBARRA, November 21-23 – LAVELL CRAWFORD, November 25-26 and 28-30 – JONATHAN SLOCUMB, January 2-4 – GARY OWEN, and February 7 – MIRANDA SINGS.  Tell Bruce that Gwen sent you!!  Call (205) 444-0008 for more.

**NOVEMBER 8 – HIGH NOON 2014 – Ladies… Are you ready to have an incredible time? Then let’s celebrate resilient women in our communities, 2:30 – 6:30 p.m. at the Helena Community/Sportsplex Center, 110 Sports Complex Dr., Helena 35080.  For GPS use 1 Ruffin Road, Helena, Ala. 35080 for an afternoon of fun, relaxation, rejuvenation and inspiration, with gifts, door prizes, pageant and fashion show, delicious hors d’oeuvres, networking, retail therapy and much more.  For more go to www. HNStressbuster.com

2015 –
**JANUARY 30 – FEBRUARY 1 – URBAN SKI WEEKEND in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  There will be 15 parties and events with special guest BENZINO and cast of Love & Hip Hop. Go to www.urbanskiweekend.com or text 832-249-0882 for more.

Get outdoors, laugh and enjoy the time with family and friends! Check out our ‘What’s Happening Travel and Tourism Guide’… whenever you can.

Well, that’s it.  Tell you more ‘next’ time.

(People, Places and Things by Gwen DeRu is a weekly column. Send comments to my emails: thelewisgroup@birminghamtimes.com or gwenderu@yahoo.com)


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