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Local Family Receives Keys to a Bright New Future Sanders family achieves dream of homeownership through Habitat Birmingham


Sanders FamilyBIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Habitat partner Traci Sanders was presented the keys to a bright new future on Monday, October 6th at 3 p.m., thanks to support from local Walmart stores. Over 250 associates from 27 local Walmart and Neighborhood Market stores have volunteered over the last two weeks so that Traci can become a new homeowner. Since the home began on September 19, Walmart associates  contributed almost 2,000 hours to Habitat Birmingham to build the Sanders family’s home. When Traci receives the keys to her new home, she and her daughter will also receive a bookcase stocked with books, thanks to a new partnership.
Recognizing literacy is a key factor in succeeding in life, Habitat Birmingham is excited to launch a partnership with the Literacy Council of Central Alabama, Better Basics, and 2nd & Charles Bookstore to provide books to families purchasing homes through Habitat’s housing program. The Sanders family will be the first family to benefit from this collaboration, and they’ll receive a starter library in their home with books customized to the ages and reading levels of the each family member.
“Owning my own home affords my daughter and me freedom to be independent,” Traci says. “This is a dream come true. My desire for us to have our own home is no longer just a dream, but reality. Thank you for helping my dream continue. “Thank you also to the new book partners.  My daughter and I are both excited about the starter library, and I look forward to sharing reading time with her in our new home!”
The Sanders home is the twenty-second home built by Habitat Birmingham since January of this year. The local Habitat affiliate serves the affordable housing needs of Jefferson, Shelby, Walker and St. Clair Counties in Central Alabama, and is ranked 4th among 1,500 affiliates across the country based upon its capacity to serve area residents’ housing needs.
In honor of World Habitat Day on October 6, organizations partnered with Habitat Birmingham to help draw attention to the continued need for affordable housing in our community and around the world. In addition to the 1,500 Habitat affiliates in the U.S., Habitat operates in nearly 80 countries and is one of the largest organizations facilitating housing solutions for those in need.


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