Home People Profile Bham People Where Are You? Part 1

Where Are You? Part 1


Electra Adams  The first thing God asks of any believer is to offer himself or herself as a living sacrifice. And, even when you say “Yes, Lord I will die to myself”, the battle is just beginning. It took Abraham nearly a hundred years to sacrifice himself on the altar of God’s perfect will. It took Moses eighty years to reach the point where he was able to set himself apart for God to use him to free an entire nation from slavery and death. It took the Apostle Paul fourteen or more years to reach this point after being struck down by blindness on the road to Damascus. He had to go to the desert of Arabia to seek God’s face. He had to go through torture and disappointment. Eventually he was able to say, “I am crucified with Christ.” The reverberation from his “not me, but Christ who lives in me” continues to this day.
Every man and woman who has been used mightily of God to reach others, changed their cities or other nations, had similar sounding testimonies of learning how to crucify themselves without regard to self – preservation or self – worth.
There are so many crises surrounding us, our streets and young people in particular. The solution to our problems today is the same as it was in wars and crises past, God. God uses dead men. When we remove ourselves from the struggle for prestige, glitz, and glamour, we are then able to draw Him to the scene. I believe God will raise up an awesome army to get the job done.
Until the next week.

Join us as we welcome Fall, Saturday, October 4, from 9 a.m. ‘til 3 p.m. All day fun, food, games, and a youth talent show. All free. Location: 1024 Ethel Lane, Trussville, AL off Hwy 11. Have a great week!


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