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Monteva Linshenece Hodo


MissAAMU2014-15MontevaHodoA native of Ocean Springs, Miss., Monteva Hodo, the firstborn daughter of Derrick and Tushena Parker, grew up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast where, from an early age, she showed great promise. While in high school, she excelled academically and was active in numerous organizations, including The Beta Club, Student Council, Black American Culture Club, Spanish Honors Society, Future Business Leaders of America, and the Community Service Club. She also was selected to serve as a mentor to at-risk children and even earned the special honor of serving as an attorney for her school’s mock trial competition.
Hodo not only excelled in scholarship and civic responsibility, but she was also a talented athlete, participating in varsity cheerleading, track and field, and softball.  She graduated from St. Martin High School with advanced honors, ranking 6th in a graduating class of 232 students and yielding an impressive 3.92 cumulative GPA.  She is a member of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, pastored by Rev. Albert Dantzler. While in Huntsville, Ala., she attends St. Luke Christian Center, pastored by Rev. T.C. Johnson.
Hodo is a graduating senior at Alabama A&M University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in logistics and supply chain management. She continues to demonstrate academic prowess and civic consciousness at the collegiate level. Her 3.92 GPA has earned her numerous recognitions and enabled her to be the recipient of four prestigious scholarships, in addition to the Presidential Medallion.
Miss AAMU has maximized her college matriculation by using it as a platform for community service and campus involvement. She has been president of the Honors Program, is a member of Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity, Inc., serves as student representative on the AAMU Judiciary Board, and is a member of the Bulldog Pride Committee, a highly service-oriented group. Her love for and pride in her university inspired her to join the University Echoes, AAMU’s student ambassadors. Last year, she was “Miss Echo” and proudly represented AAMU on a presidential bus tour throughout Alabama, during which AAMU President Andrew Hugine, Jr., awarded millions in academic scholarships.
In her spare time, Hodo enjoys reading, watch movies and partaking in her favorite hobby – “Hatha Yoga.”


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