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City Council Highlights


birmingham_picDuring the Birmingham City Council Meeting on September 30, 2014 Council:
Approved an Ordinance “TO FURTHER AMEND THE GRANTS FUND BUDGET” by appropriating $270,000.00 to Fire – FY 2013 Assistance to Firefighters Grant to purchase equipment. For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.
Other items approved by the Council at today’s meeting include the following:
1. Approved a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Project Funding Agreement with Bayshore Redmont, Inc. under which Bayshore Redmont, Inc. will undertake a project involving the acquisition, renovation and repositioning of the Redmont Hotel as an upscale, fullservice destination in the City, and the City will provide financial incentives in an amount of up to $400,000.00 to Bayshore Redmont, Inc. in support of the project, payable in annual payments equal to the lesser of $60,000.00 each or 50% of the actual project sales tax revenue generated from the preceding project sales tax revenue year. For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

2. Approved a Resolution approving the 2nd amendment to the agreement with Giattina Aycock Architectural Studio, Inc., Birmingham, in the additional amount of $353,000.00 which increases the amount to be paid to the contractor to $3,189,000.00, inclusive of any reimbursable expenses, to provide professional design services for the Intermodal Phase II Project and authorizing the Mayor to execute the amendment on behalf of the City. [Appropriated for in FY2014-2015 Budge; G/L Account: 135_310.652-020; Project Code: PEP135CP 060009] For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

3. Approved a Resolution appointing Eboni Bryant to the Birmingham Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Jennifer Clarke, said term expiring October 6, 2017. For more information please contact the Office of Council President Pro Tempore Jay Roberson at 205.254.2418.

4. Approved a Resolution approving payment to Aluminum Athletic Equipment Company Royersford, Pennsylvania, in the amount of $22,865.00 for indoor weight cage system to protect people and building structure from errant weight throws (shot put, discus and hammer throws) for use at the CrossPlex for the Planning, Engineering and Permits Department, this being the only source of supply. [Appropriated for in FY2014-2015 Budget; G/L Account: 102_000.600-010; Project Code: MO102CP 003721_003] For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

5. Referred to Budget and Finance Committee Meeting a Resolution amending Resolution No. 1857-14 which was adopted by the City Council on September 16, 2014, that declared the 5th Annual Community Policing and Revitalization Award of Excellence Banquet that was held on Saturday,

September 20, 2014 at the Sheraton Hotel and authorized the expenditure of city funds to support this event, to clarify that the authorized funds not to exceed $90,000.00. [Funding Source: 001_031_96700_96754.550-008 and 031_202_39000_39009] For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

Announcements and Reminders
1. The Transportation and Communications Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. in Conference Room “A”.

2. There will be a Special Called Public Improvements and Beautification Committee Meeting Wednesday October 1st at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms “D & E”

3. My Green Birmingham will host the 2014 Champions of Sustainability on Wednesday October 1, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the Westin Hotel.

4. Join the Edge of Chaos & Weld For Birmingham as they host the Fourth “Wicked Problem Discussion” session that will deal with “Poverty & Healthcare” taking place on Thursday October 2, 2014 on the campus of UAB in the Lister Hill Library on the 4th Floor, located at 1700 University Blvd.
5. Councilor Sheila Tyson will host KaBOOM Playground Build Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Hemphill Elementary School, 1240 Cotton Avenue SW.

6. Councilor Steven Hoyt will host the 4th Annual District 8 Party With A Purpose 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ensley Park, 2800 Ensley Avenue.

7. Council President Pro Tempore James “Jay” Roberson and the young people of Birmingham will celebrate the 5th Anniversary of 100 Days of Non-violence beginning next Friday, October 10, 2014 at the McWane Science Center from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

8. There are vacancies on both the Birmingham Parking Authority and the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority. All resumes must be submitted to Councilor Kimberly Rafferty’s Office by October 31, 2014.

9. The Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms “D&E”

10. The Joint Budget and Finance Committee and Economic Committee Meeting will be held Monday, October 13, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms “D&E”

11. The District 5 Fun Day will be held October 19, 2014 at Railroad Park from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

12. The District 1 Town Hall Meeting will be held October 27, 2014 at Huffman High School at 6:00 p.m.

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