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Birmingham City Council


birmingham-skyline-1024x678During the Birmingham City Council meeting on October 21, 2014 Council:
Approved a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Funding Agreement between the City of Birmingham and the Birmingham Land Bank Authority under which the City will provide initial funding not to exceed $367,987.59 for the cost of acquiring and clearing title to eligible tax delinquent properties, the maintenance of such properties, advertising and disposing of such properties, and for staffing. The City of Birmingham will provide in-kind services as needed for no additional cost. For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.
Other items approved by the Council at today’s meeting include the following:
1. Approved a Resolution supporting the City’s bid to host the 73rd Annual International Institute of Municipal Clerk’s Conference (IIMC) in the year 2019 (May 17-22); expressing intent to appropriate $50,000.00 ($25,000.00 cash/ $25,000.00 in-kind services) for use by the IIMC to defray the operating costs of the conference should the City of Birmingham, Alabama be selected as the Host City for its 2019 Conference in November 2014 (bid award date), and upon the execution of a Master Contract for the 2019 IIMC Conference which is acceptable to the City, such appropriation will be subject to receipt of final documentation agreeable to the City of Birmingham, Alabama and pursuant to appropriation procedures of the City of Birmingham, Alabama. For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

2. Approved a Resolution appointing two (2) members, Douglas L. Ragland and Patty A. Pilkerton to the Birmingham Planning Commission for a six (6) year term expiring October 6, 2020. For more information please contact the Office of Council President Pro Tem Roberson 205.254.2418.

3. Approved a Resolution appointing two (2) Charles Ball and Steven Schultz members to the Board of Directors of the Medical Center Governmental Utility Services Corporation one (1) term expiring January 1, 2017 and one (1) term expiring January 1, 2019. For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

4. Approved a Resolution determining that the Fred L. Shuttlesworth Human Rights Awards Celebration to be held November 14, 2014 at the Birmingham Sheraton Hotel, serves a public purpose that promotes goodwill and serves a public interest, and requesting that City funds be administered to pay for this event in accordance with Section 3-1-7 of the General Code of the City of Birmingham. For more information please contact the Office of Councilor William Parker at 205.254.2464.

Announcements and Reminders
1. Council President Johnathan Austin will host a Financial Literacy Forum Tuesday October 21, 2014 at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute at 6:00p.m.

2. Councilor Sheila Tyson will host the Community Health Forum on Tuesday October 21, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the West End Library, 1348 Tuscaloosa Avenue.

3. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be held Wednesday October 22, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms D & E.

4. Council President Austin is inviting everyone to attend the Line Dance for Fitness Extravaganza will be held Thursday October 23, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Fountain Heights Recreation Center, 1101 15th Avenue North.

5. The Administration/Education Committee Meeting scheduled for Friday October 24, 2014 is CANCELLED.

6. The Budget and Finance Committee Meeting will be held Monday October 27, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms D &E.

7. Councilor Lashunda Scales will host the District 6 Townhall Meeting on Monday October 27, 2014 at 7:00 pm. In the Huffman High School Auditorium.

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