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American Diabetes Association Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes Event in Alabama Helps Local Community “Make the Link” Between Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease


American DiabetesEducational campaign heightens awareness of leading cause of death in people with diabetes and encourages preventive action

ALABAMA  – In conjunction with the Make the Link! Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke initiative from the American Diabetes Association and sponsored by Medtronic, a “Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes” event on Saturday, November 1st in Birmingham at the University of Alabama will provide educational resources to participants about the link between diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD).
Research shows that people with diabetes are at an increased risk for CAD and death rates are about two- to four-times higher than adults without diabetes. Caused by a buildup of fatty deposits, or plaque, in coronary arteries, CAD is the most common type of heart disease and the leading cause of death in the U.S., killing nearly 400,000 Americans annually.
“Diabetes and CAD represent two of the most common threats to Americans’ health today. That’s why we’re making a concerted effort with Medtronic to educate participants at our event in Birmingham and increase awareness so people can take the action needed to lead healthier lives,” said Aimee Johnson, executive director of the Association’s Birmingham office. “Walking is one way to lower the risk of diabetes and CAD. We strongly encourage people in Birmingham to gather friends, family and co-workers to walk at the event and raise funds to help change the future of diabetes. Together, we can stop diabetes, one step at a time.”
The educational resources include information on how to manage type 2 diabetes and CAD, reduce the risk for CAD, and make smart food choices. These materials will be available at the “Make the Link” table at the “Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes” event on Saturday, November 1st in Birmingham at 7:30a.m. They’re also available for download at
For more information about the “Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes” event in Birmingham, please visit stepout.dabetes.org/.


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