Is America For Sale?
by Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.
The answer to the question is yes. The next question should be are the American people ready to sell? The next upcoming nationwide Senate race, has an outside influx of money, that no one knows where it came from – $5 billion. It is hard to believe but the Supreme Court decided this is legal. Just imagine if one of these billions had been given to research to find a vaccine for the Ebola virus.
If these people spent $5 billion on a senate race, how much money are they going to spend on the 2016 Presidential election? The Democrats are doing the same thing as the Republicans – collecting money and spending it. The difference is the Democrats have a message and whether it resonates with the voters is later to be seen. The only message the Republicans have is them trying to show President Obama is not qualified to be President – that he is totally incompetent and they want to tie him to all other Democrats to show they are also incompetent.
The polls clearly indicate that most of the races between Democrats and Republicans are too close to call. The research specifically states that the Democratic voters are too liberal and the Republican voters are too conservative. For the most part, the public has to go vote, put on a blindfold, hold their noses and mark the ballot. America has fought hard and long for many years to establish themselves as a free country that believes that everyone has a right to serve the God they so desire and everyone should be given every opportunity to vote. In fact, everyone should be encouraged to vote and voting made easy for people. This situation holds true unless you are Black or Hispanic. The Republican Party has decided that if you won’t vote for them, they will make it impossible for you to vote for anyone else.
Them making it impossible for Black people to vote should be an inspiration to Black people. I don’t care what time and where I have to vote, I’m going to show up. If the polls open on Saturday night at 12:01 in the middle of the ocean, I would attempt to swim to the polls though I have never swam in my life. The harder people try to discourage me from voting the harder I’m intent on voting. This should be the attitude every person in America should have regardless of their religion or sexual preference, etc. GO VOTE!!
I am thoroughly convinced that the three party system presently in place should build a bigger tent. Ninety-eight percent of the Independent voters are suburban white people. They should move forward to increase their numbers, bringing in Hispanics, Blacks, women…to have as many voters as the other parties. If 1/3 voters were Democrats, 1/3 voters were Republican and 1/3 Independent voters, then the Independent Party would have the deciding factor as to who wins the vote. The Independents should be so independent that the KKK, the non tax-paying voters, and the Independent Party should support the candidate that brings to the table a commitment to move this country forward with fairness to all.
I am personally an Independent voter. During my lifetime I have voted Democratic and Republican, and in this upcoming election I plan to vote for Republican Mike Hale for sheriff. My rationale is simple, based on what he has done and the commitment he has made to the entire community, he is the best qualified candidate.
In the event Mike Hale was running for Mayor of Birmingham against William Bell, I would vote for William Bell; for he is more experienced and qualified to be Mayor than Mike Hale. If Mike Hale was running against Terri Sewell, I’d vote for Terri Sewell, for she is the most qualified as a Representative.
Discussing football is a must!
Several weeks ago I wrote a column which said that LSU would beat Old Miss and Auburn would beat South Carolina which means I am batting 100. I am predicting this week that Auburn will beat Old Miss and Alabama will beat LSU.
If Alabama had to play Mississippi State next week, Mississippi State would beat Alabama by 10 points. It will be very difficult for Alabama to beat Mississippi State when there is a human bowling ball running back, Robinson with the quarterback, Prescott. If Alabama wins, they would be the No.1 seed in the Final Four. Their chances aren’t that great but conceivably it could happen.
I’m shocked at how Old Miss is rated this week in the College Football Top 25. Alabama should beat Old Miss easily. Ole Miss only scored seven points against LSU and at that time LSU was rated No. 25.
The weekend will change this picture.OLe Miss or Auburn will be a two game loser. If Auburn wins, Ole Miss would be completely out of the running for the National Championship.
email: jjlewis@birminghamtimes.com